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I think we're just too invested in every group now to really have a cold, objective scoring XD they're all so great, so sweet, so hard working and we just really appreciate every performance every group puts out there.

Butttt if you had a favourite from the no limit performances, let us know - we'd love to know!

Otherwise, we say everything we need to in the video, so ENJOY <3




Yes! 8:30pm on a Sunday night, I am watching this with my dinner! So excited!

Stephany Sandoval

Ateez never fail to amaze me. I get goosebumps each time I watch this performance. They always give it their all even if it’s a dance practice so when we found out they would be on kingdom we knew we would get such iconic performances, tho we were also worried of their health because half were filming for a Kdrama and also had a comeback so they weren’t sleeping well.


My ateez 😭😭

Yep, I'm Liberty

My favorite performance, of course, was Stray Kids'. I think they had the most creativity in their storyline and there were some hidden meanings in there as well (like the timer on the rice cooker being their debut date 0325). That being said though, SF9 had the most impactful interpretation with their performance and The Boyz, as usual, dances their little a$$e$ off. So you're right, this was more about personal interpretation than anything else. I will say this though, iKON is just iKON throughout this whole thing - and that's why I include being an iKONIC under my multi-stan umbrella. -`ღ´-

Kay Popped

Yeah, so ATEEZ here. All their performances on Kingdom (the next one notwithstanding) incorporated classical music into existing songs (Symphony No 9, Awakening of Summer, Ode to Joy). They made it their theme in the same way that The Boyz used references to Game of Thrones. It gave a through-line to their work, which I really appreciate and truly elevated their concepts and performances. They punched their lore into every round. I think at this point they had seen how the rankings were going, and knew they weren't going to win it all (fan voting for a smaller-fan group wasn't going to be their saving grace). So they decided to do something for the fans, which is how they chose Answer, it being the song they couldn't perform as regularly to this point because of the COVID interruptions. They did, btw, use practical strings versus digital ones for the recording, which brought a different depth of sound. You two aren't deep enough in the discography/lore yet, but the glass box that Yeosang is in (and he's in it in Say My Name) and that Seonghwa rescues him from, the fight between Yunho and the Guardian, and San jumping to take the Guardian out, the presence of Halateez shadowing Wooyoung on the table, then the fight between the Guardians, ATEEZ and Halateez at the end? It's ALLLLL lore, and it actually plays into the storyline as it's been presented. For the casual watcher or those new to ATEEZ at the time, this performance didn't have the same impact because there was a heck of a lot of unapparent story. But for (loreTINY) fans, this was basically like a cheat-coded cut scene. :) [For your reference to this point, if you recall in Bouncy, Hong Joong shoots the special bullet that goes through all the scenes, and hits a Guardian at the end of the video, so the through-line is LONNNNNG.] In the fan cams, it didn't seem like ATEEZ had ever actually practiced with La Poem, because there's stage-side video of Wooyoung freaking the eff out hearing them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ7V8otM56w at 3:10) Once again, I think we did some SM appeasement in this episode with Taemin's Move and EXO's Monster, because there are metric tons of kpop songs out there that could have been chosen in every round, but we got more from SM groups. The Boyz didn't do it for me because despite the synchronization (amazing) and the vocals (also amazing) the dance in front of the LED didn't show their detailing, and the snake looked impressive and had no practical use. The whole thing lacked a clear concept. BtoB shined and I loved the little bit of cheekiness to their story- in-a-story-in-a-story concept (go Peniel getting the girl!). Plus, come on, jazz is all you needed. I'd love to see kpop go through a jazz phase. As much as I loved the sexiness of SF9, I felt like the water scene should have either been incorporated (I know, mics aren't waterproof) or removed, since I didn't feel like it added anything other than members rushing to get into the scene. The concept was there, but wasn't executed as well as I wanted. (And no, this isn't me saying that ATEEZ is always a winner, just that in this case these are some of the things that lacked in performances for me personally. ATEEZ's storyline was massively unclear to non-fans, and I both loved and hated that.) One more episode to go! There's a lot of filler, too, because they needed to change the sets in live time and couldn't edit things together, but they have fun scenes of each group doing group things. Looking forward to watching with you!


