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Ahhhhh this is so much funnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!

This is episode TWO of SKZ Survival Show, and so far, we've been just really loving watching the SKZ that we now know all too well, and...well, it's a special feeling.

We really hope you're enjoying this - although many of you say you do not wish to go through this bumpy road again - and who knows, like we say in the video, nothing has even BEGUN and we already have an inkling of how POTENTIALLY horrifying this COULD get so...without spoiling anything, yeh, we do SENSE it.

But hey, we still love it, and we're gon keep this going, so sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let's enjoy this ride together :D !!!




I've watched this and still not over the trauma but knowing their journey is also crucial. I'm glad that you are reacting to this ❣️ for the choreography, they have a choreographer, since lee know have the most experience in dancing as he was also a backup dancer before SKZ, he catches up immediately so he guide them at practice which is also why Chan made him the dance leader. Also Changbin is the dishwasher of the kids, lol. He's often teased and have been their dishwasher till this date haha. I enjoyed watching this with you, the coming episodes are tough.


I really enjoy watching with you. A couple notes, Lee Know still helps I.N.. He has become such a good dancer. It's because Danceracha adopted him. This is also the first in many times that Bang Chan doesn't do what JYP tells him to do (change the key).


Ugh I hate when it’s over, I want to binge watch your reactions 😂 thank you guys for the content always 🙏

asja cambiganu

Fun fact: Hyunjin and Han hated eachother during survival show, in fact you can see the moment when Han enters in the same room and Hyunjin avoided his hug like he wanted to say "ew don't touch me" hugging only I.N, and now they are besties 🤭😂

Taylor M

I’m glad y’all are watching this and am having a blast watching along! It’s such a great foundation for really understanding how they became who they are today.

your name here

During filming (it was Sept-Dec of 2017): Woojin (1997) - 20yo Chan (1997) - turned 20yo during filming Lee Know (1998) - turned 19yo during filming Changbin (1999) - 18yo Hyunjin (2000) - 17yo Han (2000) - turned 17yo during filming Felix (2000) - turned 17yo during filming Seungmin (2000) - turned 17yo during filming I.N (2001) - 16yo

your name here

Choreography credits for Hellevator: Na Taehoon (JYP Performance Directing Lab) Ryu.D (Auspicious Crew) Ali Lee Chris Martin

Fae Gwen

Love watching this show I've watched it a few times. Never fails to hit me in the feels. I'm glad to get to watch it with you! Hope you enjoy! And thank you for the content.


I am so glad you are reacting to this show. It is a lot of emotions but it really shows how hard they worked and some of what they went through. And they were so young!!

Kiki Meowzilla

As someone mentioned there was a choreo team that did the dance for hellevator. The reason Lee Know was guiding everyone is because that was one of the main reasons Chan recruited him, to be the Dance Leader. Since he was a professional dancer he could help monitor and teach everyone, since he is quick to learn the choreo he could make sure everyone else got it down in the practices. He is still the dance leader now and still monitors and guides the practices, but now he works with Hyunjin and Felix as support and they each have duties like Hyunjin monitors the music videos to make sure the choreo all matches.


I love that this is the first in many times Chan doesn’t listen to JYP (changing the key) to the point that their debut song District 9 is actually higher than hellevator as if it’s a big F you we can do this and we’ll do it our way to JYP it’s great. Am I ready to re-experience the trauma of this show? No. Will I for the sake of being able to support you guys on this journey? Yes. Will I be over here with a box of tissues crying? Probably. Will I possibly have to take my anxiety meds before watching? I guess we’ll find out together. You are definitely correct that this is a bumpy ride but we’re gonna ride it together. There are some episodes I can not wait for you guys to see and others I am dreading but all of them are so crucial into understanding Stray Kids as both individuals and as a group and how hard they’ve worked to get to where they are now. I think rewatching this will just make me even more proud of how far they’ve come.


The guide for Hellevator is I believe Changbin (he rapped his own part) and Han. They released a dance practice of Hellevator 1 yr after debut as a thank you for Stay and the song they are practicing to is the guide version.


