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Our Christmas drop part 2, now for New Year's! :D

We'll say it again. We need more of this.

Absolute blast this show - we can't wait to get to all the wonderful stuff we've been recommended to check out, but hey, that's what 2024 is for :D

Hope all of you are as excited as we are for the contents to come!

Also, Felix is too pretty.




This is my absolute favourite SKZ content ever. The laughter. The screaming. Felix melting down. Han shouting "F-I-G-aitchuh-T FIGHTING!" I die every time.


oh yes! this is gonna be so fun! ~♡ back after watching and i was right! so fun, biggest laugh of 2024 already xP also i'd come to the retreat! for you guys and the songpyeon x3 monopoly 🤝🏼 yutnori destroying families since forever 😂 from what i know, seungmin is a kdrama enjoyer so that may be why he went with that line lol thank you guys so much and cannot wait for more skz x handsome sausages content :3


love this ❤️!!! Han is always so hype and funny, you'll see it on most of skz codes. so excited for the next one ❤️. have a great year to both of you and to all stays/sausages all around the world ❤️

Tristana Keauna

This was so fun to watch. HAN is a riot in these games. Also Hyunjin is one heck of an artist.

Star Dust

Oh there's more like this, they are little mini series in SKZCODE mostly. :) also Stay Birthday content usually has game stuff too. :)


This is one of my favorite videos because at 11:22 as Felix is screaming that he’s not gonna play anymore if you listen closely and you look at the way Lee Know’s mouth moves he shouts “Fuck” which is hilarious cause they’re not supposed to swear. And you can tell he’s saying fuck instead of other words because Lee Know uses a labiodental fricative which is when the teeth touch the lips and is present in the “F” and “V” sounds that don’t exist in Korean. I just find it soo funny that Lee Know one of the members that speak the least English, spoke English sending their pieces back and then proceeds to swear in English during all that commotion. It is honestly the most Lee Know move ever.

J.A. Moore

@31:25 - there was the original "2 Kids Room" series, which showed two members sitting on a couch, just talking about a variety of things - but there was no MC interviewing them. These were often silly, but also heartfelt and sometimes deep conversations. The members were also quite shy at times, which was so cute. -------------------------------- These days, there's a new "2 Kids Show," which has 2 members sitting on a couch and either Lee Know or Changbin acting as the MC, asking questions / guiding the conversation. At the end of the interview, the two members from the couch sing one or two songs together. THIS format has been very different from the old format and has offered incredible insights into the now much more seasoned and mature members. And the songs / duets......wow. Some of the songs are ones that have already been released, but there have been a couple of new / unfinished ones. And their voices are just amazing. I have cried a few times watching this series. Just so, so touching how much the members love and respect each other. And I have to mention how GOOD Lee Know and Changbin are as MCs. They honestly know their members so well, and add a really necessary and beautiful component to the series.


This retreat is going to be a month long.


The Bang Chan /Lee Know 2 kids room is my favorite.

Kumu Leato S. Savini

I absolutely love all their content… The 2 Kids Rooms, 1Kids Room, and 2-Kids Show (break off of 2-Kids Room) are more on a serious level but fun as well as you get to see their personal stories and memories on display… this current season which is 2-Kids show you get to hear duets and they already did 4-unreleased songs.

Kacey Miller

Once you get through Skz Code, you’ll see a few Chuseok specials, you’ll have to see Finding Skz eventually too. You’ll get an absolute kick out of Finding Skz.


Ahh 2 kids room is so nice I’m excited for you both to watch them!! My favorite is probably hyunjin and felix’s episode, they’re both so sweet. However I have yet to watch the new 2 kids rooms from this comeback (it’s still two of the members, but there’s an extra member interviewing them and they also sing a couple duets!)


This episode is pure seratonin! The entire narrative arc of Felix getting so worked up about everyone but him using English, only to be the one who uses it at the most crucial moment - incredible content. Also, I did laugh out loud when HanC said Felix looked beautiful, because when this episode first came out, that specific moment was one that the entire fandom gifed/looped/screenshot for exactly that reason - it was all over Stay socmed! He's just... ethereal? Absolutely unfair. Re: being surprised by how good Hyunjin's ink painting was, he's an absurdly good artist. He got really into it over the pandemic and now he posts his pieces to his insta account (and, sometimes, to the main skz account), which does make me periodically want to walk into the ocean, because it's not fair that he can dance, sing, rap, write songs, model AND paint! That's too many skills! Leave some for the rest of us! some links to some hyunpics: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1cLsK3x5op/?img_index=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CzQQhAkRM57/?img_index=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxncyciOVlj/?img_index=1 Also, as it was mentioned at the end: their 2kids room content is incredible, and there's also heaps of it! There's the original 2 kids room format, where two of them sit on a couch and talk about their friendship, which has two seasons; then there's 2 kids +1, where three of them sit together; then there's the newer 2kids room, where two of them discuss their relationship together while the others sit in two groups of three and discuss that same pair's relationship from their outside perspective, and then there's the most recent variant, 2kids show, which is currently updating weekly, where two of them are interviewed by either lee know or changbin, and at the end they perform either a unit song or a solo song shared between them. I'd really love to see you guys react to them, because I know there are bits where the subtitled translation isn't quite covering the nuances of what's being said, and would love to see your take on it!


As much as I've watched the boys play yutnori i still don't understand it. I just know it gets wild. And jackstones seem like the game jacks over here just with more rules, steps, and levels. But i so down for the handsome sausages retreat 😹🤣. Han is always hilarious in situations like this. Mans is loud and extra for no reason but its so entertaining. And of course all of the boys look stunning here. Felix just looked extra stunning 😸. Cant wait to get more content from you guys


Han screaming F I G H T - fighting! at Chan will always be hilarious.

Sandy Cai

You can check out Hyunjin's IG for his paintings. He is amazing. Some of his artwork are in SKZ official IG too.


Han is not drunk, Han is just Han 🤣 if there’s a chance to get into his hyungs’ faces/make fun of them he will 100% take advantage of the situation. Alsoooo, Lino clearly shouting FUCKKKK after getting caught saying “okay” (audio left in if you listen closely - timestamp on this video is 11:22) is way too funny 🤣


i had so much fun watching this with you again, can't wait for your reactions to all the other skz content (skz code, 2 kids room, etc) 😂

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I hyperventilated the first time I watched this episode.