Edit: also always gets to me how much Jongho fangirls when Hwiyoung performs. I love it!! So, I read a theory abt Ateez’s performance (please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong ATINY 😭 I can only hard stan one group at a time otherwise I’d have no time to do anything else so I might be wrong) particularly about the part when Jongho threw the crown - symbolising that they didn’t need it because of the bonds they formed with other groups during Kingdom. This was most definitely hinted since Ode to Joy was used in the track. A song known for the celebration of unity and the vision of brotherhood. Just like you mentioned, they have such strong images that we often forget how respectful, gentle and kind they are until we watch them outside of their performances. But if this interpretation of the performance is what they intended then it is truly beautiful in that it speaks volumes about Ateez and how much respect they have for everyone they are competing with. Really enjoyed this episode with you guys! Can’t believe how quickly time has gone by and we’re almost at the end :(


I agree with so many of your points! Ateez's performance was very emotionally captivating. When I first saw it I wasn't Atiny yet, so didn't understand the lore-details, but watching it again and again now I see the details they put into it. I think the way they incorporated Classical masterpieces so well into their songs and themes is honestly one of the most creative things I have heard in music. I feel like it may have been done before but it usually feels a bit off. If someone with no knowledge of classical listened to this, I think they might think it was part of the actual song. I also absolutely love the choired-singing they added, it brings tears to my eyes its so beautiful. BTOB's performance I think was extremely impressive because it had such a clear storyline (with a twist), fun vibe, amazing live music and vocals. Definitely one of their strongest performances on Kingdom, just again very hard to compare to the other groups. I really enjoyed SF9. The choreo, the singing was all amazing. But I agree with the water scene. I kinda wish they had added some sort of dance-break in there, other than them standing there sexily, especially since the way the music fades and goes towards that moment, it really seemed to imply something extra was coming. While The Boyz's synchronised dancing is suuuper impressive, I feel like it wasn't shown as well as it could have. I'm not sure who made the decisions on their costume design, but because they were dancing with such a massive amount of backup dancers (and they're already such a big group) and they were all just in dark outfits, I felt like there was no contrast, making it very hard for me to focus myself on their performance. It made everything somewhat blurred together. Like we knew to focus on the beginning of the choreo, as we saw the behind the scenes of them getting the synchronisation right, but without that knowledge I'm not sure I would've noticed it as much.


