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This episode was ROUGH.

BUT, as we always say, we're in THIS THING TOGETHER.

So do not cry - enjoy the ride - and let's run till the end.

Enough talk. Everything we need to say is in the video.

ENJOY!!!! <3



I honestly don’t think I can watch this one without skipping some parts 😭 I truly believe they are who they are today because of the things they’ve been through especially in this survival show but seeing them sad really makes my heart hurt.


It may be dangerous of me to watch this now when I have a meeting in 40 minutes... but I can't wait haha. Happy to see another post <3 Hope everyone will have a wonderful week, let's get through this monday 화이팅 <3!!!


Man this episode always makes me mad and sad and all the emotions. I would love for you guys to watch "3 men in colorful pants" haha it's a vlive edit of 3racha being 3racha and it's most definitely a mood lifter after this episode.


I've not watched yet but I just needed to say that the thumbnail is everything lol


I was crying, but the "you evil, evil being" at 19:03 cracked me up😂

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

oh my gosh the way that Lee Know holds it together and just BREAKS when it's BangChan hugging him is such a testaemt to how much he respects him, and that sentiment STILL resonates so deeply to me now because bangchan relies so much on Lee Know when it comes to leading the group as a whole unit. He's like the seonghwa of the group in terms of momitude. lol pay attention to pretty much everytime Changbin looks at JYP it's with anger, or passivity. That has never changed. You can even tell when he's trying hard to listen without hating the man.


Pausing mid-watch to respond to D'Some being uncomfortable with the emotional manipulation aspect of the elimination/s to say: HARD AGREE. There's a lot of fandom theories about why JYP does what he does in this respect; my personal belief is that it's a mix of motives rather than one thing alone (and I love to tinhat about it!), but I do think he failed to factor in how Stray Kids having chosen each other as a team rather than being assembled by the company would colour the impact of eliminations. JYP is used to cutting members from trainee groups and seeing them upset individually, but he's not used to those groups having bonded to this extent beforehand; to being this invested, not just in debuting, but in doing so specifically with each other. But at the same time, I think he *had* to know what eliminations would do to Chan, specifically, given his history, and I think that's why, despite otherwise respecting him as a boss - at least to my reading of it - Changbin has on some level never forgiven JYP for how the eliminations happened: because he was the one who had to hold Chan together afterwards.


D'some I love your new hairstyle!

asja cambiganu

I found really funny that JYP said "don't tell anything too personal like Jeongin snores" and during an interview Hyunjin was like "oh yes we have a shower with transparent walls and Seungmin was like staring at me while i was taking a shower" 🤣

Star Dust

As I understand it, Lee Know walked home alone after this. Others might be able to point to the entire story there. I'm not sure where/when Lee Know revealed that.


oh yes please! That's the best vlive EVER, so hilarious and fun!


I've watched this couple of times, did I cry each time? YES. Lee know's training was so short out of anyone and he's Chan's helping hand in managing the group as a dance leader so it's sad. Seungmin was lee know's first friend from training days, so he's so sad that Minho was eliminated. Toying with people's emotion to add drama to this show is what I hate the most. Lee know never stopped training after the elimination, he still helped them with their choreography without knowing that he'll be back in the group in the future, that says so much of how close they are, they support and help each other off cam. SKZ are one of the group out there who are genuinely love and care for each other that you can see it through their actions and hear it from their words.


I held my mini BbokAri for emotional support, but I still cried a lot watching this one 😭


i have heard that story too, but I cant remember from where. I think I heard that he walked home because he felt he didn't deserve to take a taxi after being eliminated, which is soooo heart breaking if that is true.


Stray kids are one of a kind, they heed JYPs words of "sincerity", "diligence" and "modesty" to point in their feelings for each other and are great role models concerning that. I think, the way we see them now, how they are now, are exactly because they learnt to know how they feel about each other by this show. Even if it was a tough way to learn it, I think they still draw from this experience and stand as one. The others often say, if somebody needs help Lee Know is the first to offer it (though not without a typical Lee Know remark to disguise his love). I cannot but love them all for this...


I agree. You can visibly see them lose heart, especially Chan. And, visibly see Changbin's anger. Every Stay knows where Bang Chan had been mentally. Han and Changbin know even more so.


