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Hey everyone!

I've been irresponsibly bad at posting here on Patreon, so I thought I'd start doing so! Apologies for not giving back as much as you have given me, I'll try to get better! Your support is very much appreciated, and if it hadn't been for you all I wouldn't be even close to be able to spend as much as I can on these things now, so thank you so much 💖

I just posted a thread on Twitter on the rotation gizmo shader made on stream for Flowstorm. The thread can be found here:

As a thanks for your support, I thought I'd attach the shader in case you want to use it as a reference for something, hope my noodly tangly mess may be useful in one way or another!

If anything, as a case study on how messy things can get 😶

Thank you again for all your support

// Freya


Shader Forge Node Tree
Shader Forge Node Tree
Shader Forge Node Tree


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