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  • Chasey Gifday Loop Two.mp4
  • Chasey Gifday Loop 1.mp4
  • Chasey Gifday Main.mp4



She's not even part of the protest the riot police are there to contain—she wasn't in any trouble until she decided to bare her "weapons" against the boys in blue. Not setting the best example for the kid, really...

Here she is, finally! A "yob" OC, as requested. If you want a character who is more willing to do sleazy / base things, Chasey might be the gal for you. That said, I wonder if she has a surprisingly innocent / naive side to her? Maybe she doesn't even know she's expecting yet. 

I've attached the video files to the post as the gifs came out looking pretty crunchy. Gifs really don't like pinks, it seems. 

Anyway, time to have a little break, and then onto that gif for that WoW lady whose name is impossible to spell. Toodles!



Mars Shadow

Innocent and naive? Nah. If she won, I'd make her an absolute menace. Full crime gremlin. She just radiates that energy.

Mars Shadow (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-29 06:23:45 Also, I just noticed, Dim-brand clothes. She's got good tastes for a criminal.
2023-01-29 05:08:37 Also, I just noticed Dim-brand clothes. She's got good tastes for a criminal.

Also, I just noticed Dim-brand clothes. She's got good tastes for a criminal.

Chris Wreker

Well, she is definitely a laugh riot RoFL. Although it is curious how she even got knocked up even though she is a hooligan and a punk rebel? Not to mention some encounters she had with Elena?


Damn, such an unusual, intriguing new character in the pregosphere! Me likey!


Thanks, Rose! I try to make all my Ocs unique somehow, although I wonder if Chasey is too "unique" haha. Still, variety is nice 👌


I mean, she probably just had sex and didn't worry about protection, I doubt her pregnancy is any more complicated than that XD

Richard Handy

Setting such an example for her future offspring. ^_^