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Surprise drop of a song you did not expect!


We explain everything in the video so we'll keep this short but

don't you agree when we say this song NEVER gets old? ;)

<3 Enjoy Lovely Sausages <3



Once again Handsome Sausages spoils bedtime. Literally had the toothbrush in my mouth. Thanks guys.


Good. Bc the other version starts off with an unsettling scream. - the mv is basically how they end their concerts. :)


So for the Kingdom performance, they actually started off their performance with another song, "The Leaders", which you'll react to when you get to the "Fireworks (I'm the one)" album Zero: Fever Part.2. This album also contains my fav Ateez song "Take Me Home". And yes, each member uses the satoori of their hometown province. Just for fun the members are from: Hongjoong - Anyang, Gyeonggi-do Seonghwa - Jinju, Gyeongnam Yunho - Gwangju Yeosang - Pohang San - Namhae, South Gyeongsan Mingi - Incheon Wooyoung - Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do Jongho - Seoul Info taken from their KProfiles.com page. https://kprofiles.com/ateez-members-profile/

Jenni Heath

I am not sure how I have never seen this Mama performance! So good! Still upset they didn't get any nominations but I am excited to see their performance this year!

Yeosangs Chicken Leg 🍗

I always love Han-C's analogies lol. I agree, this song will never get old. Thanks for reacting to this. 🫰🏻

Stacey Mac

They really are amazing live. In the MV Yeosang is the paradigm of peace.


Ahh this was such a pleasant surprise!! This song is just so much fun. Personally, while I love the Kingdom performance because it's so much fun, I love the MV because 1) it has Mingi 2) I love how campy it is, with the rival groups in the school, and the superpowers and whatnot 3) most importantly, I LOVE the way they film the dance break at the end SO much- when you said "THIS is Heung"- it's just like this intoxicatingly fun, cinematic sequence in which every member (hell, every dancer and person in the background, too) looks like they're having the time of their lives. Still, just a great song, 3 great versions, makes me dance embarassingly every time it comes on, although my 2 and 5-year-olds think my moves are pretty sick. Also, super interesting observation about the differences between Stray Kids and Ateez re: both their music and performance style! I was in the kinda cool position to have seen both of them this year, and I think you're pretty dead-on: at SKZ there was SO much singing along, a bunch of comedic bits, and of course they were hella talented, but the whole thing very much felt like a party. They did, however, make the super smart decision to have a live band on tour, which REALLY added an awesome, different touch to their music, and they even incorporated some traditional Korean musical elements in the arrangements of their "Thunderous/Domino/God's Menu" segment (something I need a professional recordings of, like, stat, as opposed to my wibbly wobbly video). The Ateez concert was still super fun, but it also felt more like attending a Cool As Hell musical. They loved when we sang along, but WHETHER we could handle it was a different story lol. Not knocking it at all, it was amazing, just a totally different experience, and totally tracks with what you were saying! When they did their talky bits in between the songs, they were super friendly and happy to talk to the audience and everything but as soon as it was song time again, with the exception of a couple songs like "Illusion" and "Wave," (nothing could stop that arena from singing geonBAEE geonBAEEE), again, it was back to (fun) Cool As Hell musical (with an optional singalong). Except, to bring this full circle, it ended with "The Real," so it ended up being a Cool As Hell musical *PARTY* Sorry, this was a really long tangent, it just got me to thinking about the two groups and how rad it was that I got the chance to directly compare their performance styles! My health makes it hard to get out much but I love music so I vowed that this year was gonna be my year for concerts, and I've worked hard to keep that vow ^_^ It also got me thinking...if Ateez were to augment their tour with a live band and make it work with their electronic elements...idk if I would be able to handle it. I would attend, but I don't think I'd make it through. At least I'd go out doing what I love. ANYWAY thanks AS usual for your cool insights, your time, and your reaction! Y'all rule! And if you made it to here, congratulations, you get...my....undying loyalty and finger hearts? Peace & love, y'all!


The Real is honestly the gift that keeps on giving. Seeing/hearing it for the first time on Kingdom when it aired was mind-blowing. I already loved it. Then we got it as one of the title-tracks for their album Zero : Fever Epilogue and thus not only did we get an MV.. but an ot8 version of the song. Then we got all of their live performances where the pair who does the dance-break at the end would always change! I've even actually gotten to see them perform The Real live 5 times now and it's been so amazing and energizing every time.


