And the next episode of Accidental Surrogate will focus on— (Patreon)
...on bringing Janet an NRG drink, which has an abnormal reaction due to the medication Janet is taking (causes WAY overdue babies)!
Huzzah! But the next question is—by how much is she overdue? Canon-wise, I'm thinking a few months. Not much perhaps, but when you remember that she's carrying four babies, that's a big tum! If you were hoping for WAY WAY overdue, I'll make that a Patreon Deluxe option. How much overdue would you like to see? Lemme know in the comments!
Also, as usual, I'll try to do some of the runner-up poll options as Deluxe content. So hopefully a short stuffing sequence? Some kind of burger, perhaps...
On a similar theme, I'm considering trying something else out for the next animated pin-up: making a more simplified winner, and then make simple animations for 2nd & 3rd place. Not sure if it will be feasible, but I make the poll shorter, this will give me more days to get some more girls animated. Sound good / bad? Tell me what you think in the comments! I'll post the next suggestion thread for the animated pin-up tomorrow.
Anything else? I don't think so? I'm gonna take a quick break, and then I'll get work to work on a certain girl delivering a certain product to a certain surrogate. Later, peeps!