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The way the 3:3 unit battle proceeded was just, *chef's kiss*.

Dance, Rap, and Vocal? Beautiful. We CANNOT wait to see how the rest of the battle goes.

What was your thoughts on this episode? What was your favourite, your least favourite (if such a thing can even exist)? Let us know, comment below, we'd love to know!

Otherwise, we said everything we want to say in the video - we hope you enjoyed this one :D and we'll see you in the next one!




Now this is a good way to start the new week <3 Can't wait to see your reactions! #Mayfly <3

stela ♥

ugh now THIS is my favorite episode. i am also confused as to why It's One only used one member each for all units, as i think one of the advantages Mayfly had was that having more than one person from a group made them more relaxed, so their synergy was really easy and helped them really become a team. i just love watching them work together so much and i'm so sad they didn't actually perform together again like they said they wish :D but such is the industry! for the dance unit, i think it was a really good idea that they worked with Ateez's choreographers BBTripping, i think they really are outstanding in the field and the choreo was SPECTACULAR. i can't wait for you to see the vocal unit for Mayfly as well, it's really is legendary (pun intended) :D


I love Mayfly's chemistry. I wish they can collab in the future ❤️

Harley Shanks

These collab stages are probably my favourite stages to come out of Kingdom. Seeing everyone’s chemistry & teamwork was incredible!! Can’t wait for you to see the vocal units!!!!


Yall this entire segment, the mayfly performances and the ones to come, as well as the no limit performances are some of my absolute favourites! I'm so excited for you to listen to and react to the vocal team's song because mayfly absolutely KILLED it! Also I feel like even though im absolutely biased and forever going to support whatever SKZ do, ItsOne was absolutely AMAZING in their rap performance. Idk if yall knew but they actually got back together for a KCONtact performance and it was even better than this one! im leaving the link here in case yall want to check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNduomEwTgs Honestly I feel like a lot of the judging here was based purely on what you liked better, both teams did incredible jobs and full props to their efforts and performances! but MAN did Mayfly rip the stage up! I cant wait to see your reactions to episodes 8 and 9!! Please im begging and putting in a formal request for you not to make us wait too long because i am DYING for your reactions!!


Every single one of the unit performances was so amazing but each quite different from each other including the vocal teams. It just depends on how the judgdes are feeling in that environment - just personal preference


Cant wait for your reaction to mayfly vocal it was amazing - personally one of the best stages on kingdom


I felt so bad for it's one team too😭. I love all the performances very much. For the dance unit, I love mayfly's performance so much, but personally, I'd vote for the it's one team. There performance made me emotional for some reason. It really just boils down to preference since the performances are very different concept wise. That's why when I first watched kingdom, I skipped all the voting and announcement of the winner parts haha. Enjoyed your reaction so much guys. Can't wait for you to see the vocal performances❤️


These team performances are so good! It is so fun watching them create something new with a new team and interact. This part of Kingdom really got me hooked. It was so fun watching you react to this. Can't wait for the next ep!


I look forward to Monday mornings (for me it’s morning when you guys post 🤣) and was kinda sad that I didn’t see an update… imagine my surprise when I was halfway through a meeting and got the notification!! So glad you guys enjoyed this episode! Mayfly’s chemistry was off the charts in these team performances and it shows really well. I did feel really bad for It’s One too 😭 they did an amazing job, but like they also mentioned.. it’s a competition, there will be a loser and a winner. And to answer your question about missing something towards the end, it was some wholesome interactions between the members of Mayfly hahaha

your name here

Random info: Sunwoo of The Boys and Han of Stray Kids are close friends. Recently when they were both in LA for KCON, they hung out at the hotel and freestyle rapped together over beats they found on YT. Their friendship started when Sunwoo smacked Han's butt and stated he wanted to be friends because he was a great rapper.

