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ATEEZ seriously be precious tho.

We thought about doing overture version of Precious and then doing Win, the next track, but since the full track comes right after this in the next album (excluding the Japanese album) we thought it'd be more fun to do a back to back comparison and do a live clip reaction once we get to Precious down the road!

And we don't regret that decision.

We ask questions in the video so we'll stop here, but one thing for sure:

This song was (AGAIN) unexpected, and HJ's rap line added to the drop in the full version is the BEST decision EVER.



That was Hongjoong. 😂 there’s some “Declaration” (another song of theirs) in there too.


I don’t know if you guys noticed, but the ending of precious is the beginning of treasure so listening to them back to back is an out of space experience


I have a tiny playlist containing these two song, declaration, and treasure. 😂

Stephany Sandoval

Guyssss you need to watch the live performance of treasure + precious. They do them back to back and the way they blend is.. just goosebumps!

Stephany Sandoval

You can watch at your own time 😊 https://youtu.be/bEXbpAOpbjM?si=50EPTtXUWB2Levqk


So, even from this first arc of albums Ateez music has always been very interconnected with itself. Earlier songs are referenced both lyrically and musically by later tracks. They also preview future tracks. In this case its both treasure and declaration that are referenced by precious. This is all for storyline narrative purposes. It's like when a symphony or opera establishes musical motifs and then brings them back in various movements. Precious (overture) is a hint the the pirates are getting close the finding the treasure they having seeking since the beginning. They are in the madness of grasping their treasure but the journey is not complete. Precious (the full version) is like the culmination of that entire treasure seeking journey which is why is brings back the song treasure from the beginning. It's the grand finale of this chapter of the storyline. Ateez song structure and relationship between songs are planned out way in advance. Definitely not a random choice to do both versions. 😁


This is the best explanation of how their songs are connected that I've ever seen anyone give -- it's exactly like musical motifs (or even lyrical ones) that get established first and then revisited later (or just thrown here and there in other songs to make your brain go "oh, I recognize that!").

Kay Popped

Our Captain really DOES have a wonderful singing voice (see many tracks, but also his Lee Mujin's Service appearance), and it's showcased here. Because he's such a chameleon sound-wise, sometimes you don't know it's him without either seeing him sing it or him talking about it (like Bouncy's parrot part). He's also been covering some of Jongho's parts during the concerts (I know, what!?) while Jongho is on medical hiatus, so versatility is Hong Joong's middle name. With Win, please please please watch the live version because the choreography and staging are amazing. It's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFtwDgkz_-E and from their official channel. It also gives a good look at who is singing at any given time, which is helpful and interesting. And yes, everything with ATEEZ is intentional, including the things that weren't intentional and became so. ;)


I have listened to these so many times and never picked up on Declaration. I’m not saying it’s not there but where is it?! It’s one of my favorites but I can’t pick up on it. I’ve only heard Treasure.


I don’t know how to explain it. It’s the mmmm’s you hear in the songs. Same ones in declaration if I’m not mistaken. Sounds like Yeosang and his deeper than the Mariana Trench voice.


Ateez has a fun habit of previewing songs months or in some cases, years in advance. Those cheeky pirates! This is one of my favorites!! I love the “etherealness” of it.


Lol OMG girl, I’m over here listening to them back to back trying to find it. 😂 Ugh, but anywho, more people need to listen to Declaration though. It’s BEAUTIFUL in its entirety. They should’ve included this at the beginning of the Treasure Epilogue album instead of on Map to Answer. Their intros/outros literally give me goosebumps and I think they’ve only gotten better as the albums went on.


Ah! I think I know what your talking about! Idk if they’re the same, but they’re really similar. Your “Marina Trench” helped! ❤️😉 Even the “Eh ohs” and “Om a we ahs” are similar but slightly different. (I know I made you all chuckle with my interpretation. I tried my best! ) 😂😜 They do that a LOT though! You will hear those “Whoo” like they do in Wonderland in other tracks down the line but in a slightly different tone or even the same. I feel like it adds to the cohesiveness of their whole discography though. You become familiar with these sounds and kind of “chants” and as you hear them throughout the songs, it brings it all together, even though they’re different albums/eras.


YES!! Seven seconds into precious and precious overture I hear the mmm vocals that sound like the ones in Declaration. I could be bananas, but i swear they all fit. My playlist is literally named bananas with them in order of Declaration, Answer, Precious (Overture), Precious, and Treasure.


"Everything with ATEEZ is intentional, including the things that weren't intentional and became so." sounds so much like "A wizard is never late. He always arrives right on time." that it's got me giggling. I agree, though. I don't think there's ever any true coincidence where these guys are concerned. There's so much forethought and planning that it's hard to imagine that there's not at least something in the way of an idea for how it will play out when anything is done.

Handsome Sausages

Definitely enjoying the sounds that return especially as we get the hang of ATEEZ's style and the lore (well, not really the lore, not even close, but you know)

Miss Nyampah

I swear u guys should watch "treasure+precious" stage from their seoul concert dvd (there's some videos on utube). Bcs these 2 are twin songs that are continuous (or even looping?) with each other. I was shooketh n got goosebumps when I first realised "precious" from their last album of treasure series was actually connected in sound AND performance with "treasure" from their first album of treasure series. It felt like when u reached the end of the novel, the plot brought u back to the beginning of the novel!! Crazy, I told u. None had done it in music plots/albums before ateez, not even after ateez. Such genius creativity from KQ team. Edited: oh and overture (short) version was like a preview to the full version. They didn't release the short version n thought to make the full one later. They had already had the full version from the start (from the start! I bet when they made "treasure" song they also already had "precious" song), but decided to give us a tease of "precious" in a previous album before the last album of treasure series, and they had already planned for "precious" to be included in the last album of treasure series since the beginning.