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Checking out all three things - the first track, 'Road Not Taken', as well as two versions of Side Effects that include the Music Video AND the Performance Video!

Starting this album with a big bang! 

And well this is a GIANT start - we LOVED Side Effects for its daring moves. This was a magical piece for d'Some in the same way Miroh was. What even is going on with these albums?!

It's our favourites :')

As we say in the video, let us know your thoughts about the four mix tapes in this album (and how we can differentiate them from the previous mix tapes from the I am album series that also named the mixtapes from #1, if they are indeed different tracks).

As usual, enjoy <3



Well, at that day when you will start listening to Levanter and its first track, put 'Road not taken' at playlist before Stop. 'Road not taken' ends with "I never"


I was so waiting for this one!! To answer the question if there's a complete song with Road Not Taken the answer is yes and it actually appears on the next album Clè: Levanter and it's called Stop. I won't spoil it much but that's the complete song! With Side Effects, that was the song that made me decide that I was gonna stan them for a really long time. I think this type of song is called 'psytrance' and the kids were really excited about this one. I've read this is when a lot of people solidified SKZ as a 'noisy' group. Side Effects is a misunderstood masterpiece. It's just amazing. From the lyrics, to their voices, the beat, the drop, the dance. Truly, my favorite SKZ song ever. Thank you for this one!!!

Courtney Fong

Yay! One of the funnest songs to watch new stays react to. Heaps of people are going to mention how polarising and hated this song was at the time since no one was doing the edm psych trance types in K-pop like you guys said. TMT is my favourite underrated song so I’m excited for that. I think it’s fair to say the entire cle series is pretty underrated compared to their other albums but it’s so beautiful because it’s their most experimental and personally tumultuous period before Gods menu and thereafter. Mixtapes were originally only 3racha Soundcloud tracks but they incorporated the rest of the group and had everyone write their own verse. At least that was the case for the first four or five mixtapes. The rest after are just original single releases between albums. Hope this all helps!


The full version of Road Not Taken is STOP. It's a banger haha. Loved your reactions!


A few things so Road Not Taken connects/ goes into Stop (the intro from Levanter) so when you listen to them one after the other it is FANTASTIC. Second SKZ did a mash up of this with God’s Menu on Kingdom so that’s possibly why 머리 아프다 sounds familiar because they do say it there but it’s a completely different rendition. All the mixtapes from the I am series are the mixtapes on this album which you need to listen to and I recommend watching as part of this album. In addition to reacting to mixtapes 1-4 I also suggest reacting to the original 3racha versions of those songs Mixtape 1 (Placebo) 3Racha: https://youtu.be/pOLGOmBv7TM?si=o6fElwwf2nKMQfvw Mixtape 1 SKZ version: https://youtu.be/85-yvOv4R-Q?si=4t66c5hEaHIxqADc Mixtape 2 (Behind the Light/ 그림자도 빛이 있어야 존재) 3Racha: https://youtu.be/dxF6Vu4M4oI?si=q-h-O1I0l0FL3kjn Mixtape 2 SKZ version: https://youtu.be/KvOoSNLpqWo?si=_dJQfX7JJWcn4MYP Mixtape 3 (For You) 3Racha: https://youtu.be/kPm1SaysM_8?si=nrqRz3yss-obOcEZ Mixtape 3 SKZ Version: https://youtu.be/3R19jESEY0c?si=c9f_MeMTiFoUxPsp Mixtape 4 (Broken Compass) 3Racha: https://youtu.be/xEFwDnNtcOs?si=9qc3YYDQB88gfW6h Mixtape 4 SKZ Version: https://youtu.be/gWaCN9vpRK8?si=CTaGDloyDOxc50Zl From here on out the mixtapes on albums aren’t on other albums except for the songs on SKZ 2021 cause they’re re-recordings to make everything ot8 after woojin left but I will say SKZ 2021 is the only album that has Hoodie Season which is another mixtape that has an original 3racha version all the mixtapes after from my knowledge don’t have any 3racha versions

Emily Cortes

Straykids are the 1st kpop group to use psychedelic trance with "Side Effects" which is freaking cool as h3ll. They literally have created songs in over 40 genres which is insane to me and that's what makes them so special. They don't have borders, walls, a "type", a "sound", they literally do whatever the h³ll they want and go where the music takes them. They are the most innovative group in the music industry...period...not the kpop industry...the music industry. Think about it, every artist tends to stick to a certain formula, but with StrayKids you literally have no idea what their next move is. They purposely confuse tf out of us all the time. Forget roller-coasters, being a fan of StrayKids is the most thrilling ride I've ever been on to be honest. And the fact that they're at this level of talent an creativity and the oldest member/leader Chan is literally mid 20's but they're this freaking genius and innovative at this age...like wtf?!