Yep, I'm Liberty

Like Sunwoo said, there has to be a winner and a loser - but that doesn't mean we have to like it. While sometimes there are very clear winners, the ItsOne vs Mayfly section definitely blurred the lines (except for the vocal round, in my opinion). Other than the performances, my favorite thing about this show is seeing the guys get to interact with one another. When 5Racha was together, you really get to see how isolated they really are when it comes to working and how separated they have to be from one another when it comes to professional work. If we could just get random collabs throughout the year - YG and JYP, KQ and Cube, BigHit and SM - anything like that to allow the groups a chance to be exposed to more ideas and see how others do things, I think it would be a great thing for the industry as a whole. You can't grow if you don't learn and you don't learn without exposure.


I don't understand why Its one didn't use more members. That still makes no sense to me.


This is one of my favorites because the collaborations were amazing to me I feel mayfly is such a standout group because they all mesh incredibly well together and became so in sync with each other they had little to no awkwardness between them and I feel that just strengthened their teamwork where as it’s one while also doing absolutely amazing stages had some of that awkwardness to them plus it felt less cohesive in terms of product because they very much did like combined solo stages rather than doing full team and that may be due to the amount of people in each performance or the fact their styles may not overlap as much in comparison to mayfly’s. Plus mayfly utilized all of their members where as it’s one doesn’t and that doesn’t make sense to me I feel like they could’ve utilized their members more especially in their dance stage. I think it was a wasted opportunity for them. Both teams did amazing performances and every time it’s one performed I was like how could you beat this it’s so good and then mayfly would come out and just kill it and then I’d be like omg wait mayfly did so good but so did it’s one and it made me feel so bad for it’s one. Something that’s also really fun to watch with specifically these performances is that skz have little blogs they did during kingdom that document the behind the scenes so you get to see the recording of tracks, the dance practices, the interaction between members, solo practices, it’s a lot of fun to watch and sometimes I go back just to watch them.


For all these performances, it was up to each team how many members they wanted to include in each one. I believe Mayfly chose to use all available members (Changsub in BTOB didn't perform as he was sick). While It's One, chose to either not use everyone, or perhaps they had a lot of other commitments during that time (I'm thinking of SF9 who were all still doing their outside activities like acting in dramas/musicals). I think it would have been amazing to see more of It's One - I would have loved to see a large dance unit from them as The Boyz alone are known for amazing dance/synchronization. The intros that It's One watched at the beginning of their get together were the Kingdom Intro performances. One dancer from each group did a short dance as an intro to Kingdom - you can find them all on youtube. The "intro" on mama was just SKZ, ATEEZ, and TBZ. These short dance performances were after mama, but before the ep. 1 intro stages each group did in person. For the Mayfly dance - what you missed at the end when the group was talking about it after performing, is that the staff member said that that's the end for the mayfly dance group. And Peniel shot back with, "who are you to say that's the end?" something like that. They all got hyped up over it hehe


Same! I keep rewatching the bts vlogs that SKZ made during Kingdom, where we really get to see the time and effort they put behind each performance, not to mention their teamwork. Also, without those vids we would have never got to know that Han got throat nodules while preparing for I'll be your man or the crazy brainstorming 3RACHA made for the No Limit performance. All things that were rarely shown during the show


When this episode came out, I remember that MNET received some of criticism from kpop fans for their judges selection. In my opinion there was a good variety of industry professionals and I liked the idea of including dongsaeng groups too, but some people were saying that none of the judges was an actual rapper (which might have influenced the decision towards bobby's team's win). Here the full list of experts in case anyone is interested: https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/quick-look-kingdom-panel-expert-judges-do/ Regarding the Mayfly's performances, I think it was a clever move to shoot the rap perf. at JYPE, then the dance one. at KQ, and the vocal one at Cube. I don't know if you noticed, but when looking at the rap stage song credits, you can see that 3RACHA occupies the first 3 positions (followed by Minhyuk and HongJoong) in lyrics and producing, while the arrangement was done by VERSACHOI, the genius '97 liner that worked with 3RACHA for God's Menu and Maniac, and many other SKZ bops, like Red Lights, Charmer, FAM, Domino, Topline, Hall of Fame, ITEM, as well as Social Path. Versachoi also helped 3RACHA producing and arranging all their Kingdom songs. On the other hand, for the dance stage, the whole song/choreo direction was assigned to Ateez's agency, with BBTripping, Ateez's choreographer, coordinating the stage, and we all know that Ateez choreos always hit the spot. Same of course will apply to the vocal stage, where Eunkwang, together with other Cube producers, took care of directing the songs (and you will be blown away by their performance!).


