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We've reacted to Maze of Memories before and so we wanted something fun that also has the entire song as is so we can revive our memories and get stuck in that maze again. 

This fan meeting clip from Korea is what we landed on, and we had some fun with it ! :D

Again, let us know if you want to see us react to the 3racha live version or for that matter, any specific clip featuring MoM - and we'll do it!

For now, enjoy this one! :D

Love <3



Something about Han is that he is known for forgetting his lyrics 😭😭 at one of their concerts he even sang the Japanese version of case 143 instead of the Korean version which was pretty funny


I feel like seeing you guys react to songs live would be really cool! Livestream idea maybe? for example I know there’s a full group version of Red Lights but as far as I know it’s only ever been performed live. There are a few good quality videos on YouTube of them preforming live at concerts and festivals, could be fun! Also the 3racha MoM video is pretty cool. Excited for boxer next!


For Boxer, I vote for both versions? It might be overkill but the performance version with the choreography is so good too but I know you guys like the playfulness of the Street versions. I’ll be watching no matter what lol


You just figured out our ace biggest (not so) secret 😔, yes he usually forgets his lines and it's always so funny. One memorable time on another fan meeting he actually brought his lyrics printed on a paper and asked chan to hold it, I think they were singing Venom haha it was pretty funny... Anyways this was a reaction I didn't know I needed until today, thank you guys, I laughed a lot 😄 !

Tracey Okeby Lucan

Our Hannie is famous for forgetting his lyric. Wildly funny as the author of said lyrics too. I think it’s difficult to find videos of Lee Know standing still when there’s music. He was born to dance. Thanks for this video, I’m so pleased that you didn’t skip over doing Maze of Memories just cause you’ve reacted to it before. This was very fun.

Kimiko Milheim

You need to do both versions of Boxer! They have a “special” version too.


And when he tells Changbin and they all laugh at Han, they're so silly haha


Oooooh, that was fun. Yes, please, react to street version of Boxer. Whenever there is an MV, you should totally watch it!

Tess Huber

A theory Stays have about why Han has such a challenge remembering lyrics is that he's such a genius when it comes to writing lyrics, he doesn't have to work very hard at it, and then they don't stick in his brain. When you struggle to come up with the perfect lyrics, it makes sense it would stick more. All of them are brilliant in their own ways, but Han is the most skilled at coming up with lyrics on the spot.

Tess Huber

Can. Not. Wait for your reaction to Boxer. Maybe listen to the lyrics/performance version for the music and then watch the Street version for the pure joy

Star Dust

When you said you picked Hannie focus I was like oh nooooo 🤣 but at least it'll be entertaining! Our lovely Han always forgets lyrics. Guess he just has too many songs in his head! Genius things. 💗


Beloved space cadet🥰🥰 He forgets… 🤷🏻‍♀️ we love him!!

your name here

Not sure if anyone shared the 3RACHA version from KCON 2019 Thailand. It was part of a larger set with Hongjoong from Ateez, Soyeon from (G)I-dle, and 3RACHA. The 4th gen producers in their infancy. They did a Hongjoong solo, Soyeon Solo, 3RACHA Maze of Memories, and then all 5 came together for a snippet of 3RACHA's Runner's High. https://youtu.be/mm0A_cyIHuY?si=11P86-Lc8AQ5IbhC

Handsome Sausages

I THINK this was the one we were referring to (that we found but it was 3racha so we skipped for now) although it seems like a longer fuller version of it featuring, like you say, other members! Jotted down! :D

Kiki Meowzilla

Han is so forgetful that many times when he is directing their recordings he has to listen to the guide, he himself recorded, agian to remember what they should be recording. He also forgets how high the key is and how fast the raps are sometimes, that he scolds himself and apologizes to the members. He really is something else. This was great as always!


Han is the best person for you to have chosen for this song and this specific fan sign because he’s is NOTORIOUS for forgetting lyrics and choreography if I’m correct they didn’t have a prompter on the stage for this so there was nothing for him to help remember the lyrics also there’s actually another fansign I can’t remember which song but he fully has the lyrics for his rap written down on a piece of paper and has one of the members holding it up for him to read off of cause he knew he wouldn’t remember the rap and it’s the funniest thing cause he fully takes it out of his pocket and you’re like omg this man can’t remember his own lyrics to save his life so you’ll often see him at fansigns with this look of “oh shit I don’t remember the lyrics” and it makes me laugh every single time


The one with the paper is the funniest thing cause both Chan and Changbin look at it and are like Jesus Christ Han


I just love Han! He is such a delicate soul, I am so happy that he is able to let that flow into his songs. The flip side is, that situations are often too overwhelming for him, which just makes him dearer. And, in 2019, he was troubled be anxieties, had even to step back from some official things and gets special support by the company since then, which is nice to know. It’s so good how he stabilised since then and nowadays he just kills it, like at Lollapalooza in Paris or VMA a few days ago. So, in a way, thank you for choosing this version, which also shows how they are also just persons and how they deal with such things as a group.


Can’t wait for Boxer! Funnily, I prefer Boxer without a video most, because then the Music hits harder, this songs has so many different sounds in it, that I feel any visual input distracts and takes a way a part of the sensation. How about you first listen to it and then have the street version video?


This was a good choice!! I like to watch the fan signs everything is raw. It’s just a stage of fun improv!


Just in case - I needed to watch it again after reading this. 😂😂 https://youtu.be/8zMqlJYTNpw?si=SL0_3EUR_tq1o14W


Han is quite known for forgetting his lyrics. There's clips of fanmeetings where he pulls out a sheet of paper while rapping etc. I guess it's the price for being an amazing lyricist :p But he's definitely gotten a lot better over the past few years. Can't say I remember a lot of clips where he's forgotten lyrics from recent days.


Thanks for putting that link up... That's brilliant!! Lol 😂


LMAO I need to rewatch it too now xD Thx for linking it!


Everyone already mentioned how Han is known for always forgetting his lyrics, but another fun fact is that fans used to call him Young K's son (from Day6) both because of their similar features, but also because they're both genius lyricists known for always forgetting their lyrics xD there are lots of videos of Young K during fan meetings having the same reactions as Han, desperately looking for a lyrics sheet or singing the lyrics of another song to then realize they're the wrong ones hahah

Handsome Sausages

oooh we'll consider it as we feel the same way usually. But then again, we pretty much never pay attention (at least not enough) to the video anyways to pay more attention to the music XD to begin with so...


I think the last one I remember clearly was Freeze at a fanmeet. He had someone hold up the paper with his lyrics. 😂