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Well here's a fun, unexpected video for y'all XD, SKZ getting pranked, how about that?

Super fun, d'Some loving I.N. even more after this, and really shows how much SKZ members care for each other, the group, the company, and their craft in general!

We loved it - hope you'll enjoy as well!


SO, just looking back at the video, we realized how, well, quite bad the subtitles are for this, so here are some pointers.

5:06 - Changbin isn't saying that 'he felt bad when the detective talked so harshly'; he's saying (nuance-wise) that 'you speaking like that to me when I simply can't remember pisses me off'. That's why he's embarrassed about his reaction (because he thinks it was a bit too strong) and that's where we're saying 'no I think he did well standing his ground without being too offensive or escalating the situation too much'

8:33 - There are many like this, but as one example, 'he feels like a bolt out of the blue' is obviously not the right translation - instead, it's just 'out of the blue'. The bolt part comes from the literal translation of Korean expression for 'out of the blue' which is 날벼락, a word for 'lightning strike on a sunny day'.

Also, we do have some subtitles added to help out with some of the wordplay the actor who plays the detective uses, but here's more for you:

At 4:10, he's saying "You're Berlin - a deadly 'capital of Germany'" - but 'capital of Germany', which is 독일 수도 in Korean, combined with deadly in front turns the meaning into 'Could be a deadly poison' - and the 'deadly' here becomes fatal, which kinda makes the whole thing to mean, you're an 'homme fatale'.

7:55 is more intuitive, but as our subtitle explains, 'pul' means 'grass' in Korean, and the detective is saying he got grass on his face - following that up with 'beauti'pul'' aka 'beautiful' on his face, aka 'he's beautiful'. Classic Korean wordplay pattern actually.

10:05 is fairly straightforward as well, but he's not exactly saying 'don't rinse your hair because you're a prince' - the Korean word for 'conditioner' is actually 'rinse' so he's saying don't use conditioner when washing your hair, and following that up with the 'prince' wordplay. The more you know :D



YOOOO haven’t even watched the video yet but I’m so excited I love this one 😭😭 thanks for the surprise!!


the first couple skz code episodes are some of my fav skz content ever. of course I love all of skz code, but the first couple episodes are SO FUNNY. if you ever get the chance, another iconic piece of skz content is ep. 4 of fandom tour (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApKI2GkHiVA). this always makes me laugh so hard. you don't need to watch the eps before this as it's just skz doing a unrelated things each ep. it really shows personalities...AND DRAMA GOES DOWNNNN


Wahhh thank you for the additional translations.. it’s nice to know the full context of what they’re saying. Thanks for the enjoyable reactions always guys❤️❤️

Emily Cortes

Isn't it so refreshing and endearing that our sweet angels are so innocent that they don't even know what's happening in a possibly criminal situation? Am I the only one who finds that beautiful and innocent and refreshing? No one is perfect, I'm not perfect, our favorite guys (SKZ) aren't perfect, but it says alot about their character when they're in a compromised situation. Kudos to SKZ.


Oh man, I found this hard to watch! I really have a hard time with social deception pranks that trespass into the territory of making someone feel worried/anxious/stressed as their primary motivator, because if you don't know the target's limits, you can really do some damage. I was relieved to see SKZ were okay at the end of it, and it's socially interesting to see how they all react in that kind of situation, but personally, I prefer this kind of hidden camera stuff that was done with Ateez, which reveals their personalities in interesting ways without putting them in overly stressful situations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow9ombnGaso


this was one of first videos i saw of SKZ and it was so fun and also thank you for the correct phrases and words that were mistranslated or just lost in translation!!! also: i heard they put my favorite skz song ever which is Side Effects. I LOVE IT. can't for y'all to hear it, it's just so 🤯 thank you for the surprise video!!!


Ahh this makes me so excited for you guys to watch Skz code!!! So many funny moments and it’s so fun seeing how the guys are with each other


I love this so much, thanks for making my Monday right💗. Changbin was so cool for me. I love the way he acted, eversince, for me at leastz he gives the vibe of a man who can be very sweet and there for you anytime but you can't mess around at the same time. I felt bad for Innie too. Like he's the baby of SKZ and Stays. I shed a tear when I initially watched this 🥹. I'm so excited for you to get to SKZ code, finding SKZ, 2kids rooms, chuseok show, and the SKZ family arc which are all hilarious. And btw, I love D-some's top ❤️


First off I hope you guys had a good Chuseok second I honestly can’t wait for you guys to watch skz code or better yet for you guys to one day react to skz family because those are some funny videos skz family and also some of their chuseok videos are just hilarious especially when they play yut and can’t use any foreign words and that includes stuff like ok and fighting and it’s so funny my favorite one is this (https://youtu.be/a9k-jFvq_2A?si=mqTqLEpUSxOvDIiV) but they also did this recently for a skz family chuseok episode they play it in the second episode but you should watch all of the skz family (part 1: https://youtu.be/bhNiuiIMvFk?si=vtGHXkNt78JfE2RS part 2: https://youtu.be/MtyFJteZUls?si=kIDMRSfpi_V2muH-)


Oh unexpected reaction I love it. Looking forward to your SKZ Code reaction.


ahhhhh this was such an unexpected surprise! I'm so excited for yall to watch SKZ code and see how amazing the dynamic the boys have with each other is! Thank you for translating for us, we always appreciate how much time and effort you put into making sure we understand what we're watching with you!

Sandy Cai

Thank you for the bonus skz contents! I love it!!