These unit performances are just amazing, and are yet another example of ALL of them doing so well that it sucks to know there had to be a winner & a loser for each unit. Mayfly did take the day for me, but I was so impressed by everything and will try to give a few thoughts on each one. --- Rap ~ It's One Lyrically, it's an interesting mix of "No one's success matters except my own", "Step back because you can't handle this", and "Mind your own business". There might be more if I paid attention a few more times, but this is the first time I've really bothered to pause and read the lyrics as they go, and that's what stood out today. Hip-hop and straight rap have never really been my thing, with a few exceptions here and there. I did like the music and beat on this; it sounds very much like the type of thing I'd put on one of my playlists that's full of EDM type stuff. My problem with this song is that even though different styles help break up the sections, it's all rap -- without a break from that, whether an extended musical break or the addition of vocals, my ears start trying to tune it out. I can make myself listen, but it tends to be less enjoyable that way. I will say that Sunwoo slayed. I don't know if I like TBZ's music (I haven't explored their stuff), but I really enjoyed what Sunwoo did here. --- Rap ~ Mayfly Lyrically, I love the message of this one. The idea of the world being painted with all colors not because of different SKIN colors but because of differences in our actual personalities and preferences is beautiful to me. They make it so clear that they are purposefully presenting every possible difference for us to enjoy as they express themselves. Hongjoong throwing in "decalcomanie" is so meaningful. It is an artistic term, but it's not a very common word (at least not outside of the art groups I know) and Mingi used it in Deja Vu. So this is one of the many references to Mingi we get from ATEEZ in K:LW to show that they're always together. I love Chan's "colour with a 'u' because you know we do it all for you". Making Minhyuk the boss rapper was genius. Now, I can look at this track and acknowledge that it was also just rapping... yet it hits me so different than the other one. There's an entirely different "feel" to it that I can't really describe accurately, it's just there. This song made me think about the phrase "color blind", and how many beautiful things you'd miss out on if you couldn't actually differentiate between music styles, personality quirks, and so on. --- Dance ~ It's One Their performance is breathtaking and gorgeous. The music lends itself so well to their interpretation, and their movements and lines are beautiful. And their expressions? Just wow. They did a great job of portraying their parts; Taeyang the tyrant, Juyeon the pleasure-seeker, and DK the insane. It was SO good. --- Dance ~ Mayfly As much as this could have been a chaotic nightmare for me, with so many people on the stage at once... I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely it all turned out, and how well I could follow it. The choreo is absolutely insane. It was great just seeing how well everyone was able to work together, but then executing the moves and giving us expression on top, it was just delicious. San and Seonghwa totally brought the demon, and the others jumped right on in. I love that they remixed the existing song, using their own vocals. It's a wise move, I think, because it made it feel more like "their song" and not just them dancing to someone else's song. We got amazing vocals and a kick-ass routine. --- Dance ~ final thoughts Honestly, both were amazing and I loved them. Voting obviously comes down to a preference and/or how you feel they do in terms of fulfilling their purpose. For me, if I wanted to just sit back and really enjoy a performance, I'd likely pick the It's One routine 7 times out of 10 (maybe more) because it's beautiful and feels like it's an exhibition piece that belongs in a play or musical. But if I think about this being a competition, Mayfly wins every time because their routine feels designed for that specific purpose and they executed it so well that I (as a casual observer rather than an expert) am blown away every time I see it. --- Side notes ~ How is this the first time I'm noticing D's butterfly tattoo? I feel distinctly unobservant at the moment. Oh my goodness, you guys just explained to me why Taeyang grabs my attention. I didn't even notice the resemblance to Lee Dong Wook, but it makes so much sense and now I can't unsee it. He'll likely be more of a problem for me, now. I can't wait for the vocal unit reaction. The Mayfly performance in that might be my favorite of the whole show... if I allowed myself to pick favorites.


