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Isn't it great that we're suddenly spoiling everyone with like 5 drops in one night? :D

Nobody would complain about THAT we hope! XD

Here's our reaction to SKZ Survival Show Ep 3!

Enjoy <3



One of the episodes I love in this roller coaster show is this. I love how changbin backed up lee know when he was told to rap and Han holding his hands. The start of Minsung 💗. And btw, Felix is a simp to Changbin and Changbin to Hyunjin, and Hyunjin to Felix since day 1 until now. These triangle is so adorable. But Hyunjin shows more affection to Innie and Seungmin. A lot of Stays said it's due to toxic shippers, Hyunjin becale less clingy than he used to..to Felix. But SKZ overall bond is strong and genuine which is why I love them.


no complaining here from all the drops! I am going away on a trip tomorrow and was hoping you'd post today so I had some stuff to watch before I leave and you came through! thank you Sausages, you're the best <3


If you go to prison for stealing the laptop, I will send you money every week. You were in service to Stay. We'll start a "Free Handsome Sausages" campaign. It will be great fun!!


Not D-some literally bring back the stealing Chan’s laptop meme he has soooo many unreleased songs on it one of their songs from no easy called “up all night” was one of the first tracks he ever made and that didn’t get released until 2021 there are songs they’ve performed that have never been released like Han has a song called “scissors” or chan and changbin have a song called “mischief” there’s a song called “my people” that we’ve been waiting at least 3 years for “Super Bowl” it took 3 years to be released as it was originally made for the album Go Live in 2020 plus he has songs that he’s produced for other idols. Also pointing out Felix seemingly liked changbin kissing his cheek there is speculation that Felix is bisexual but obviously it’s never been confirmed especially because 1 being lgbtq+ is still quite taboo in Korea but also skinship is more commonly accepted there than in other western countries and all of the speculation is due to when Felix was asked by a fan what his type is he asked “in men or women” in which he said his type in men is Changbin and then I think he said he doesn’t really have a type in women or said stay or something like that. Also you’ll recognize all of their group songs on the show except maybe during one specific episode and I’m just waiting for you to figure out the reason why. I feel like once you realize you’re just gonna facepalm hahah.


Just a small correction, "Up All Night" was released on the SKZ Replay album, as it was originally a SKZ-Player.


All the songs from the mixtape album are the songs they made on the show which is why you will recognise them. However for the songs in the 3:3:3 mission the album versions are OT9 which is why school life probably sounded different.


GOOD LORD, you are not ready for the next episode 😫. Neither am I, even though I've already been through it twice. Thank you for the reaction 🫰🏾 also i Would NEVER complain about 5 drops in one night 😹 it gives me things to look forward to.


I love “Up All Night”, up there as one of my favorite songs!!!! Plus the mv is a lot of fun!


Also, these 3:3:3 groupings are something that they revisit in the future. It ends up being a 3:3:2 grouping but y’all have only reacted to one of those songs… Need y’all to do those at some point please!!! Thank you!!


And this is how SKZ& Bowling: Saga began! Every time SKZ play bowling is some much fun. We have so many iconic moments and jokes about SKZ and bowling.


I’ve held off on watching the survival show. Even knowing the outcome and where they are now, I knew it was going to be a hard watch for me cuz like everyone else I care about these kids. So seeing them go through everything is just ugh! This is why I’m glad to watch it with you guys. Feels less alone and can share in the reaction. What I do love is seeing how much and how little they’ve changed over time. Chan still putting the kids before himself, the beginnings of Minsung (everyone needs whatever soulmate workings those two have in their life), the triangle that is Felix/Changbin/Hyunjin, Seungmin growing into the terror that he is, and IN is definitely baby bread. Seeing where they started and how their bonds have grown, like choose family. I love this. I need whatever they have in my life lol. Thank you for reacting to this. 🖤

Sam w

Leeknow rapping for the first time there always makes me tear up... I can't imagine how scared he was, but having Han hold his hand and squeeze the beat into it, and changbin back him up to help, it's so amazing. it still hurts my heart that JYP made them do this immediately after making them switch parts (no practice???), but I'm proud of them for it.

Sam w

I still love that Felix posted a selfie with just three hearts in the bi flag colors on June 1st this year... like, subtle, but I think it's more than just speculation at this point.

Kimiko Milheim

While it is going to be an emotional roller coaster watching again…I love that you are seeing why they so special and truly a family.


Honestly this episode is one of my favourites. Watching Lee Know grow and rap for the first time is so special, but so is seeing Han hold his hand in support, and Changbin literally going kind of against JYPs request for lee know by backing him up and ralling behind him to support him and give him a guide. Lee know spending every second he can teaching IN how to dance, and teaching Felix Korean so he can communicate. Chans love for everyone. It's just so special because it really shows us how they were a family from the start. Their closeness and bond is not something they put on as a show, they've always loved and supported each other from the jump, and that just makes me fall in love with this group so much more. Also fun fact, hellevator DID get released in the original key they sang it in for their assessment, but once JYP criticised it and they performed it live, Han took the high note even higher! Gotta love the screw you. Keep watching Chanbins face when JYP critiques people guys, you won't regret it!

Handsome Sausages

We will try our best then- dono if it'll be that fun for us in prison, but hey, it's for the greater good! XD

Handsome Sausages

Indeed- we love getting to know them better, and although we anticipate it to be a rough watch for us as well, we're in this together!

Handsome Sausages

YES The hand holding was EVERYTHING. It made us appreciate SKZ 10 times right away! This is going to be such an adventure, and one that we definitely look forward to!


I don’t recommend that. I doubt you’d even make it to prison because Chan will kill you before he lets anyone take his laptop likes he’s gonna protect that laptop with his life or die trying. So if you end up in prison it’s not for theft it would be for murder. 😂

Michele Wang

Changbin started as a singer and his vocal coach recommended he learn to rap. :D So he's properly talented at both. He and Han both featured on Masked Singer. :D

Michele Wang

Mmmm I love Korean fried chicken! Lately, though, I've been really into Goobne's roast chicken. so good!


That willow tree (I call it the Changlix Tree) is an icon to some of us, I discovered this summer. I thought it was just me. But, the evening of June 30, I met a friend who lives in Prague at that tree and we had a kind of picnic. It fed my delulu, lol. I hesitantly told some friends in a couple of my Kakao GCs and they FREAKED! They got SO excited for me! We had our SKZOOs, too, lol. She had gone to the Soundwave lucky draw earlier that day, so we both had our PCs spread out on the blanket. It was almost like an alter. Oh, yeah. Totally agree with you about Korean Fried Chicken. It's sooo much better than any other fried chicken I've had. "What's Chicken in Korean?" "FRIED"

Estelle S

If someone in the comments above didn't mention it already, in the making video for Surfin', Felix, Minho, and Changbin reference this picnic. :) I hope you guys get to watch those "making" videos for the unit songs on the NoEasy album! :)