Yes! Definitely listen to the 3racha versions!!!


LOVED YOUR REACTION!!! This is where I fell into the rabbit hole that is SKZ. I was big into EDM and Dubstep - back in the day been to many festivals (I am old haha). I had no K-pop on my playlist so when I heard this….I was like 🤯 This was just something so different yet had so many elements that I loved. Their discography is just so versatile it baffles me. TMT - ❤️ can’t wait for this one. Personally I say skip the mixtapes here and listen to them on SKZ2021. You also get to add Hoodie Season from that album 😁


Side effects - They mentioned in Kingdom for round 1 that Side Effects is about dominance, being taken control of. The choreo also reflects that - they dance like they are puppets and someone else is controlling how they move. Or literally controlling their movements (when Hyunjin was pulled back, or the two in the back were pushed up). Fun fact - the scream in the song is I.N - when I found out I thought, gosh that makes so much sense given how he screams sometimes hehe (like a water deer). I adore both the intro (Road Not Taken) and Side Effects so much. I tend to lose myself in these songs and would induce a headache due to over-headbanging. Which I loved that I got a headache when the lyrics state that... Then I found out that the beat is actually really good at getting rid of headaches. I stopped my self induced torture of headbanging and just let it wash over me now - very soothing :) The Mixtapes (#1-#4) were all on previous albums as bonus CD songs (they weren't released via streaming). Then they added them all from the previous albums to this album, but also then released them on streaming so they aren't just CD only now. So you wouldn't be missing any - as someone else said, the only one not on this album is Mixtape #5, re-released as Hoodie Season, but it could be done as part of the album its on as well. Any other tracks that state Mixtape first are just a song released separate from an album I think and may be added onto future albums (like Mixtape: Timeout was released as a present for Stay but then later added into an album). I truly liked the list 김수미 made in one of the comments on here giving a full list and links to all the mixtapes and the 3Racha versions - as they were all originally 3Racha songs, but then changed (sometimes a little, sometimes drastically) and all the members wrote lyrics for the SKZ versions so it's not just 3Racha lyrics on the SKZ versions.


Yayy thank you for this.❤️❤️. Can't help but punch the air everytime I listen to this song😂


I sent you guys a direct message after the 19 reaction with info/explanations about the mixtapes 👍 maybe you missed it? I was trying to help prepare you for this album since I know you guys have been skipping them. I just figured only 3 songs was kind of a sad way to go about a whole album lol anyway, In the message there’s info about each one and links to help too 😊


Man, I really fucking love Side Effects - an underrated classic!

Liz Isenbarger

This was one of the first SKZ songs I ever heard and I still think it's genius. Their talent and creativity is off the charts for me. And you guys are my favorite SKZ reactors! I joined Patreon just to follow you. Thanks for all your hard work!!

aicrylic (aimee)

The people that get it, get it, and the people that don't, don't. Such a polarizing song when it came out haha, I'm just still amazed to this day they dropped this when they were still barely a year old group, but leave it to SKZ to have the guts to do it LMAO

Kiki Meowzilla

These two are some of my favorite songs, how unique they are really drew me in with this album, the lore also brought me in and the cohesiveness of it being called Yellow wood from the Robert Frost Poem to Road Not taken to the theme of Side Effects. Loved it all! As for the mixtapes I say listen to them when you get to the SKZ 2021 album in the timeline. This way you listen to the OT8 version, then like in this video you can watch the music videos and listen to the original 3racha track. I think if you wait you can probably listen to the different versions and MV when available and make that take the place of the SKZ 2020 and SKZ 2021 albums. I agree with others that listening to the 3racha version is important since it is the original and the OT8 version has writing credits for the whole group.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

My second favourite SKZ song. I can’t stop myself thrashing whenever it comes on.


Couldn't agree more!!..Then add to that the fact that every other creative involved with them is at the top of their game too (i.e. hairstylists, make up artists, costume designers, video producers, choreographers etc.)...I mean, my mind is just blown every time. And not only is the music production amazing, but each member is so uniquely talented. Yeah, like wtf? Just genius.


