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They definitely be winning all the time. 

Another inspiring song from ATEEZ - you know, they really upped our standard and taste in music recently that most 'good' K-pop songs now just sound bland.

Not sure if it's a good thing or not, but at least when it comes to ATEEZ songs, we know we gon love it. And love we did.

Hope you enjoy this one, as always! :D More to come from this unbelievable album!

Love <3



The heeeeeyyyy we are gonna win is yunho. But they like to layer those two up a lot. Also yunho and yeosang. Lol

Stephany Sandoval

This is amazing live! Especially the end. Everyone just starts jumping like it’s a rave hahah. Soooo fun

Yeosangs Chicken Leg 🍗

The live performance was so good! Thank you for reacting to this. 🩷


In concert this was nuts to watch and be a part of! And this live didn't show it, but in concert they usually had a ship wheel/ helm that was raised on stage and the members would go up there. It definitely felt like a ship with that

Gaby Fukumura

Always love your reactions. I know you have so much music to cover, not just ATEEZ. But I will say that their concert version of this hits so much harder than the Music Bank version. KQ filmed it and posted it on ATEEZ's YouTube page so it is of excellent quality. Wish you were able to watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFtwDgkz_-E

Kay Popped

Amazing, right!? I love this one. Watching Yunho up there pointing the ship in the direction it goes, then reversing and the platform moving the other way is just incredible staging. Something to think about as you listen to this album is that it was released almost a year to the day since their debut. So everything you've seen from debut to now is a YEAR of their work, which is really remarkable given the level of content they'd released.


Oh wow, I find it really interesting that ATEEZ raised the standard for you guys to such an extent, because I myself feel quite spoiled that they were my first MV (it was Answer) and my first real dive into a group... I had of course heard others because I started with OSTs, and I'd maybe check out a few more songs if I really liked the sound of something, but I never got hooked to the point of doing a deep dive or falling so hard I couldn't get out... and it really was just a whim when I decided to watch a random MV, which just happened to be our guys. I find it really difficult to get into most other artists I try out because they usually just don't affect me the way ATEEZ always has. I've wondered at times if it's just me being the uneducated but appreciative consumer that I am or if there's more to it, so I love knowing they strengthened your standards, too. The ship horn sound you're thinking of is a foghorn, maybe?


So funny, I got into KPOP through OST's too!! However Stray Kids was my first group with "Back Door", although "Answer" was my first Ateez MV!

Sam w

I've never h3ard this one from them! So good! I love hongjoongs foghorn part, it's so satisfying. This, combined with your new reaction to jikjin reminds me of The Rose's newer song, Alive. It also has a really fun surprise partway through. I'd love it if you reacted to that, or to Back to Me?


This song is so hype that I literally was on a freshly twisted ankle at the concert and I still was tryna jump up and down at the end. It’s also on “driving my squabbling toddlers to daycare in the early AM” playlist. Cuts down on the noise AND introduces them to good music. It’s a Win-Win


OSTs are a great back door into K-pop (pun intended). My first Stray Kids song was "Hellevator", followed by "Side Effects"... but heard in 2022, lol. I'll hit 1 year with K-pop in November, but since I can't remember what day I first watched "Answer", I decided to celebrate on ATINY day... like the good little ATINY that I am. My birthday is also in November, but I share it with Captain (I'm 19 years older rofl) and it would feel a little strange to celebrate my age and my obsession at the same time. ATINY day makes sense.

Red 18

THIS SONG LIVE IS ACTUALLY SUPER INSANE!!!! the energy is just on another level!

Eva Minster

It's a pity you guys didn't include WIN (June remix) in this vid. Mind you, you probably wouldn't have survived if you had. 😂 Hopefully you guys can react to it next time

Handsome Sausages

So we heard! We missed the comment with that link on our last video so we couldn't check it out :'( next time we'll get to it!!

Eva Minster

Well, the remix is on the album Spinoff: FROM the Witness. It's on the album Halazia is on. It's a pretty cool remix. However, it's just a warning to be prepared and not a death threat.


Win is honestly my all time favorite song in general (and all time fave Ateez song) it just gets me so hype!