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For an idea as to what I got up to last month, visit November's schedule >>> November Schedule—New Patrons, Start Here!

If you're a Deluxe patron or above, check out the list of Patreon Deluxe animations (there's over 20 since the last time I counted) >>> Patreon Deluxe master list

December...Christmas...yikes. So quickly does a year fly by. But I do like Christmas, so bring on the presents! :)

For new patrons, while December is my "hiatus" month, this just means I'm catching up on my backlog of projects, with the hope of being more caught up when the New Year starts. New Year, clean slate. Not that it's ever worked out that way thus far...

Here's a compact list of projects left to do, in the order they will be made: 

* Janet's 2nd Patreon Deluxe
* Gifday "Hooligan / Yob" animated gif
* Alexstrasczxaza ( WoW ) ( Original suggestion specified a "MILF" version ) runner-up animated gif
* Fawn Is This Yours? episode 4 HTML5 animation
* Saa (Vtuber) Animated Pin-up (Normal + Deluxe(s))

After I've completed Saa's animations, I should be up to date! However, I doubt I will have finished all of her animations before the month ends, so don't expect anything more than her Normal (ie public) animation before the month is out. Which means I still won't be up-to-date when the New Year arrives. Welp.

For more details, you can read yesterday's update, because all I would be doing is copy-pasting it here XD 

Okay, it's back to work on Janet's 2nd Deluxe for me. The main interactive sequence is nearly complete, but I still have plenty left to do. Let's hope everything goes smoothly (it rarely does...). 

Any questions / feedback, lemme know via the comments / DMs. Otherwise, let's ride out the end of this chaotic year and into a fresh new year!

* Janet's 2nd Deluxe ( ASAP, but likely 5th December or later )

* Gifday "Hooligan / Yob" animated gif ( After the above is finished )

* Alexstrasczxaza ( WoW ) ( Original suggestion specified a "MILF" version ) runner-up animated gif ( After the above is finished )

* Fawn Is This Yours? episode 4 HTML5 animation ( After the above is finished )

* Saa (Vtuber) Animated Pin-up (Normal + Deluxe(s)) ( After the above is finished )

* Saa (Vtuber) Animated Pin-up Content Poll

* Nioma Gifday Animation With Sound (Failed YouTube Short)

* Quickie Update—Janet's 2nd Deluxe?

* Janet Peter-Smyth "Pregnancy Host Cravings" Patreon Deluxe Part 2

* Quickie Update—Dim Update! Dimdate?

* Gifday #19—Chasey (Yob OC) Animated Gif + Loops

* Animated Pin-up Runner-up—Alexstrasza (Heroes of the Storm)

* Quickie Update—Whatcha doin' Dim?

* Updates + My Thoughts On This Year's Animations

* My Thoughts on This Year's Animations, Part 2

* December End of Month / Year Update


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