[NOT YET COMPLETE] Abduction - Patreon Deluxe links (Patreon)
Link to page >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/abdatreluxe
Password >>> s83mcodC4781ds
Link to page with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/abdatreluxe?password=s83mcodC4781ds
Yep, that time again—placeholder animation links! Hooray!
I highly doubt I'll finish the animation today, so if you're one of those folks waiting to change your pledge, bookmark this page and refresh tomorrow (or, depending on quality issues, even the 2nd?!) of September. MEGA video links will be included on the Deluxe page, so do not fret if video is your main way of watching these. There will be no YouTube video for this Deluxe, due to it's content. So, yeah, you can imagine what that may be lol.
See you soon! Drop me a message / comment if you have any questions / queries / scathing insults!