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Hey everyone :D 

Here's our reaction to SKZ's upcoming album PROLOGUE as well as the MEGAVERSE Unveil video!



Musicians react & review ♡ SKZ - 樂STAR Prologue & MEGAVERSE Unveil

HOT DANG THIS ALBUM GON BE LIT!!! You know, we do not regret reacting to this particular unveil video, which we usually never do because, spoilers. This one definitely hyped us up for the album WAY more than we thought, and that prologue was such a great teaser as well. BAHH Can't wait. You'll see in our upcoming 'get lit' (죽어보자) reaction video, but we are planning to marathon TXT, SKZ and perhaps ATEEZ (all the core groups we follow) for the upcoming weeks just to catch up on some stuff and well, provide you with more contents you wish to see (apologies for Moodz and other stans for the time being; we'll be back), so we'll be able to finish everything in time for this new ROCKSTAR album! For the time being, if you also wish to check out our reaction to the ENTIRE SKZ discography - we're currently on Cle Yellow Wood album - as well as TV series like Kingdom Legendary War (which we finished), SKZ Survival Show, and one offs like our reaction to SKZ Hidden Cam, etc etc. then head over to our patreon page and consider supporting our work at http://patreon.com/handsomesausages !! Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to Stray Kids' 樂STAR Prologue & MEGAVERSE Unveil Video. Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 0:46 - Prologue Reaction 2:43 - MEGAVERSE Reaction #skz #straykids #megaverse



My exact reaction when I watched this. Just game over. My hearts not strong enough for this comeback.


HYPED seems like an understatement 😅 every single time they drop something new I ask myself how they possibly keep getting cooler? 😭

Emily Cortes

Same gentleman... same 😌


I am SO PUMPED for this song, this album, this everything - It makes me feel so UUUGH and the insanity that Chris is bringing just FLOORS me - i'm so so happy we get to see a different side to him this time!


The Megaverse unveil literally had me rolling around on the floor if I had roommates they would’ve thought I was dying or having a seizure because I miss chan rapping soo much I can’t even explain how excited I am for this new album


oh we're so fucking back, I am READY

aicrylic (aimee)

I've never had an unveil ON LOOP for hours like I have for MEGAVERSE, it's so serious to me


I can’t stop rewatching everything… The amount of time and energy I see people putting into these two things, trying to dissect everything has been a lot of fun to see. I’m so glad I preorder this!!!


Usually I only watch the unveil track videos once because I don't want to be spoiled too much. But this time I can't help listening to it on repeat. I'm sooo excited for this comeback!


This is like… MEGA-item! I didn’t not yet get over of 5-Star (as if this could ever happen), and now this. I can’t wait for the new album, they already hitting so hard with just a few lines and beats. They sound so mature now, SKZ-mature, no one can top that. When you finished the old albums you should watch their Maniac-tour DVD. They are just crazy on stage, with band and all. You’re really missing out on that, if you don’t


The “Rak”-star realisation was too cute hahaha but seriously I am soooo excited for this comeback!!!


So with me being a new stay (baby stay if you will) this is my second comeback for them. I did not watch the unveils for the 5star album. But i watched the unveil for megaverse and when i tell you i was FLOORED!! They all sound SO AMAZING. First of all. THAT BASS!?!?! is insane. I cant wait to listen to this in my car. Then Felix and his rap is always gonna hit but throwing in his french just made it extra ✨ Spicy✨. Then muthafreaking bang chan coming in and rapping in his deep register had ne so excited because i LOVE when Channie raps. Also idk if y'all noticed it but on his part he had a backup vocal delay (echo) that i thought was so sick. Also the transition from Felix to Bang Chan was brilliant and flawless. Then Changbin coming in hot. Going hard in the paint left me shook also he looked so good. Then a quick jump to Han and his speed rap and sounding beautifully melodic which was a beautiful lead into Seungmin's quick but stunning Vocals. Then we hear I.N's angelic tone over this hard beat that switched up and its wonderful but then to end on LEE KNOWS GROWL literally had me gone. Like you can't just do that to me. Its all so amazing and i can't wait to hear the full song. I have been playing this unveil over and over and over because it is just too good. IDK if i want to watch the other unveils or not. Because i LOVED being surprised while listening to 5 star but also that was my FIRST EVER comeback you know? Also after rereading everything i typed i realized we didn't get to hear a Hyunjin snippet. 😿


Same bros same.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

me: "I'm not going to watch any pre-footage including mv's for this comeback" Handsome Sausages: WE REACTED TO THE UNVEILS

Neuter Lover

Oh I'm still unfinished with your Kingdom Legendary War reaction but I jumped here after I had time to check out SKZ comeback videos. Yeah, I can't tell if I will love this track and couldn't find any related to Rock Star vibe. Anyway, we'll wait and see.

Handsome Sausages

Yehhhh since the 'rock' part technically means 'joy', it may fit at the end of the day in that regard XD We shall see indeed!


OH MY GOD yall i just watched this for the first time with your reaction video and im DECEASED??!!