Accidental Surrogate Episode 6 - Patreon Deluxe (Patreon)
Normal episode content >>>
Patreon Deluxe file >>>
Password >>> not383spooky822at838all
Here you go friends, two files full of stuff to do. :D Not a single bit of is Halloween themed, either. Bah, humbug!
Part of the Deluxe episode is a new one for me: unbirth! I dunno how often I'll do it, but it was an interesting experiment! I'll probably stick with totally normal and natural pregnancy situations such as pregnancy expansions and public births for the near future. :D
There is an emergency reset button during some segments of the normal content, as there is a weird bug that sometimes stops certain scenes from progressing. I can't figure out what it is, so a reset button is the best I could do. Lemme know if you hit a strange impasse!
That's enough out of me. I'm off to dump water on trick or treaters. Toodles!