Ateez has behinds as well, mostly focused on practices for the main performances... The behind for Wonderland was a little heartbreaking, you could see exactly how exhausted they were during that time due to comeback/drama filming/Kingdom all happening at the same time.

Kimiko Milheim

I would LOVE a Mayfly reunion! BTOB, Ateez and SKZ had such amazing chemistry.


These episodes with the groups are kinda sucky just because only one group gets the points, even if both groups did great. It's so hard to choose a favourite because they're such different styles it feels wrong to compare them against each other. It almost comes down to a preference of style over technique since you would be biased towards one over the other. They all did fantastic though, and it was cool to see how they divided the teams and which members were doing which parts and how that laid out. Especially since they got to divide among themselves. I definitely thought more of The Boyz would be on the dance team considering how hard they work for their dance performances and choreography. Crazy to see how 6 groups with various overlapping styles can all do something so different from each other even when grouped differently. And keep their individual style too while doing it. Personal opinion time: I think one of the reasons I prefer the Mayfly stages to the ItzOne stages is just the team vibe. Even in the packages the group vibe and dynamic is different between the two (NOT bad, just different). I think I'm drawn to the more connected familial team that is Mayfly, which is almost unfair to ItzOne because Chan and Peniel have been friends for a while before this, same with parts of Ateez and SKZ, Changbin and Wooyoung kinda specifically. I think them knowing each other on a rather friendly basis as opposed to just strictly professionally added something to the way their performances flowed together with their new teams, at least to an outside observer. Even in the behinds, the ItzOne groups seemed very formal and professional almost awkward at times from working with your idols (which is fair who wouldn't be), compared to the ease with which the Mayfly group interacted. Neither was wrong, obviously. Both sides were great, and their performances were fantastic, it's just something I noticed. I can't wait for you to get to the No Limit stages, they're so incredible it's insane. And the vocal group performances too before them. I go back and relisten to them all the time. The vocal groups both are so different from the rap/dance groups, It's fascinating to see how all the different teams melded into different yet similarly incredible groups all still with different colours (EDIT: lmao, mayfly reference unintended).

Kay Popped

It was unclear from the start why they didn't use more members. The instructions when Changmin gave them were like, "Who is your main..." and it seemed like maybe that was why Its One went with only main dancers. It's so unfortunate because they had a whole group of people who didn't participate in the round. That said, the It's One vocal group is 6 members, where the Mayfly one (as you've seen) is only 3. The impact is just different. It was a weird round overall. And yes, the next episode contains the first two single-group No Limit performances, too, and then episode 9 has the remaining 4 before the uber-long finale. The finale has a little fluff (scoring at the beginning and end), but most of it is good, hearty interaction, planning, and performances, so it's worth it. Dividing into two episodes makes sense given the run time. As for the actual performances, I really did like It's One's rap for the freedom it brought the members. I felt like it was the chance each member needed to break out of their group mold and be "just" a rapper, so for that experience alone, it was worth it and they produced great stuff. As for Mayfly, I was actually disappointed a bit with the staging (except the Minhyuk part, because that was awesome) just because I think the parts seemed disconnected without a clear "story" or focus. ATEEZ is my ult group, but I didn't love the end of Hong Joong's rap in that it didn't rhyme. This sounds stupid, but it felt like from a flow perspective, the ending syllables didn't mesh with the rest, even if the words themselves were meaningful. I also missed the bejeezus out of Mingi in this episode. Can you imagine our Princess in with 5Racha? I'm glad he took the time, but man was he missed. The dance performances didn't seem comparable because of style and tone, lyrics and story. It's such a difficult thing to compare. There was such intricacy in the storyline for Its One, and very much a lack of storyline for Mayfly. I don't like Wolf's lyrics to begin with, and I feel like SM just had to get its hands in this competition (without putting forth a team), which forced some teams to put up with songs they wouldn't have naturally chosen. EXO has a huge catalog, and you chose Wolf!? We didn't see the song selection portion, either, which makes me feel like there was some behind-the-scenes string pulling. It didn't sit right with me, even though the performance was a good one in context. I do think it highlighted the performance style differences between ATEEZ and Stray Kids. They're so often compared, but in this piece especially, SKZ members felt far more hesitant from a performance aspect to me. There's a moment when Lee Know looks back before moving back, and that little uncertainty made me feel like he wasn't as confident as he might have been with his own choreo. It might have been just working with less familiar people, too. I feel like ATEEZ devoured and SKZ ate well. Looking forward to the next episode because the vocal performances are really epic, and we get to see lots of the glimpses of the personalities involved on both teams.

