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Link to file >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/acidenasurogatfinaledm 

Password >>> 2xsdF56Bv44

Link with password embed >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/acidenasurogatfinaledm?password=2xsdF56Bv44 

Quick demo of the final episode! Not much to this other than being able to change the angle, but it's taste of what's to come. Speaking of...

In the new year, I may bring the price of the demo tier down to $1, because the demos are pretty short nowadays and I dislike putting too much content in them. In fact, I may get rid of the demo tier entirely, as it takes away an hour or two of time I could be using to make the animation itself. We'll see how I feel when January ends. 

Are you not bothered about demos? Or do you await them with baited breath? Lemme know!




i wouldn't mind keeping the demos, but if they don't have any major interactions like this, i feel they should be free or at the most; cost one dollar (maybe put them on itch.io for those who can't support via patreon?)


It's a tricky one to ask people to pay for a demo that becomes irrelevant once the animation comes out. I had considered an Itchio page where, if you pay that $1, you get the first demo plus the other demos, which I would upload as the month went on (IIRC, Itchio gives you a link to download your purchase whenever you want, so me updating the page would enable downloads of the newer demos). If this sounds good, I'll try it out. I could give the demos away once the animation is out, too. That's an option. But again, I feel that the demos are irrelevant once the full animation is done. It's a tricky one. :X


omg black lipssssss