Liara T'Soni Update & Plans (Patreon)
Thought I'd try getting into the habit of doing updates once the story poll has ended, so...
"Biotic Mishap" is the winner of the story poll by quite the margin! I've begun making it and have a fairly firm grasp of what I want to do (whether I can do it is another matter). Here are my current plans for the animations:
Normal animation: Normal-sized pregnancy expansion spread over two scenes, one of which will (hopefully) feature a mini-game of sorts, with a good and bad ending depending on player skill. Good ending will feature one final scene and some interaction / dialogue. Estimated Time For Completion: 15th-16th Nov
Deluxe animation: Will feature a different mini-game (he hopes), with hyper-preg a possibility but (also hoping) optional. Hyper-preg might be the bad ending, I've not quite decided yet. May put in other things if I get some sudden inspiration. Birth? Haven't done one of those in a while, perhaps that will make a good bad ending...we'll see! Estimated Time For Completion: 19th-20th Nov
This time around, the hyper-preg might not be as big as in the past, as those Halloween animations burned me out on super huge tums a bit. Liara will still have a big tum (depending on how you play), but not as ginormous as you may be expecting (no pun intended). Might switch between hyper-preg and birth more often going forward.
Any questions, feel free to ask in the comments / DMs. TTFN!