Pls, be so kind to share here. I would like to know more

Estelle S

My opinion for this one is to check out the mixtapes. Especially since it's all right before WJ left, I think it's interesting in light of that but they're all also just really really really good. 😀

your name here

Cle 2: Yellow Wood pulls inspiration from the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both..." Side Effects in particular reflects on the consequences of choosing the road less travelled (or the authentic path) and the fear/anxiety that arises when you start to doubt your decisions. Dealing with both external and internal influences trying to pull you from that path. And imagining what it could have been like if you had chosen the safer/easier path. The "womp womp" deep synth in the background always reminded me of when you hear your own heartbeat in the back of your head while you have a lot of pressure building up in your ears and it makes that weird deep pressure sound. It creates a really visceral feeling of building anxiety.

your name here

I would actually recommend listening to the numbered mixtapes separately as they were all originally 3RACHA songs that were released pre-debut. They were then recorded as 9 member songs with each member writing original lyrics (for many members the mixtape numbered series are their first writing credits). They were then re-released and renamed back to their original 3RACHA names for the OT8 versions. It may be fun to listen to the original 3RACHA tracks and then the SKZ versions. 1. Placebo (3RACHA) - Mixtape #1 - Placebo (SKZ OT8) 2. If there is a shadow there must be a light (3RACHA) - Mixtape #2 - Behind The Light (SKZ OT8) 3. For You (3RACHA) - Mixtape #3 - For You (SKZ OT8) 4. Broken Compass (3RACHA) - Mixtape #4 - Broken Compass (SKZ OT8) 5. Hoodie Season (3RACHA) - Mixtape #5 - Hoodie Season (both versions are OT8 as Woojin already left before this song was released)

Tristana Keauna

I believe the full version of that song (Road Not Taken) is called "STOP" and it's straight fire! It's on the Cle': Levanter =) Side Effects is my favorite thing they've ever done!


While I somewhat agree that they should do it with the 3racha versions skz 2021 and skz 2020 are just re-recordings other than a few lines being changed to replace woojin most of the actual song wasn’t re-recorded or re-mixed and seeing as they would’ve already listened to all the ot9 versions of the song it wouldn’t make sense to just listen to the skz2021 album just for the mixtapes plus each of the mixtapes have some amazing and funny videos regardless of ot8/ot9


I should also mention skipping the mixtapes to wait for skz 2021 would make no sense as both skz 2020 and skz 2021 are re-recordings of song to replace woojin that being said only Woojin’s lines were re-recorded nothing else the whole song wasn’t re-recorded or re-mixed. Therefore the only song you’d have to listen to when you get to skz 2021 is Hoodie Season


Side effects is sooo huge! Don’t leave out the mixtapes, they are full songs just hadn’t the fortune to get a proper name back then. I always have issues with anybody calling Stray Kids „K-Pop“, because they are so not Pop, it’s like label deception… They should be called „K-Hurricane“ or „earth-rumple“ or, eh… „K-side effect“


Side Effects is probably my favorite SKZ song. There is a dope as fuck live version that blows my entire brain apart. https://youtu.be/4VmyzQZ2X94?si=-BxSuZcXUXlMC1ID Also this one https://youtu.be/7B1MiHJKIlo?si=GXVMg0jwSCsONYD1


This song goes insane live in concert lol getting to scream like this feels amazing


one of the most iconic moments in kpop when this dropped the same day as red velvet’s zimzalabim 😭😭😭 it was a wild day on kpoptwt HAHAHHA. iconic song as always, but regarding the mixtapes - i think you should just do the respective ot8 re-records, and then you can dive into 3racha’s original tracks (on soundcloud) as a separate thing? bc i wld love for yall to go thru 3racha’s own discography by mixtapes (bc it makes more sense then) ^^ skz2021 renames for mixtapes mixtape #1 - placebo mixtape #2 - behind the light mixtape #3 - for you mixtape #4 - broken compass

Jenni Heath

I loved watching Han-C trying to figure out if he had heard Side Effects before. lol It was the song that they mixed with God's Menu in the 1st round of Kingdom. The new hairstyle looks really good as well!


Side Effects was my 1st comeback with Stray Kids and I remember after my first listen I was like "wtf did I just listen to???" (in a good way) and the more I listened, the more amazing it became. They are such geniuses. I also remember when the Unveil Track video for Road Not Taken came out and everyone was in shambles over DJ Chan hahaha. I love that you described the chorus choreography as looking zombie-like. I always think that too and I'm pretty sure at one point the members described it like that when giving pointers on how to dance it. There was a really good vampire-themed performance of Side Effects in one of the 2019 end of year music shows (MBC Gayo Daejejeon) - it's one of my favorite Stray Kids performances ever and the remix of it is FANTASTIC. I wish there was a studio version of it! Here's a link in case you're ever interested in watching it: https://youtu.be/4VmyzQZ2X94?si=Mm4V-9u4vd3DY8MH

asja cambiganu

Don't know if someone already pointed it out but the scream you hear in Side Effects is actually I.N screaming

Star Dust

Side Effects was my very first SKZ song. I fell in love! Headband music! Haha That scream was I.N!

Star Dust

The mixtapes are the same as previous albums. It's just that previously they were only on physical albums (no digital) and on Yellow Wood they compiled them all together and made them digital releases too.


