Chihiro Morimura (13 Sentinels) Instant Preggo One Pager / Pin-up Thing (Patreon)
Someone on DA asked me if I was gonna make comics again. I said "nah". A week later, I make this...welp.
Anyway, I've been playing the excellent game 13 Sentinels, and there's a big booby nurse in it (all Vanillaware games have some boobies in there somewhere), and I was compelled to draw something featuring her. Heck, am I the first to preg her up?! I hope so.
Also, while the game contains lots of twists and turns, this comic does not spoil anything in the game. At least, not up until the part I've played it to... Oh, and be careful Googling this lady, cuz you may find spoilers. Did I mention this game has LOTS of twists? Hmm!
Large version attached to the post. Now, time to make Mavis...