Eva Minster

This was a strong episode. ATEEZ did a really good job of picking out teams because the styles of those groups do suit each other. I felt sorry for The One Team. Their rap unit wasn't going against just another rap unit, but a unit of producers too. Which is a really powerful combination. I really liked their performance team, but I think due to lack of lyrics, the story might not have been very clear to everyone. Also, the disadvantage of numbers. ATEEZ and Stray Kids definitely have strong performers. How you can you choose between two performances with such different styles?

Tracey Okeby Lucan

This episode really made me dislike Bobby. I know that’s unfair because I don’t know Ikon outside of kingdom so I don’t really know him at all but it felt like he didn’t really care about the others and just did whatever he wanted dragging them along with him. They want to win, they want to do it well but he just wants to play. Even in recording he just comes and takes over and because Sunwoo is so cute and gracious its not really an issue but still. So the behind really tainted the stage for me. First time. Every other story really got me excited and interested and hyped up. I’m hope there are Ikon fans in here who can help correct my impression of Bobby.


The chemistry of the Mayfly unit is the primary reason behind their success imo. You mentioned the energy SKZ and Ateez have but BTOB are also chaotic as hell. I mean, just look at Eunkwang. 😂 They chose their leader via spinning chance board when members went off to the military which I think is hilarious. While kingdom was running and we were having discussions I would always say that BTOB has similar chaos energy as SKZ. The no limit performances coming up are SO GOOD. I won’t spoil anything but I’m SO excited to see your reaction…and of course to watch them again because it’s been a minute. Also, a vocal performance of legend is on its way.


The thing is they're all professionals, so we know that It's One is going to deliver great stages. But the chemistry for Mayfly is off the charts in every number. I think It's One's dancing was better on a technical level, but the choice to only highlight three dancers when they had the largest overall combined team means the stage just felt less impactful. At the end of the day, the winner is the one who made the smartest choices for impact. Mayfly used every single member and benefitted from that choice.


I was so surprised to see Eden in the credits for BTOB performance in the first round!


I have theory and that's just a theory that It's One dance unit is so small bc SF9 guys were busy and iKon is not as strong of a dance group so it made sense to send just the strongest member and The Boyz didn't want to overcrowd it out of respect to them. To not be like 9 to 2 and make it more balanced. And further theory is that Donghyuk was already set on the Korean concept (just like he had in his solo preview) and others just went along with whatever he said out of respect again. It was a GREAT performance but it felt very skewed that way to me, more like solos under one theme than a cohesive team. People say they had a storyline but to me that's hardly a story, it's a series of emotional vignettes on grief at most, that's not exactly a story. I do think that they could have won if they had more members at least from The Boys to showcase more teamwork, formations and cool tricks that they are famous for!

