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edited: Added a long New Game Plus mode video! May do this for future animations, depending on how much MEGA storage it uses

Password (Sprout & Itchio) >>> timesureflieswhenimdrawing
Sprout Video Link >>> https://dimpixel.vids.io/videos/4491d7b31115eac5cd/zoe-time-flies-deluxe-2-720p
Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/zoeddplx22
Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/zoeddplx22?password=timesureflieswhenimdrawing
MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/1VpyzbBb#woBqSHfVJs1IWDe0aVWZop0ihy2g6vZk-zlkjvgE_Yo
MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/ZFg21D7b#0jYFP7z-iVDAx8kQe2jErAoYmCqiQEPxmZiLXOjfiGg
MEGA 4K Longer NG+ Mode >>> https://mega.nz/file/sNoVlSoa#clK0vBZDeUH-SY_H9pv1YqNCzCco-YZ1NuzHqwPTNGQ
MEGA 1080p Longer NG+ Mode >>> https://mega.nz/file/NJhHhJLB#n9k5ufrTlh0p7CoQz9EB9nxUJuTYoI93wDfQnCDWmb4

If she could teach women how to give birth that quick, she would be a millionaire...

No more excuses! It's finally done! Thank you again for your patience. I should have been more sensible with my estimate, but I think long time patrons know not to trust me by now...

Anyway. Turns out animating two difference sex scenes AND two birth scenes in one animation is a lot of complicated work. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Why does my brain come up with a "simple" idea that takes so long to make? Oof. Well. It's done. Now I know how Zoe feels.

I got nothing in the tank. My brain is dead. Should be no more bugs but let me know if you find any. Otherwise, enjoy, and I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks again for your patience!

— Dim


Zoe Time Flies Deluxe 2 720p

Zoe Time Flies Deluxe 2 720p



Thank you for the amazing work, not just in this one but in all the past animations you've worked on! The effort you put in to your interactive animations while dealing with whatever you are dealing with irl is pretty insane and I do not mind the delays. Each animation is a small improvement from the last and can't wait to see more in the future. Hope you have a happy new year and some good rest <3

Brandon Weatherstone

Another great animation. My only complaint is how in the expansion game mode the bigger belly often gets cut off by the screen. I also get a bit annoyed how, in the video provided at least, the new game mode constantly gets switched on and off. I'd just wish the expanded belly mode would stay on for more than a couple seconds at a time.


I loved the first birth animation! I hope you have a great new year and i'm excited for what next year brings.


I can do a separate video with longer, uninterrupted focus on the new game plus sizes. I turn it on and off so people can see the difference in sizes, but I can see how it would be annoying if done too much, especially in a video where you have no control over the switch. As for bellies being cut off, that's the unfortunate downside of trying different angles, especially when I enable NG+ mode, which is mostly a quickie extra feature. Sometimes they stay on screen, sometimes they're too big. That's why I don't like hyperpregnancy, I can't fit everything on screen XD


The trick is I don't have anything else to do in life but make animations. Almost nothing else sparks joy, as Marie Kondo would say. That's either a positive or a negative thing, depending on your perspective XD But thank you for the kind words! I hope next year has even better animations than the last, and I also wish you a Happy New Year in return! ♥

Chris Wreker

Seriously this was fun to see Zoe again in all her yoga flexible glory. Great deluxe animation.


My goodness, I think you found a great thing with the new game+ tum. Satisfy both the crowd that wants the regular sized pregnancy and the crowd that wants the hyper-pregnancy. A very fluid animation with the sex scenes, and great use of angles too!