Idea Suggestions for Spoopy Halloween "Haunted House" Animations For Mavis and Elena! (Patreon)
Edit: Note that although the Mavis poll is done, you can still suggest things for Elena! Her poll will go up on the 17th (or thereabouts), so there's some time left!
Yikes, I'm a bit late in posting this! Whoops lol.
So anyway, as this is Spooptober, I was thinking that both of these ladies end up in a "Haunted House" for their animations. They're both in the house for different reasons, but they end up experiencing the spooky, haunted effects that this strange place contains...
What form will this take? I was thinking that each animation has a few rooms you can click on, and depending on what room you click on, the character in question is spooped into pregnancy by whatever that room contains. For example:
* The "ghost" room will contain ghosts that float into the woman, and fill her womb to full pretty quickly.
* The "spider" room will have the lady stuck in a web, preggo'ed up by a spooder
* The "mummy" room will have the character turned into a preggo mummy...
Etcetera, etcetera. The polls for these animations will decide the top 3 ideas for rooms to have in each of these animations. So if you have any ideas for spooky rooms for the characters to experience in this house, lemme know! Of course, if you have any different ideas that aren't spooky at all, you can tell those too, but considering this is Spooptober, it seems a bit of waste to suggest an idea you could suggest all year round lol.
Anyway, lemme know what ideas you have! I need to launch the Mavis poll fairly quickly, so don't delay!