Time to decide what happens next in the Accidental Surrogate series! For more details on every option below, please read through the discussion post >>> https://www.patreon.com/posts/accidental-5-29661188
Some ideas are merged together as they are quite similar (and also helps me to fit the option into the poll boxes ^^ ). If one of those ideas wins, I'll do my best to include as many details into the final animation. Some ideas suggested relate more to the birthing part (should there BE one) and so I'll come back for those when we get around to voting on the birth stage. Feel free to remind me again when we get to the birthing episode!
If you have extra votes to use, let me know in the comments or through private message where you would like them to go. Don't be afraid to use them—your vote may turn the tide!
So let's get down to answering the question—the twins have a potential way to help Janet deal with the overdue quads she is carrying. What is that solution?