ATEEZ ~ This round is the one that makes me so happy that ATEEZ is who brought me to K:LW in the first place, not only because I was at least far enough into my discovery of them that I had watched the title tracks (and therefore could recognize the references to lore, even if I wasn't yet clear on the storyline) but also because it made me fall so much deeper in love with them as a group. Captain notes that this round is for the fans (those who have waited for them, and those who are watching Kingdom - which I read as "old and new alike"). Wooyoung goes on to add, "If fans love it, that's all we need." And then they put together a kick-ass performance packed full of lore, worked their butts off to make it the best it could possibly be, and wove in a massive "f off" to the whole voting system in the process... because if they can make the fans happy, then they are also happy - even without an ultimately meaningless crown. (That statement is no way intended to reduce the accomplishment of the group that did actually win, because they certainly deserved it in my opinion, but rather to say that at the end of the day it's a stage prop with no practical value.) Yeosang called the performance a "gift to ATINY", and like someone else said - that's both beautiful because it's so deeply recognizable for those who know what they're seeing, and heartbreaking because it flew right over the heads of those who had no idea why those specific props were used or why specific actions/interactions were chosen. This is also the point where Yunho uses both feet for their 8-makes-1-team chant since Mingi couldn't be there... and yeah, I replayed this bit like 5 times, but despite the subs saying "king", they say "team" this time. Captain's rap here is different from the original song, and adds another piece of them making sure Mingi is included in the performance. He not only uses it as a way of continuing Yeosang's references to their humble beginnings but also says we should "remember the faithful eight". Jongho throwing the crown at the end, of course, just drives home the point that they're ultimately on Kingdom both because of and for ATINY. Nothing else matters when all is said and done, and that one action brings it all together as a complete package for me. The fact that this (the original version of "Answer") was my first song from ATEEZ makes it hit me double-hard, I think. As soon as San comes in, my eyes start tearing up, every time, and I'm always crying by the end of this performance (but in a good way, which is nice a nice change). ----- BTOB ~ (I know, I went out of order, sue me lol) I adored BTOB's stage this round for the same reason that ATEEZ's is my favorite. They made the whole thing so authentically "BTOB" for their fans, so even though jazz isn't my favorite style of music, I really enjoyed the performance and how they creatively they put the whole thing together. It was deceptively simple and tickled my brain as they went. I also love how they gave Melody credit for it all. ----- SF9 ~ These young men had me dying from the start, with the whole "let's go beyond" something racy for 29+. I was already scared, without knowing what exactly to expect. Honestly, the first time I watched the show, I saw more of my desktop than I did of this performance. I managed to get through Chani's intro (which is just so so good, to the point that I have to purposefully remind myself that he's Jongho's age)... but it wasn't long before I was blushing, fanning myself, and playing it all off as a hot flash. My first instinct with idols is to look away from this kind of thing anyway, because I always assume they're rather young (I use my son's age as the gauge here, and he was born October 1998; so to be fair, both Hwi Young and Chani are younger than he is). Taeyang at least is old enough that I don't feel bad giving full attention to appreciate his dancing (and waist, goodness)... but you guys comparing him to Lee Dong Wook isn't really helping my sanity at all right now. Zuho's rap here references their song "Trauma", naming it specifically in the verse and also including a part of his rap from that song, where he says "I'm the male version of Venus". This is absolutely my favorite stage by them to this point. I might not have been able to watch it fully the first time or two, but I'm beyond that now so I thoroughly enjoy every repeat watch now when I find someone reacting to it, and it's definitely one that has stuck in my memory so I never forget it's here. I feel like the water part was included as homage to Taemin's MV, but I wish we'd gotten a lot more out of it. They were entirely too dry as they walked away, for example. ----- The Boyz ~ I honestly never even remember this performance exists until I get to it again during someone's reaction. That sounds so harsh, but it's just true. They truly did a great job, it just never actually sticks in my memory for some reason. I guess it just shows that I need more than well-executed dance moves and a fancy stage setup to make it really stick with me. ----- Side notes ~ It's One comradery is really highlighted in this episode. It's heartwarming for me because I feel like we didn't get to see them being "close" during the parts where they were working together as a combined team (things felt a little stiff and stilted during most of that part for me), but here we get to see them after they've warmed up and gotten more comfortable with each other. I love it. Taemin... I had no idea who Taemin was when I first watched this show. For that matter, yours is the first reaction I'm watching since getting into more of his catalog than just "Advice", "Heaven", and "Criminal". I wound up diving in just within the last month, and now there's about 30 of his songs on my playlist... more than any other artist except ATEEZ. Yeah. He's dangerous. He threatens to become my ult bias every time certain tracks hit my shuffle. Busan! I had several pen-pals from all over the place when I was a teen, and one of them was a girl from Busan. This was sometime between 1993 and 1996, can't remember exactly when. She would send me pictures of places she visited, and was really the first person who got me interested in Korean culture. I even considered learning Korean way back then to communicate with her in Korean like she practiced her English with me, but we lost touch before I started and we're not even going to talk about how difficult it would be to try to find her now. Please don't say "hair erections" again. The words blend too much, and "hairy erections" is not a mental image I need to be seeing... ever... lol (Although it does make a funny quote.)

