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Video embed password is "stillayearlefttogooof"

Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rplsftls 

Password >>> stillayearlefttogooof

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rplsftls?password=stillayearlefttogooof 

MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/dFJXCIQQ#9h975dS2CGLOVCmixoQlcVGcpAz3FKjxfMRVvU8swCs 

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/VBBjXAzL#anPoR9dL-Ebu5WhOtO9BMJ4sjUhvC4ePVpbVMmx07D8 

For those completely confused, those candles grant wishes. If you're not holding the candle, then you don't know the wish has been made. Which is what leads us to this situation...

Hey folks! Not much interactivity in this animation, nor is there much expansion (because the concept literally calls for a slow pregnancy lol). But this is a good set-up for the Deluxe would you not agree? Yes, there will be bare bellies and kicks in the Deluxe, I promise!

I use a model poser to try and make the poses a little more interesting than some of my recent animations. I think they came out okay, but I'll try to keep things varied for the Deluxe, too. 

Anyway, with this animation done, I'll be returning to working on my miniRPG thing. I'll do a proper update tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that. Otherwise, enjoy! 

- Dim


Rihanne True Full Term Normal 1080p

Rihanne True Full Term Normal 1080p



I love Rihanne's new design😍😍😍

Reddo Gaming

I wish there was moreeeeee


There will be! Just not yet lol (I do realise how cruel it is to leave people hanging, but the Deluxe will be made, promise!)


this one is definitely worthy of a birth piece, but i dont think that was in the description for the deluxe so rip


I am considering doing a quickie birth for this one, but with some changes so I don't get into trouble with TOS lol We'll see how I feel once I've finished the Deluxe!

Tarponpet Secord

I like the idea behind this ons, also glad to see Rihanne kinda returning to her inital character of a more absent minded mom.