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Here's our reaction to TXT's Crown (MV), non-blurred full version (YT version will be blurred)!

We were...originally going to marathon some early TXT songs before they drop their album but it seems like they already dropped a new song :').

Either way, we're going for it!





Mary Berry

My ultimate group. Thank you 😊 💓

Inge Sahuleka

I was so looking forward to seeing them and oneus and billlie and more at kpoplux next weekend, so sad (+mad) it got cancelled so last minute 🥺. We’ll probably make it a museum weekend and try to go see Hamilton and maybe even a Lord of the Rings Two towers movie+orchestra… But definitely really, really bummed about not being able to see TXT.

Yep, I'm Liberty

I remember seeing this debut and liking it, but Cat & Dog is what really made me curious about them. Maybe because this song sounded "cute" without really being cute and Cat & Dog sounded cute while being "over the top" cute. My tastes are weird. It either has to be heavy and driving or super cute - there isn't a lot of in between unless it's meant to be R&B or some specific genre like that. This is definitely a good song though, I just wish they would have toned down the "beeping" during that last chorus. The first time I heard it, it was just distracting, then I had to listen to it again because "who puts that there for no reason?" lol That's when I figured out it was morse code for CROWN (of course) and thought that was actually kind of clever - still could have been subdued a little more - but as debuts go, this was definitely a pretty good one.

Jesi Ryan

Can’t wait for you to check out their new song and VMA performance! I feel like they have really leveled up.

Handsome Sausages

Ha once it hits your ears and bothers you, it's there forever - we have a couple such sounds from certain shows and songs as well XD and also, now that we've reacted to both Crown and Cat & Dog, we think we agree with you hahaha

Inge Sahuleka

Short version: late line-up announcement, going from 3 to 2 days, not enough tickets sold.