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(EDIT: We found the link ! :D No worries with that now!)

This is it :')...This is really it...it's over.

As glad as we are that we have checked KLG out thanks to everyone <3, we are also very sad that it's over. Now, we did say that we'd cast a vote on the next Kingdom related things to check out, but as the video itself reveals, Kingdom week is reserved for the winner and that means that itself only exists in one form - SKZ version.

So feel free to just drop a comment down below with the best (or most legit?) link to Kingdom Week, and we'll go ahead and react to that!

Anyways, thank you everyone for staying with us through this incredible performances, and here is to MUCH more! <3 Love!



I can’t believe it’s already the last episode T^T. Also LOVE that y’all are doing Kingdom Week too!

asja cambiganu

You can find it easily on the same site where you are watching the Survival show, just type "Kingdom Week" on the home page Anyway hope this link could help you https://strayksubs.com/?s=Kingdom+week+&id=2357&post_type=post


I’ve had this link saved.. waiting for this moment 😭 it’s so sad it’s over but you’re right! There’s more SKZ content and you can find it on StrayKSubs here: https://strayksubs.com/kingdom-week-ep-1/ The entire series has a mix of behind the scene videos hosted by Felix and Seungmin, variety games (Buddy Catcher which is a parody of Love Catcher) and their comeback show for the NO:EASY album. You could choose to watch each part separately because they’re not related to each other. The first 2 episodes are the behind the scenes of Kingdom. I’m so excited!! Can’t wait for you guys to watch ☺️


StrayKSubs has a website!! you can find kingdom week there but I can’t recall if the episodes are complete or not, because I’ve watched it on several different platforms.. I think they might be. strayksubs.com

Handsome Sausages

Yesss as the other comments have stated, it seems like we can easily find it on the website we're using right now :D

Sandy Cai

Please check out Kingdom week, hope you can check out SKZ family reunion, chuseok episodes and SKZ Code as well.

Sandy Cai

I'm readyyyyy. Yes, thank youuuu!! Let's goooo!. Its gonna be a really really hilarious ride!


It's a fun journey with y'all. Loved all of the performances in this show and all the groups who partake in it. I'm not sure if you've seen this but there's a 120secs Kingdom contact.. it's funny, hope you can check it. Here's the link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqPZuKDGfpKc74dzwLGZ4mTYhmoGb512V&si=tyBPKmxZMG91Xp9q


There is so much behind the scenes of the kingdom performances on the group's personal youtube pages. I think almost every performance has one. (I have them all saved in a YTplaylist like a crazy person because I like to rewatch all the behinds from both Kingdom and the personal channels and then the full performance when the urge strikes for a particular performance instead of going back and rewatching the whole show for the small content. Kingdom week is a must imo, the first two episodes are behind the scenes content from the show, and then some extra stuff and performances too. And if you like SKZ Code stuff, you'll like the rest. There is also an "Idol on quiz" episode (episode 3 I think) on KBSWorld TV youtube with members of SKZ and The Boys that is kind of fun to watch (Not the biggest fan of the hosts, but the rest of it is great fun).

Star Dust

Kingdom aired between April 1 and June 3, 2021. :)

Star Dust

Kingdom Week should definitely be the next journey! :)

Eva Minster

In that one performance where the backup dancers fall forward and land in plank position so perfectly was impressive. ATEEZ did upload behind the scenes of Kingdom performances on their channel. I can link the videos if you like via DM


Kingdom week is so fun, the behind the scenes stuff is really interesting!


Also Stray kids do have videos for the behind of the performances, the producing and dancing starting from episode 0 which is the introduction til episode 5 the finale on their YT channel, is called kingdom behind. I believe Ateez and The boyz also have a few behind the scenes videos on YouTube and like the other comments mentioned you can check out kingdom week on Strayksubs and yes they are complete, I promise you’ll have a good laugh with the money catcher game 😆


In addition to Kingdom week I also recommend checking out Stray Kids behind the scenes that they did for Kingdom here’s a link to that playlist on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFPYOZOw-tYWc652owhDGjsYpVF2u2aX&si=GSei_4uK1mWRDbol I also made a playlist of Ateez’s Behind the scenes in order as well here’s the link for that. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwedAQF4tF6SOV_G69LT65_gCkyU4oEK&si=paSB5gB5x_yI_Fg0 I’ve also created a playlist for BTOB’s behind the scenes https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwedAQF4tF51Y7xqVOysrap7uF3g242-&si=8hrlap_BIxpM82SL Here is the link for iKon’s behind the scenes for Kingdom https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwedAQF4tF48pNsTiJ-qEZRKgwfdObWU&si=LW_dHX9ZPqlafSjY Here is a playlist for SF9 they only have practice videos https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwedAQF4tF6AInMWNTHiLz2rxwk7m8nN&si=XVU5qrR_AZAfMKwk This is a playlist for The Boyz Kingdom Practices. I believe it’s just dance practices and the videos are super long. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwedAQF4tF4amtoJyu2T3bo4-K_HpN1m&si=61HchRmUWlMpUl_f


Yea every single one of the groups has at least practice videos the Boyz is probably the longest as theirs are between 30-45 minutes long and sf9’s are the shortest only being a standard dance practice video


If you are looking for more kingdom content there is some ep 0 content on the Mnet K-pop YouTube channel including a performance film (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKQEfIOSKW8) where one member of each team does a short dance. I will also recommend the 120 sec unit chemistry videos which are kind of speed date videos for each unit.


I don't know if you guys have plans to check it out but I think Boys Planet would be another really good show to watch, its 99 talented trainees competing to debut


I think a show you’d really enjoy is jypsy loud. It’s a survival show but all the contestants actually produce/write/choreograph all the performances themselves and the quality of the lyrics is amazing. Skz actually do a feature on the show as well!


Interestingly, if you remove all the fan votes and streams from the scores, Stray Kids still wins based on expert and self-evaluation although there is some shuffling from 2nd place on. So while the fan votes had impact, in the end, it didn’t change the winner.

Kumu Leato S. Savini

I absolutely loved rewatching the entire Kingdom with Handsome Sausages. Your insight an opinions are always amazing! All groups were amazing and showed great improvement every episode! Bang Chans ending ment was my favorite, at the top of his head he summarized Kingdom with all groups final songs, really shows how talented he is! Now to watch the Kingdom Week with yʻall!

Jan 잔

Wonho - Monster X is who you were talking about. Also "idols tend to be lean"...*Looking lovingly at Changbin* I love the box of what Idol is supposed to be is slowly breaking and expanding. Hope we get that for the girls too! This was my third time watching legendary wars, second after the initial airing and it hits different now that I'm more familiar with all of the groups. They all did such as great job. Got all emotional watching this with you :') I first watched KLW for SKZ but was still surprised by the final result. Especially with the problems with the voting app. There was a lot of critique on SKZ afterwards for being too chaotic or busy and having too many concepts smashed in, which I can understand but for me that's the fun of it. It's like a puzzle that keeps revealing new aspects and how many different meanings there is. Makes my brain happy, lot of dopamine and serotonin. And I totally don't agree people saying that their work isn't fully thought through or that it's unpolished and they didn't really deserve this. It's just how they meant it to be and totally deserved it.