This choreography is hands down the most difficult and intricate they have ever done! I've been a dancer for 23 years. I have been a competitive and semi-professional dancer and the Side Effect choreography and performance video may be one of the best pieces of choreography I've ever watched. And I do not say that to be hyperbolic. I genuinely believe this piece of choreography is probably in my top three pieces of choreography that I've ever watched! It blows me away every time and I wish they would do more intricate dances like this!


The performance is fantastic))) And I really wonder your thoughts about yesterday Unveil? Is this the same level of 'wtf i've just heard' as it was for Side effects or higher))))


Side Effects is definitely one of the first glimpses of "modern" SKZ sound. Of course there were signs of it in earlier albums and Miroh definitely planted its flag in the sand, but I think Side Effects is the first big reveal of the "i don't think this is supposed to work but it does and I love it" sound that kicked into high gear with God's Menu.

Ella Rosen

"STOP" is actually the full version of "road not taken" and if you play it right after it blends into each other perfectly!! you should totally check it out


If you liked Side Effects, I think that you should hands down react to the Heart Beat 2019 Awards Performance where they combined 3rd Eye+Side Effects+Rap Perfomance (Carpe Diem) +Double knot. They are all songs you will come across in the next album, but once you listen to 3rd Eye and Double Knot, please please please come back to the Awards performance because it's seriously mind-blowning, from the choreo to how they arranged the songs. Plus if you like Changbin and Han rap performances, like the back and forth in God's Dududu in Kingdom (when they were rapping in the subway), you will be mind blown by Carpe Diem, which is an original rap they specifically did for that award show and never included in any album. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/XrCG3i7hdz8?si=yURVI6W3utLfl53k !

Handsome Sausages

Yes this randomness they bring to the table has made us get hooked - we're honestly addicted now and their new album seems incredible already so :') we're full on stays at this point - spreading the good word

Handsome Sausages

THAT WAS I.N? DANG. ok we'll be talkin about what to do with the mixtapes but as of right now it seems like we'll be reacting to them :D

Handsome Sausages

We're totally most definitely not dancers but even we could see that it'd be incredibly difficult to dance. Also, forget that for a second. You are a dancer?!! That's SO COOL!! We need to react to your dances XD

Jennifer Truong

When you watch STOP which is the full version of Road Not Taken, can you also react to the unveil trailer for it? It shows Bang Chan in "producer mode" and building the track and it's such a great trailer to watch


I wrote this whole comment about SKZ gifting us with two incredible psytrance tracks and the pure art and symbolism that is Side Effects and it’s choreo but it disappeared when I went to get this link to include. 😭 Anyhow, you guys should check out this performance. I know someone linked the “vampire” side effects stage already but this is what I call psychedelic vampire 2.0 side effects. The darker, grungier remix with the added visuals on the floor and wall screens is SO good. https://youtu.be/7B1MiHJKIlo?si=ehT8hm4ytwZi6spj


STOP on the CLE: Levanter album is like a pt 2 of Road Not Taken. picks up right where Road Not Taken ended. also!!! there are four mixtapes, and the mixtapes are old 3RACHA songs that 3RACHA had released on SoundCloud (check their SoundCloud out to see an even longer musical journey), but remixed/recorded to be released on this album. For example, on 3RACHA's SoundCloud, Mixtape #1 was "Placebo", Mixtape #2 was "If There's a Shadow, There Must Be Light", Mixtape #3 was "For You", and Mixtape #4 was"Broken Compass". very interesting stuff!!!! honestly, I would be interested in your reactions comparing the yellow wood version of these songs vs the original SoundCloud version.

Harley Shanks

However, Placebo is slightly different. Woojin’s lyrics are gone. So idk maybe listen to the other mixtapes as they come up (skipping the ot8 vers) and listen to all 3 versions of Placebo

Neuter Lover

Side Effects is one of my favorite tracks, artistic and dramatic EDM. Continue from Miroh MV that SKZ made a revolution to the System, but things didn't change, so they took the Hellevator and went deep down to Yellow Wood, the road not taken. In reality, the system is K-pop industry they are in. On this EP, they chose the road not taken by making their dark music genre to express their mental health and mind problems which no one in K-pop industry does and this is the hardest path. Nowadays they have become role model of dark vibe in K-pop music.

Jan 잔

MY FAVE! I love this so much. The moment when you guys connect that they used side effects in one of the performances in the kingdom :) The lore started already with district 9. Hellevator was a introduction to the story of stray kids and with district 9 they escape the facility. The lore has been going along all of the albums :)

Big Wave Dave

Han-C: I feel like they're not gonna drop. (song drops) Han-C: (laughing hysterically) Han-C: This song is very JYP-ish. (song instantly changes) Han-C: ...and now, it's not.