Time Mom - Time-travel Pregnancy Expansion (Patreon Exclusive Until Deluxe Is Posted) (Patreon)
Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/tmmomexpnm
Password >>> m3yc7ceexs12
Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/tmmomexpnm?password=m3yc7ceexs12
YouTube (DO NOT ADD TO PUBLIC PLAYLISTS!!) >>> https://youtu.be/X0nviQeKBQo
MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/RAgzXaQZ#9ikgDYYJrEvtgwKdHoajW_9U8g583yt0HowPRCp2mr0
MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/xN5XnY5Z#A4vHdCTPKm7lCUc6-sCrMC8IT7o_vxyTNcYn0wwORzo
Phew! For your enjoyment, as voted for by you folks—Rihanne gets mysteriously pregnant, once again! Or maybe a few times? ♥
Quick note, btw: I have tweaked the story a tiny bit from what was listed in the poll. Most of my characters have had some form of development or change to their original concept—apart from Rihanne. I still love the character, but her concept was becoming a bit dull to me (and a few others, I think). Hopefully, the little twist I've given to her little world is to your liking. :3 It should make her future appearances a bit more...interesting. I'll say no more...
That's enough outta me. I'm way behind on my usual schedule, and I gotta get cracking if I want any hope of finishing the Deluxe for the 31st. See you soon!