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  • JanetAnnieButton.mp4



Edit: Reuploaded with better gif quality! My Photoshop settings were borked, so whoops! 

As decided by yourselves by a landslide, here is Annie, trying her best to keep her boss' dignity. And failing. Over and over. What a diligent assistant! MP4 version is attached to the post for slightly better quality.

The next Gifday poll will go live next Sunday. Tomorrow I'll do my usual end of month update and then begin work on the Sakie animated gif. TTFN!



Dark Anubis

No dignity for bid bellies!!!!


I love the way the belly just POPS out. Annie May seems a little stressed about the situation but deep down I bet she’s in Heaven.


Annie is happy about Janet tummy for sure, but not before a meeting where she doesn't want boss to look silly :o