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Hope you enjoy this introductory episode - we're so happy that we got this chance to continue our Kingdom adventure in one way or another with SKZ. Obviously by the end, we realized it's going to be a seven episode show because...week...seven..yeh. And we're going to go through this cherishing every moment with Felix, Seungmin, or any other members who may be on screen guiding us through their head space, so





THIS IS SO FUN!! innie tbh is still kinda shy abt his body (on stage) so thats probably why they decided not to show it 🥹🤍 also!! if you ever have time and want to watch like the more dance practices/recording/producing/etc then skz did their own behind the scenes video of all the stages !! very cool and i always rewatch them <3 https://youtu.be/XuhtNou9fLo?si=xarhUAI4uuzT9psv


I am so glad you are doing this too, it is so interesting and fun. I want to second the other comment that the Stray Kids youtube has some great kingdom behind the scenes videos that really add to the whole experience. Loving your reactions as always!


The behind the scenes type of things they show in Kingdom week are things not shown in their own behind the scenes on their YT channel. No duplication!

Tristana Keauna

thank you for doing Kingdom Week!!


They performed NoEasy in ep. 7, so I think this episode will be skipped ))) But maybe someday you will watch it to see how SKZ love and appreciate stays

DM Wilson

You might find this interesting. Chan's bday is in Oct. He is one year older than Lee Know who was also born in Oct. Lee Know is one year older than Changbin. Changbin is only 7 months older than Hyunjin. Hyunjin is only 5.5 months older than Han. Han is ONE day older than Felix. Han/Felix are only one WEEK older than Seungmin and those three are only 5 months older than IN. They are all very close in age. There is only about 3.5 years difference between all of them


GAH, I'll have to watch this tomorrow. Its currently 10:50 pm and i have to wake up at 3:45 am for work 😭 I'm gonna be dead tomorrow but I'll have this to pick me up afterwards.


They never said it, but we have a theory that the performance of 'I'll be your man' was dedicated to Hyunjin. They made 8 rings for members. One ring was on the boy's statue and they sacrificed their lives to get the boy back... to life, so...

your name here

Most of the groups also released their own behind the scenes content, including Stray Kids for each individual stage, which also included "in the studio" for music making and dance rehearsals. You can see all of SKZ here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFPYOZOw-tYWc652owhDGjsYpVF2u2aX&si=967IQfLVVZ5t6LXW

Yep, I'm Liberty

I think you're going to have a blast with this series. You haven't really had a good chance to ever see the members outside of performances so this will be a lot of fun and a great "real" introduction to their personalities. I'm glad y'all are doing this though, it's been so long since I watched the series that I actually forgot some of it, so it will almost be like watching it with fresh eyes. *Start rant* - If y'all don't turn your d@#| Discord notifications off for the next vid, I'm going to go nuts! I kept checking my computer to see what was happening and I didn't even have it loaded. Then I heard it again and checked my phone (like really? Why would my phone notify through my computer's sound (ఠ_ఠ) ) *End rant* Y'all should know my rant comes from a good place, but I wanted to put a disclaimer for those that don't know my personality and may think I'm actually being angry or something. ♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡


I’m so glad to be continuing with kingdom week! There’s a variety of different contents in kingdom week so each episode won’t just be like this one. I wanted to offer a side note, when you mentioned Felix would make a good hyung, it reminded me of the WillBen Show episode that he and Chan appeared in. That video made me really love how Felix interacts with kids, he’s such a natural. I would recommend adding it to your list as it’s also a fun watch https://youtu.be/q56KI6HZl24?si=Qe9cqJfvwpe9YON6

Handsome Sausages

That's truee every time we receive the photo cards or other products from Nacific with their bdays on we're like what - even the months are so similar what's going on

Handsome Sausages

That's actually what I was kinda getting at with the oh will they reveal it? phrase and all XD honestly, that theory makes a lot of sense

Handsome Sausages

Yessss this will be so much more fun than we initially thought - we can feel it! Also, holy crap I second the discord cuz Jesus Christ we ALWAYS say yo we gotta turn that thing down but then we always forget XD Think we remembered like twice in total. It annoys us just as much trust me XD BUT knowing you and being the pretty sausages we are, we may just keep it on so we can further annoy you so....¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ron Jackson Jr

fun facts felix is older than Seung-min by just a couple days its crazyy lol

Ron Jackson Jr

idk if you watch Singles Inferno but there's Cha Hyunseung and he was part of the "ill be your man's" Dancer's team. The one cosplayed as an angel


Right from the top Han-c doing the side effects choreo had me giggling. With the exception of the very last kingdom week episode I have only seen the episodes once. So I'm excited to watch these again. I thought it was cute when you guys tried to avoid the skz song that you hadn't heard yet. And i LOVE getting bts of shows like this. The little boy mixing up han and Lee Know made me chuckle. But I can't wait for the next one.


Oooooo!!! I love that you’re watching this!! I really enjoyed kingdom week!!

Handsome Sausages

There are a number of things we do on a daily basis now - you know, lee know; Fix on; on mymy way we are handsome sausages; AND SIDE EFFECTS CHOREO. XD


Y'all, the discord notifications had me freaking out, Lmao! Also, that song at the end was My Universe, Vocalracha's unit song from the GO Live album. Also, definitely avoid I think it's the last episode(??) if you want to avoid the NoEasy Spoilers. That whole episode is a comeback show just filled with stuff from that album I believe. The one before it is other performances, so it should be safe from spoilers depending on where you are when you get to it.

Sasha Amani

Kinda late but Stray Kids with kids is awesome you should add those to your watch list : https://youtu.be/uY8K6Ave_As?si=TWqDYs3OhLasMLXf https://youtu.be/YF747gEQ57k?si=6enSOYpRSabLWvns https://youtu.be/BqpXgfUyxCc?si=4Cw69ep2B0nx0VbL https://youtu.be/vw4vSTTkQJA?si=T-DeKNypbz2KLpm5 https://youtu.be/FAnCDSi3nVo?si=MWPbGBrkf9WLU5e9

Lauren Nichols

Watching this video now is so cool after the Chk Chk Boom collab with Ryan Reynolds!