Important Notice to LoversPlan Members (English) (Patreon)
Thank you for supporting A Chubby Girls's Trip to a Secret Hot Spring.
We apologize for the sudden confusion.
We have three important notices for LoversPlan members.
(1) Yesterday, 9/26, the vimeo account for LoversPlan was deleted.
Regarding this one, the postings and plan contents prior to the start of LoversPlan include the following
"We had told you that this plan would be available only for a limited time due to the possibility that the video and account may be deleted due to the relationship with vimeo, a video service."
We had informed you that this was the case.
We regret to inform you that we are taking a break from LoversPlan as of this month.
(2) If you are currently subscribed to LoversPlan, you can view past works for a limited time.
For seven days starting today, 9/27 (until 10/3), we are responding to allow you to view some of our past works.
We hope you will enjoy them until the end.
(3) Plan contents and prices will be changed.
Future plan content and pricing,
We will change from the current $85 “Special Video and Special Photo Submission” to $55 “Special Photo Submission”.
*This is the important part.
Existing members will be given a 31-day notice period for all rate changes.
This means that existing members of this rank will be billed the new rates after October 28.
If you are currently enrolled in a plan, we recommend that you change to another plan before your next payment renewal date.
If you do not change your plan by your next payment renewal date, you will be charged the old price ($85).
For details, please check your e-mail or the patreon Help Center “About price changes”.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact patreon or contact us.
The current LoversPlan will take a break, but we hope to resume it again sometime in the future.
We hope you continue to enjoy your contributions to our existing plans.
Thank you for your continued support.