Taylor M

This was fun! If you enjoyed this, you're really going to love SKZ Code when you get to that. Can't wait!


I don't want to add more to your list, but The 9th actually directly follows the survival show. It is worth a watch just to see them relax. Also, the last episode of season 1 is a must see.


Nice, we get so much content to consume! LOL Hope you had a good Chuseok! And all this SKZ content just in time for Bang Chan's B-Day too! I love that I.N is becoming one of your favorite members, he's grown on me too. He said that if he didn't become an Idol, he was considering becoming a Priest, so that alone should tell you about his character. He's such a beautiful soul.

Handsome Sausages

Isn't it interesting that pranks used to be SUCH a widespread and normalized show subject (albeit many would've been to a degree staged and premeditated and hinted at to the stars)? Thanks for the link btw! We're going to save it and add it to the list:D

Handsome Sausages

You can never be sure about the YT subs XD didn't even notice until editing because they flew by so fast at the moment!

Handsome Sausages

Aw so happy it made the day better <3 This was such a heartwarming (unexpectedly) video and we enjoyed every second of it :D

Handsome Sausages

Woo! It's so easy to forget about Chuseok when you're abroad, but thank you for that either way! :) The video seems super fun we'll def add it to the list!! :D

Handsome Sausages

We cannot ever let you miss on the beautiful wordplays and the interactions SKZ members have with each other XD So we're just happy to see that you enjoyed it :)


Yup his birthday is tomorrow/today 10/03. And Lee Know's is at the end of the month 10/25, and Jongho from ATZ is on 10/12. 🎂🎂🎂


The only reason I remembered is that this was my first chuseok where I couldn’t spend it with my family but yea it’s definitely easy to forget


Oh man i only just watched this video recently myself and i legitimately started to tear up for I.N. like they really did my boy dirty. I would absolutely love to say that i would be like Hyunjin in this situation but i would 100% be Han. Like things like that makes me NERVOUS! OH MY GOODNESS!! I can't wait for you to get into SKZ Code. Its AMAZING!!!

DM Wilson

I always love your reactions. And I love that I learn little cultural and language insights from you guys. It's nice to have added context.

Estelle S

I can't wait until you guys get to SKZ Code!! I think you'll both love seeing the members and their personalities come out Edit: I would also recommend watching the Finding SKZ M2 shows, specifically the God Edition and Get Edition. Those are hilarious and (mostly) great! (some second hand embarrassment occurs... lol.) But they are hilarious and well thought out with their personalities and humor shining though. :) They are very long videos though, about an hour each, so you might end up just watching them on your own time. Still very much worth it though!! All the episodes can be found on YouTube. :)

Handsome Sausages

I.N be our bias now :') he's so pure. SKZ Code should follow right after this just so we can feel wholesome and happy again XD

Handsome Sausages

Happy to hear that! :D We try to have fun but also try our best to point them out if applicable! We shall continue to do so

Estelle S

Ahh!! I'm so glad you guys saw my comment! :) And I hope you can check out the M2 Shows! The God Edition is the older one (if you want to watch in order) that was release around when God's Menu (Go Live/In Live time) came out (I think...) and the Get Edition is more recent, released around when Case 143 (Maxident Time) came out. It will make sense when you watch them! Hope you guys enjoy!! Either on your own time or with us! :D


This is the one piece of SKZ content I just can't enjoy. I know they all laughed at the end but I'm really against both filming people when they're not aware (like where they're not conscious their behaviour will be broadcast) and the idea of deliberately trying to upset people. It's funny when it's like Chan or Lee Know who can tell it's a prank immediately, and it is objectively interesting to know how they would react, but it feels too cruel for me. It's real for them in that moment, and I think they were also beginning to regret it a bit with I.N at the end. For me for pranks to be funny it needs to be of low consequence, it's playing a game. Taking young guys still pretty new to the industry and making a prank about their first ever big chart success song being a fraud and making them scared is just too uncomfortable for me, especially with what we now know about Han's anxiety around strangers. It also felt a bit too much like a situation where they would have to play along if they liked it or not in the end. I'm glad I haven't seen anything like this since, but equally I feel like the boys have matured too and might not enjoy messing with each other in quite the same way. However- I am enjoying you checking out their non-music content too. They put so much of their stories and personalities into their music and performance getting to know them all more makes that side of things all the more enjoyable, plus they're very fun people.


Very well said, i can't watch this either. In my eyes pranks are only funny when the jokes are light and harmless. If i were in this situation i would be super scared because i'm thinking i'm talking to real police and everything i say could have legal consequences not only for me but also for the team and staff. Especially as you said when it's also about their first big song. I felt very bad for jeongin :(


This was so fun to watch! I'd love to see you react to the SKZ Miroh Dance Prank video. It's super fun.

Jan 잔

I'm totally there with you. I would personally HATE this kind of prank and watching this makes me feel uncomfortable. I got so worried for Han and I.N especially.

Glad Wise

The members all asking the actors to make I.N to cry from the pressure and fear🤣😭😠 such a mean older brother move to get the youngest to cry! But it backfired on them when he just sounded ashamed and sad instead😟 suddenly they weren’t laughing anymore!😅I.N has such a pure and honest heart. It’s impossible to find any amusement at his sadness or shame.

Glad Wise

I liked how changbin handled it. He’s got a lot of self respect and really doesn’t appreciate poor tone from ppl if they’re rude. He was being justifiably defensive since he hadn’t done anything wrong.