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Such a wonderful, kind, and loving group.

We are seriously becoming a giant Atinys at this point and ...well, we ain't gonna stop.

There aren't much talk on the musical side of things for obvious reasons, but you'll get to hear how much we appreciate ATEEZ for what they're doing, and see our love for ATEEZ.

...Also see how long it takes us to realize San wasn't in the MV.


:D Enjoy! <3



Oh. We want it. Jongho’s animal is a bear. lol that’s my guess. I have their light stick. It’s sick as hell. I didnt know that in the lightiny app you can watch the MVs and see the light stick strobe to the music.. im very new to the kpop world. They do it better than here. Lmao

Kay Popped

Our bareface babies are here because COVID, when they couldn't be together with each other and/or staff, hence without makeup. The fact that they still all manage to look ethereal is just mean. =) San wasn't there because he actually had COVID at the time. This was such a wonderful video they made for the fans. There are several videos made during quarantine and they're all very entertaining. (5 official, I think, here's the link to #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62bUB9rH3Oc) No, the teddy bear isn't particularly significant, but Jongho is usually portrayed by a bear. (Hong Joong is a chipmunk, Seonghwa is a bunny, Yunho is a golden retriever, Yeosang is a Doberman (used to be Maltese), San is a cat, Mingi is a wolf or a chick, Wooyoung is a fox, and Jongho is a bear, btw.) Glad you liked it. And yes, it actually does have a place on the album and, I feel, within the vibe of the album, even though they have tracks like Win and Wonderland here. I feel like there was much more "space" for songs like this when it's a full studio album versus EP. And just a heads up in case you read this before watching Thank U, it's the one that Hong Joong wrote with Seonghwa in mind, to say the things he wouldn't normally just say out loud. Aww.

Eva Minster

That was a really cute video. Also, it's nice seeing them without makeup. I guess that's and them filming in their dorm is what made it feel more personal to ATINY.

Jenni Heath

Oh, we definitely need a sausage version!! lol I am glad you are loving Ateez! I absolutely love their music, but I think what makes everyone love them even more is that they are truly amazing and caring people.


They actually weren't in their dorms for this they filmed this at wherever they were quarantined at... during 1000th day celebrations Ateez was fully quarantined due to San catching Covid (which is why he is not in this). Fun fact this was also the first time we saw Mingi after his hiatus.


This is one of my fave Ateez songs ever and Hongjoong recently said this is one of the top songs he is most proud of writing!


Fun fact about this video: it dropped ON my birthday. It was also Mingi's unannounced return from his hiatus. Stunning birthday present while on Covid lock down. Also a note about this song's place in the album: it's a bit of an abrupt turn musically but it fits the rest of the album that follows and makes make sense when you think of the first half of the album as them narrowing in on their treasure and the second half as slowly recognizing their treasure (in some interpretations the treasure is Atiny and the friendships that have gotten them where they are).


Covid era Ateez! San wasn’t in this because COVID. But Mingi comeback! I love this mv. Yes that’s lightiny. I have the 2nd version but it’s definitely my favorite. Also Jongho is a teddy bear. 🐻 After watching SKZ survival you should check out any of the Ateez Wanteez episodes. You’d really get to see their chaotic energy. 🖤


Now I REAAALLY want to see your reaction to the KQ Christmas Covid Music Video Of Chaos. It explains so very, very much about KQ, KQ artists, and Ateez.


I have been a hard core Atiny for a year now and this is the first I've seen of this video! 😭 Ateez have a way of making Atiny feel so special to them. I can't even explain how much I love them and everything they do for us. Loved the video. Loved your reaction. 🤗


I’m not sure if you’ve gotten to “Thank U” yet (I’m sorry! I’m catching up slow!) but that’s another one that tugs on my heartstrings. To be as crazy hardworking and talented as these guys are and also be humble and kind? Beautiful to see.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

"Hey don't stop..." hehe. This song make me so happy but I don't think i've seen this omg!!!