As always, your observations enriched the ateez song experience for me. Thank you! I love getting re-excited about all this music with you both. And now I'm extra excited to hear your reaction to The Leaders when the Fireworks album comes around [hang on...ok, it's Zero: Fever pt 2], since you remembered it well enough from that bit of Kingdom intro to sing it (musicians, I know, but still impressive). It's one of my top two favorite songs from that album.


This song is so much to watch live, really never gets old. :D If you want to watch a live performance when you get to the album, I really, really recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07AT6fLH1Gs It's Deja Vu + The Real (흥 Ver.), but the dance/transition between both songs is amazing, and their facial expressions in this one are so fun to watch. Really showcases them as amazing performers.

Eva Minster

They replaced Mingi's part with a dance break in the Kingdom performance. My favourite version is the concert version with all the confetti just spraying down. The song is better live. For some time now I've noticed that a lot of ATEEZ fans are actually people who work in the music industry rather than the general public because a lot of their songs aren't songs made for the general public. They have a target audience, but I think the general public doesn't quite catch onto it because it's music that the general public don't vibe with. It's a pity, but it's nice when the music isn't mainstream.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

omgosh we've been talking about this nonstop on the discord xD "They heard it on kingdom they might as well react" but this is unexpected I was FULLY prepared to wait until you reached it on your journey!!! thank you for making me cry this morning!!! lol ♡ Apparently the Mv is based off a movie called volcano high. In which I still have to see. All that's left now is for you to hear "The Leaders" *cue evil laughter*

Sam w

I freaking love this song. Never fails to lighten my mood. It's one of the songs that really makes me wish I spoke Korean, cause of all the dialects and the little intersections and things, it would be that much better being able to actually understand it. Plus, the whole bread thing with yeosang in the mv is baffling and delightful. I have no idea what it's supposed to mean, it's just super endearing!


You guys are so on point. Ateez’s full potential is always live


So this song to me had a lot of indian classical music influences. Especially the da di dam part. The synth sounded like a sitar to me. Also there is one step they did in the choreo that's inspired from kathak. I think I lost my mind at the similarities to Indian music

Handsome Sausages

Yessss addition of Mingi was exactly what we needed because after all, it's ATEEZ and it ain't ATEEZ without Mingi :') On the note about having live band with SKZ, we MUST check that out one day - that sounds like a genius move!!! And you definitely added a nice conclusive statements about what we were saying by sharing your first hand experience so don't ever feel bad your comment is long XD we love reading every single one of them, even if we sometimes just 'like' them without replying XDXD Thank you for always being excited about our perception :) Much love!! We shall keep that finger heart! XD

Handsome Sausages

As we always say, we're so jealous of everyone who got to see them perform live :') it'd be such an unforgettable experience

Handsome Sausages

Thank you! :D We ARE indeed psyched to check out Leaders as that intro was just diamond!! (Which is why we remember it)

Handsome Sausages

Of COURSE the song would be better live XD who wouldn't guess that right? It is a pity indeed but one day, it'll be appreciated way more :)

Handsome Sausages

XDXDXD Well here you GO! Hope we will deliver more surprises down the road to make your day <3 ANDDDD Volcano High makes PERFECT sense- why didn't we think of that at the time!!!

Handsome Sausages

THAAATT is what it was! Indian Classical Music! We just couldn't find the proper word for it - we shall look into that genre!


So the vibes of this video are so dead on for 화산고 (Volcano High) 2001, I wonder if that's what they had in mind when making it. It is by far one of the best MVs out there. What I find absolutely fascinating is the official English lyrics from KQ vs the fan translated lyrics that came out first on the Viki subtitles for Kingdom are about half a mile apart in conveying... Things. I'm sure it's not perfect either. This is definitely an industry issue, so it's not a criticism, just a wish that I could trade my French for Korean. 🤣 The official KQ lyrics are kinda twisty.


Aw this made me really happy! It means a lot to me. I’m so glad that you read them and that they’re enjoyable and not bothersome- you guys always make videos that make me want to share my thoughts and yet still make me laugh and have fun, so thanks for making my days a bit better and keeping me excited to talk about the music that I love. And yes, by all means, hold on to the finger heart!


The thing about The Real is the dance break part is always different when they preform live. They always have different members do the dance break part or highlight BB Trippin. If you two ever get a chance there's another live preformance but with Deja Vu and The Real Together. I love that version of The Real a little more, because of the creativity they displayed at the beginning of the song. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/07AT6fLH1Gs?si=MyhM0sGuvYD5G1rm

Matsu Makky

Into kpop since a very long time, i started to be boring by kpop, until i discovered Ateez. Their performances are always phenomenal. Thanks Ateez for bringing back fun into kpop😊.