Sam w

Yeah, when you look at what the Boyz can do and what was shown here it really wasn’t the strongest they could have done, while mayfly really played to each group and each individuals strengths.


FunFact: The Sarangheyo part of the "WOLF" performance is HongJoong. Basically each agency took on the responsibility for a team performance: IT'S 1 Rap (YG), Mayfly Rap (JYP), IT'S 1 Dance (IST Ent.), Mayfly Dance (KQ), IT'S 1 Vocal (FNC), & Mayfly Vocal (CUBE).

Handsome Sausages

Ah! I do see what you mean - it IS slightly more nuanced in Korean and from the POV of knowing how the shows are generally edited in Korea, but we also thought that while Bobby's attitude is primarily to bring positivity and relaxation to the table, he may actually feel less nervous about the whole show than the other two!


To be honest, my problem with It's One dance performance is that if it wasn't for the explanation they give you in the behinds, the storyline wasn't that clear to me, the first time i saw the performance there was no subtitles yet so i had a the oportunity to interpret the meaning myself and i remeber it being kind of confusing, i originally thought that it was about three different noblemen being "at odds" with each other bcs of loving (romantically) the same woman and then losing themselves on their grief for her in different ways each, and in the end coming to understand each other as all of them lost the same that day, i couldn't be more wrong, so after seeing it with the subtitles i was kind of confused and disappointed but also had that feeling of "aah i get it now". Also yhe outfits they all wear are so different form eachother that it didn't make me think "ah, it's the same guy", maybe more cohesive outfits could've given that impression better. Maybe a same outfit modified to represent the type of grief they fell into would have been cool. Another thing is, as some said in another comment, it doesn't really give the vibe of a dance performance for a competition, is a beatiful piece without doubt and i've wayched it a thounsand times in repeat, but it's still too idividualistic (?), it still lacks more group dynamics/teamwork in my opinion. On the other hand, Mayfly performance has everything It's One's lacks, the large number of members was used really well and it was more of a "competition" kind of performance. I'm also pretty San biased, and he was exceptional in this, so that could be it, lol. I've always thought that Ateez can be quite animalistic while dancing (specially San, the man's a beast) so Wolf was perfect. English is no my first language so i hope i expressed myself well enough to be understood :')

Michele Wang

For me, I think both teams did exceptionally well, but Mayfly stood above The One because it was clear that all 3 groups had a hand in creating the track, performance and lyrics. The explosive ending? Totally ATEEZ style. The social message? ATEEZ and SKZ. Minhyk's contributions are less obvious, but the ad-libs, homage to traditional culture, and dramatics? BTOB. The One sounded so much like something that YG would release, that the things that make DBZ and SF9 unique didn't have a chance to shine through.

Michele Wang

There was already a clear winner in all three categories for me, but if Hyunjin and Mingi had been there, there would have been no competition whatsoever. They're both phenomenal, and we truly missed them.


Freaking LOVE this episode, and watched your reaction twice! You didn't miss a important Kingom moment with the Mayfly Dance team in the talking section afterwards, but it was loud and they were cheering because it was an ICONIC one. Staff off camara asked "Are you sorry Mayfly is ending?", And Peniel said immediately, "Who are you to decide our ending?" and they all cheered. Basically, Mayfly loved each other, and never dissolved themselves. Even now, all three groups still refer to each other as "Mayfly" when they meet, and all three fandoms still look for and compile Mayfly crumbs. It was a very sweet and iconic moment. :)