Eva Minster

This episode was intense. All the performances were. You can't compare any of them really, especially ATEEZ because the genre they used was completely different from the others. Also, yes, San speaks and acts in the most adorable ways off-stage. Nowadays he speaks in a slightly less cute sounding manner, but he still acts cute. Which is hard to believe considering that his presence onstage is powerful, sexy, bad boy and sometimes demonic. Then again, the members with the strongest dualities in ATEEZ are the members known as the demon line - Seonghwa, Hongjoong and San.

Eva Minster

I did see comments on YouTube mentioning that was the message that they were conveying with Jongho and the crown. All groups really bonded together really well and I think they started seeing those bonds as more important than the actual competition. You can tell by their interactions together in this episode vs. The first 2 episodes. It's actually really adorable.

Red 18

I still have to say that it's ATEEZ! That performance was captivating and believe it or not, I still listen to this version of ANSWER! There's just something about it, it hits your emotional strings! I am sucker for amazing and intense performances, but I guess the simplicity of this performance as compared to other ATEEZ's performances makes it different and special. It's simple yet SUPER IMPACTFUL.. especially to FANS!

irich .

This round was definitely Stray Kids for me! They never fail to deliver with their performances and live vocals/rap.


Y'all.... If its hard to pick a favorite now I don't think the next episode will be any easier (And waiting for you to react to it might be super difficult, for reasons). Super excited for you to see them. Also, in a no-spoilers way.... should you want to watch the Kingdom Week shows that the winner gets, I may know someone with the full episodes (w&w/o subs)....... me, that someone is me. So if you want to watch them, they're out there. The first two episodes are like Kingdom behind the scenes, and the last ones are performances both old and the new comeback (Well, new at the time).


Ateez performance was soooo emotional especially for Atiny. That's why when Jongho threw the crown I felt like they were saying to the fans that it's OK. Atiny supported them as much as they could but never could get those fan vote points. So since Ateez thoughtfully picked Answer for the fans and put their lore in it (which the judges did't understand, but the fans did) I really felt that throwing away the crown was a message to the fans that they did well and not to stress about it. Of course, that's just my sentimental mind. But knowing Ateez and how much they think of Atiny it wouldn't surprise me if that was also part of the message.


Kingdom Week is a MUST. There's a specific place where they are available with subs... we'll let you know after Ep 10!!!


Ateez know LA-POEM from Immortal Songs, and it would behoove you to check out those episodes that they were on, not only for their phenomenal performances, but also for the fun interactions between the other groups/artist competing with them. If you are so inclined to check it out in the future, some of the episodes are available on VIKI.com with English Subs, however, their first appearances are only available on Kocowa (with Subscription but they offer a 14 day free trial). If you check them out, here is the order of their appearances: Turbo & Kim Jongkook Special - Episodes 470 & 471 (Ateez perform in Ep 471, song "Black Cat Nero") - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/18365671/immortal-songs-episode-470 - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/18534455/immortal-songs-episode-471 2020 King of King Special (where previous episode winners compete against each other) - Episodes 487 & 488 (Ateez perform in Ep 487, song "Hayeoga" by Seo Taiji and Boys) - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/25400948/immortal-songs-episode-487 - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/25589727/immortal-songs-episode-488 RAIN Special - Episode 494 - (Song "It's Raining") https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/27218571/immortal-songs-episode-494 PSY 20th Anniversary Special - Episodes 509 & 510 (Ateez perform on Ep 509, Song "Right Now") - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/32130995/immortal-songs-episode-509 - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/32348679/immortal-songs-episode-510 2021 King of King Special - Episodes 536 & 537 (Ateez perform on Ep 537, Song (Mashup) "Nillili Mambo" Block B, "Fantastic Baby" BigBang, "The Real" Ateez) - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/43695915/immortal-songs-episode-536 - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/44080248/immortal-songs-episode-537 Celestial Kings of High Notes - Episode 606 (Jongho performs solo, Song "So You" Yarn) - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/77884207/immortal-songs-episode-606 Cheers for the Heroes in Uniform Special - Episode 611 (Song "Jilpoonggado" Yu Jungseok) - https://www.kocowa.com/en_us/media/79262374/immortal-songs-episode-611 They have won 4 out of their 7 appearances (I count Jongho's solo as an appearance) and they are set to appear at Immortal Songs Special Concert at MetLife Stadium commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Korean Immigration to The US which is taking place on October 26th. (The other performers for this 4 HOUR concert are PSY, New Jeans, Patti Kim, Lena Park, Kim Tae Woo, Jannabi, & Youngtak I know you guys are in Canada, but if you have the opportunity to go see them (i.e. if you can afford it) you should totally do it, the cheapest seats are $59 plus fees and tax! Their live performances are Top Tier (I've seen them 3 times already) and they are set to perform what looks like 10 songs one of which is going to be a surprise collab (my money is on PSY...) If you'd just like to check out the full performances, without watching the episodes, here is a playlist I created (but I'd kinda love to watch the full episodes with you guys, I think both of you most of all would appreciate them): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLleIp34VqYtr3x9DTlxMen9aGJW4ZZs18&si=vPr2-VR-4Z0Rkvm9