And they still make their songs in high key. Not many people notice this. Did you remember what Lee Changsub said about Backdoor... Chan always looking for challenge


We all hate this traumatising show but also recognise how important it is for the boys and their growth. Lots of things they’ve done back then are still present in things they do today, which speaks to how much they’ve retained their identity over the years which is always hard to do especially as an idol. Skz “rules” that I noticed is the same from their pre-debut days till today: 1) Felix is the designated masseuse - he still gives them massages which we can see from all their Behind/Talker videos 2) Changbin is the designated dishwasher - he always by default washes the dishes especially when they want to tease him. He is also by default the one they pick on the most. 3) Chan is the most athletic aka amazing at literally every sport related thing but always “flops it” when he’s against the kids - he would like people to believe he doesn’t do it on purpose but stays know otherwise


If I'm not mistaken, I believe the 2 extra beds are there for the managers, if they have a schedule that runs too late for them to go home, or they have to get up super early with the boys. From what I've come to understand, that is not unusual in the industry. The NCT guys have talked about sharing their dorm space with their managers, I think I've heard SHINee mention the same thing, and ATEEZ have openly talked about their managers staying over.

Tristana Keauna

I'll never get over their blatant sponsoring with Coke. They always look so pained drinking it haha


I know people love to hate on JYP, but at the end of the day Stray Kids would not be who they are today if they hadn't gone through all the hardships together at the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I bawled my eyes out at the eliminations the first time I watched the survival show, and that was going into it knowing that they all debuted together. LIFE is not easy, and it's all of the hardships that we go through that help mold us into the people we become. It's overcoming those hardships (especially together as a team) that has molded them into the human beings, the artists, that we know and love today. And as they themselves have said, they are still growing, still changing, ever evolving to become the best version of themselves that they can be. Yes Chan was the one who chose them as a team, but that was because JYPE had already taken a chance on them by having them in the Trainee program to begin with. JYP is not wrong in his critiques and they've all validated that hundreds of times over the years. As Changbin said during Kingdom, It's the negative critiques that help them understand where they lack in their stages and allow them to grow their artistry and performance. Nobody likes being criticized, but if you are never open to it, you'll never grow. They listened, and they grew! So proud of them!!

DM Wilson

I'm so glad you guys are watching this. I look forward to going on the journey with you both.


My reaction to name Chris Martin.... (⊙.⊙) Hahahaha I know, It`s just funny, that even when i was reading credit for choreography singing was at first place in my head


i just want you to know how hard i am clenching my teeth while watching this entire series with yall because of the trauma i know is upcoming rip


I didn't even realize that i missed a survival show upload until i saw that you uploaded EP 3 and I'm like "what happened to EP 2?!?" Lol. But this will be my 3rd watch through of the survival show and i know im gonna cry again. Its just something about how young they were that breaks my heart. My first time watching the show was maybe a month after discovering them. And it opened my eyes to SO MANY things. Firstly this is where i fell in love with MinSung. Whether people ship it as a platonic bromance or an actual romance IDC but seeing them in this show they were so ridiculously precious that i cannot help but love when they are around each other. Secondly because i came in before the 5 star era i didnt know IN had felt insecure in his singing. Thirdly and the biggest thing was that i had NO IDEA that they had a whole 9th person in their group, so i was VERY surprised to see that. I had already started going through their music videos by the time i started this. (And i dont think i noticed the 9th person or my brain would just gloss over it 😫) I had already really liked hellevator but seeing them go through making it gave me a bigger appreciation for the song. And lastly is my love for Lee Know. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that when i first got into the group i was one of the people that thought Lee Know was mean and harsh, but watching this show genuinely made me love him with everything in me. My second watch through was someone else reacting to the show as well. I enjoyed their reactions very much. Yours, i know, will be a little different since you guys work in music. So i love getting to see another side of it that i maybe would never have thought of but also i love watching you guys fawn over our baby boys. So I can't wait for more. Thank you for going on this journey and sharing it with us.🫰🏾🫶🏾 Now to go watch y'all react to EP 3 😹🤣

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I like seeing them in the practise room a lot. In this episode where I.N is lagging, Chan being tough and critical, Lee Know coming in softer with help, you really get to see the strength they give each other as a team. Seungmin’s voice overs are all about how much he already cares for all the members. Changbin as dishwasher from day 1. That’s a lot of love for people who don’t know each other that well yet.


i'm just now catching up on this. i can't help but think about how on their recent idol theater episode, they acted like themselves as trainees, and everyone was like "remember, we have to be afraid of chan"