Cat R

I'm late to the party but wanted to give my input. I'm actually a fan of all the groups in Kingdom except for BTOB but even then I still know a lot about them and respect them for their skills and talent so I like to think my views on the performances are unbiased. Obviously, nothing is ever 100% unbiased though lol anyways! Personally I think it depends on how you interpreted the categories. Mayfly's performances were more k-pop performance style overall while It's One's performances were more true to their respective categories. Their rap stage felt like something that would be in a hip-hop based show (and the song actually did pretty well on hip-hop charts in Korea if i'm remembering correctly) and their performance was more like a dance piece you would see at a dance showcase. So in that sense I liked It's One's rap and performances better than Mayfly's but I do have to agree that the vocal round really was Mayfly all the way! Also I see a bunch of people asking why It's One didn't utilize their members more, especially for their dance performance but all of the SF9 members were super busy at the time and a few of the The Boyz members were actually injured and in poor condition so they needed to save their energy for their group performance. I'm not sure why more iKON members didn't join though, you can argue that they're not as heavy on performance but they're all actually pretty good dancers, anyone whose seen WIN: Whose Next would know~ Also the team dynamic is interesting because tbh The Boyz (with the exception of Sunwoo lmao), SF9 and iKON are all pretty introverted groups. Not when they're with their members but when with people they don't know that well so it makes sense for them to be a bit awkward with each other as they never interacted before whereas Stray Kids and Ateez were already good friends and Chan knew Peniel from BTOB already as well. So it may seem like Mayfly meshed better but It's One team actually got very close as well! It just took a bit longer or was displayed differently than Mayfly's chemi. Juyeon, DK and Taeyang still hang out and keep in touch and even play video games together. Bobby, Hwiyoung and Sunwoo also still hang out and they actually performed Full DaSH again at an awards show and Bobby has had Hwiyoung and Sunwoo feature in his recent music videos as well. Anyways, rant over lol I only really talked about It's One really because I am an It's One defender xD I think people really are unfair towards their stages and just them as groups. It didn't really help honestly that SF9, The Boyz and iKON are all groups with smaller fandoms and are less known than the teams on Mayfly but that's just my opinion. I promise i'm a Stay and Atiny as well but I have no need to comment or defend Mayfly as everyone loves them already lol reasonably so ofc!


At this point of time his girlfriend/fiance now wife would have just found out she was pregnant so he had a lot more on his mind and I think he saw this as an opportunity to be 'Bobby' and not Kim Jiwon. He says that in a way they are separate people and I feel like this is a time where they collided like how couldn't they?


I'm gonna skip this one because even though I am a huge Stay now, I was only an ikonic at the time and I hate these. Honestly this whole show is bittersweet for me. Even at the time ikon was just released from the basement but it feels so lopsided. That sounds terrible cause all these groups are great in their own way but I don't like the competition aspect. Why couldn't we just get cool colab stages with our the idea of scoring?


The dance teams all did so well but I’ll always be salty hyunjin wasn’t there cause he would have ate 🤣👏

Tricee XO

Mayfly is the best thing that ever happened on Kingdom


As a stay I can't say I would have chosen its ones performances over mayflys but I can say that whoever won would have deserved it, they both did great. For me it's closer in rap though, I really liked it's ones performance. Dance I would still pretty solidly go Mayfly. But they still did great. It's like the one guy said in the end. Noone did bad, they hurt chose who did better between great performances.

Jan 잔

San is just something else. Him and Taemin are my special dancers.


The judges pisses me off so much on that I’ll be your man stage

Angelina Bertila

I agree almost on everything you said. For me the vocal perfomance was 100 - 0 for mcfly (I'ts One did a great job, but I think that if you put all the points a perfomance has to have, mcfly "wins" in all of the categories (vocals, perfomance, meaning...) Dance perfomance was 20 - 80 (I get why people enjoyed wolf the most and they did a pretty good job pointing out their individual virtues but it's one perfomance was just poetic. I think the plot was a bit unclear if you didnt see the explanation they gave us but gosh, their perfomance just gave me chills. And in the rap one is where i think they are 50 50. I get why people see one or the other as the winner. I prefer mcfly's but only because when I listen to rap i prefer lyrics with a more serious meaning. I didnt explain myself as good as i wanted but i hope i can still be understood. On the dance category i had much more to say tho, but i did not wanted to be too annoying lol