I thought I had seen somewhere that they were possibly planning on a Season 2 of Kingdom for next year (2024) but I can't find it now. So, who knows...


Please... lets manifest Ateez and Psy collab! And please tell me this will be televised or recorded as a special so it's on Viki or Kocowa


I believe it will be televised at a later date, probably a 2 episode special if they plan on including the whole 4 hours.


I love Ateez and BTOB performances this episode. The fact they took their no limit performances and said screw it, we’re doing this for our fans was everything to me. I still listen to this version of Ateez’s Answer. The way they incorporated the lore into the performance and then Jongho throwing the crown. Ugh, it was everything my poor lil Atiny heart wanted. Then SF9 doing Taemin’s Move. It was such a good episode! 🖤


Yasss, the demon line! 🖤 Has anyone explained the demon line to them yet lol

Eva Minster

I think it's been mentioned several times in past comment sections. So I have no idea if they know why we call them the demon line. Then there's Mingi, the wingless angel, who keeps the demons in check 😂


I wish I could be there in person, but I live 4 hours away and can't afford the Tix right now


Yes to Kingdom Week please! Stray Kids subs took care of subtitling it (like they did with the SKZ Survival Show) and here is the link: https://strayksubs.com/kingdom-week-ep-1/ It's so awsome to see the bts of Kingdom, as well as Stray Kids playing games and just having fun (like in Stray Kids Code).

Neuter Lover

My favorite is 1. SF 9 - So creative and innovative! The concept is beyond expectation. They discovered their way. 2. Stray Kids - They went to another level and showed off their true selves and true colors. Great song choice as well. 3. BTOB - This show fits them very well. Very entertaining... I forgot that they competed. I Love how they designed to show a live band on this set, their singing and performing shined so well.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I’m with you. SF9 blew me away with this one. My expectations for them just keep rising. Obvs the kids were amazing, our little global babies. But I should think Atiny and Melody are the most satisfied by this section of the show. It would have been so frustrating to see their faves be so incredible each performance and score so well with the judges and then get crushed by i-stay each time. I’m Very happy you skip the scoring.

Jan 잔

Shinee boys are amazing ;;u; Not only do they stand out with their artistry but also their personalities, their authenticity and going against the norms and exceptions while being respectful and inclusive. You can really see they care. I love them so much. They really are one of those one in generations groups who paved the way for change.


Atiny through and through, I love Ateez performance (I listen to the album version with Mingi religiously)! That being said, rewatching all the episodes… I really love BTOB jazzy performance ❤️