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edit: Download link available directly from the Itchio page. Try again if it failed for you! Also sorry I am an idiot!

Huzzah! It's here! Same as the public version, but with a little extra tagged on for you folks. Thanks for supporting me! :D But first, I want to try an experiment in distribution...

Itchio has a download key distribution system, which locks rewards down to specific tiers. To claim your reward, click on this link here >>> https://comv.itch.io/patnrgdrink/patreon-access <<< I believe you link your account to Itchio (you don't need an itchio account btw), whereupon you are emailed a link to the animation (I think?). I'm not quite sure how exactly it works, but I want to see how it DOES work. All I know is that a key is automatically generated once you link your Patreon to Itchio, which is revoked should you no longer stay a patron. The link stays active indefinitely (I have a download link for VA-LL H-All-A that still works from five years ago!) unless I revoke it. 

Of course, I have a normal, bog-standard link to the same animation down below, so don't panic. But could you try out the above for l'il ole me? TBH, I think the more you try to lock content down, the more likely it is to get shared...but I want to try it out nonetheless! (A few artists would like to know how well it works, too...this is genuine research!) 


Have you tried it out? Did it work? Fail miserably? (Could you tell me why it failed if it did? Why didn't you like it?) If it failed, then here is an old-fashioned link + password >>>


PASSWORD: APivotalCore

That said, I would appreciate it if you didn't share this password / link combo about. Thank ye! Without using a password, I could lock this link down completely from being shared, but I would prefer to not go that route. Not that I really care too much, tbh. Seeing as most of the manga I read is scanlated, I can't say shit about piracy. ^^

edit: turns out the creator isn't allowed to do it...




I cant view it in the website since im on my phone i dont know if its phone friendly and when i try to download it on stash its saying its failed and when i connected my patreon to site itsays nothing is there to download so everything is going wrong i cant see it or open it.

DimPixelAnimations (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 19:09:22 Oh dang! Try the alternate button to download it on stash &gt;&gt;&gt; <a href="https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9</a>
2019-04-16 23:25:59 Oh dang! Try the alternate button to download it on stash >>> <a href="https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9</a>

Oh dang! Try the alternate button to download it on stash >>> <a href="https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sta.sh/01keoz7e2se9</a>


Janet a cute


I really like this new platform that you have going. I mean, I found it easy to create an account and just link that account with my Patreon here. I also used the download feature, which helped too as a nice backup. As far as the animation itself, it was fantastic. You're always gonna win me over with Janet and it was great to see a familiar face. The Patreon bonus was also a nice touch. Now that you are incorporating Janet into your sequences, I'd love to see her finally overflow that bra of hers. That is...if the fates allow of course.


Glad it worked out for you! An account isn't mandatory, but I think it'll make access a lot easier. Also, despite me also being a fan of boobs, I don't think I've done all that much in regards to animating them. I wonder why? Will have to rectify that at some point.


Impregnate her boobs muahaha then she will be in denial XD.


Keep in mind that the last time she drank this she went through 9 months of growth. She could still have some growing to do.


But she was also pregnant with twins. Then again, in the patreon exclusive, she's probably got triplets in there.