I think Lee Know himself mentioned in a live or interview or something that he had been a trainee for only a month before the show started shooting. He had loads of dancing under his belt, but not that much of vocal training and of course he only started rap when asked by JYP. To see where he was and where he is now is pretty awesome though. They did show a couple of pictures (during the "goodbye" video/picture show) of the birthday prank, but it was them just celebrating the birthday - I want to say it's still in the credits themselves that show when Chan got up and walked out as if super upset and then came back with the cake. I do see lots of comments that Changbin was super angry and upset and I can see that, but I don't think he's ever said himself any of that so it's all supposition =\ I would like to think he was upset and angry as well, but we can only guess. (Unless someone knows where he confirmed his feelings during that time, I would love to watch that. He is my ult bias afterall, and there's still so much content I have to watch!)


this was 1 day early but happy 6 years exactly since survival show ep1 first aired 🥲🤍🤍🤍 what perfect timing

Tristana Keauna

I haven't watched all of this yet, so may edit this comment, but first things first. I need all the details about the doggo!!


Han-C and d’some briefly joining the JYP hate train which we love. After this show I’m sure you’ll understand why so many stays dislike JYP so much you can see how angry changbin gets and how heartbroken chan gets like he’s seen so many of his friends debut or leave cause they weren’t debuting and as the leader and him tending to be super hard on himself you can just see that he’s blaming himself for the eliminations. I don’t think any of the boys have fully forgiven JYP for the eliminations there’s a joke that minho made that was like “out of everything JYP has said to you what had the strongest impact or impression?” And Lee know fully says “during the survival show ‘Lee Know, come forward’” talking about the time he got eliminated. There’s also a video of Felix asking JYP why he disqualified him which is super funny. Plus Stray Kids regularly clown JYP by doing JYP versions of their singing or dancing and it’s so funny

Handsome Sausages

XD It's my cutie patootie puppy named Cookie! :D He's 1 year old toy poodle (supposedly, now suspecting he may be a golden doodle) and he's absolutely adorable :D

Handsome Sausages

Bah we already get it honestly! :') it'll only get worse I guess. We're def gon check out that clip too XD sounds like a revenge

Jenni Heath

It took me so long to sit down and watch this because I knew I was going to cry again lol I watched this for the first time well after their debut like you guys, but it still broke me. This is one of the only reasons why I am glad I didn't know of them when this was going on because I couldn't imagine watching this and not knowing there was a happy ending. I know JYP is running a business and has to do what he has to do but I swear watching this put him right under my ex-husband on a list of people that I despise lol.


Whelp. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen this episode but I have to fight the tears every time. Lee Know asking if he wouldn’t have messed up if Han had held his hand this time just kills me.

Michele Wang

I don't know if JYP had plans to debut the whole team since the beginning or what, but it really frustrated me that he was given the sole power of elimination when he didn't even know how the team works.....He literally chose to eliminate their choreographer/dance leader.....Minho shines brightly on the stage now, but from the beginning, his true light shines backstage. 3RACHA get so much commendation for their work, but Minho does just as much for the group behind the scenes, and if JYP hadn't brought him back, SKZ may never have reached the level they're at now.

Michele Wang

I'll never stop being confused by JYP's haircut...

Tracey Okeby Lucan

And it was raining. And then he came into help them practise the next day because 😭😭😭😭


Lee Know's video actually made me so sad even though I know the outcome


So I'm here really late but all I want to say is look at Changbins face or anyone other than Chans face whenever anything to do with JYP is brough up even now. You can tell than Changbin especially has never forgotten or forgiven the things that happened in the survival show. I'm sure they respect him and learnt from him but they sure as hell don't *like* or *love* him

Estelle S

Well. It's a good thing neither of you could see me crying (again) during this episode. Though, I will say once again that it's MUCH better watching this with other Stays than by myself. Also, thank you for your Korean insights! :)


You find out later through different shows that the hug Lee Know got from Bang Chan at the elimination moment is why Lee Know readily dodges hugs from Bang Chan (and Bang Chan doesn’t get offended by it)….because it reminds them both of this moment. So Bang Chan lets Lee Know make the first move in hugs instead.

Jan 잔

Living in country where winter is 2/3 of the year with snow and ice, where all the PE classes during winter are either skating or skiing this is so funny to me. None of them would have passed :')