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I'm surprised the lingerie isn't torn to shreds after the crowd Bess pushed through. But the lingerie definitely won't survive being tried on by Bess' new figure...

One more sketch tomorrow, and then that's the end of the month. Welp! But I'll have quite a few posts to make tomorrow, so expect a lot of email notifications. TTFN!




I'm surprised Bess isn't cautious with crowds...then again, this is Bess lol


This is why you do shopping online. But let's be honest, Bess would still end up pregnant somehow~


Knowing her, the delivery driver would be pregnant too. At least, until Bess tries to sign for her packages and ends up with extra deliveries...

Chris Wreker

Wouldn't it be something to have a sketch or gif of Bess wearing lingerie. Seems like a interesting idea for one of those.