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Hey folks! Hope your Monday is going as best as it can, all things considered. *gulp*

* After some thought and hinting in other updates, I will change the DimMini schedule from every two weeks to every three. This means the next DimMini poll will happen this Sunday (usually it would go up yesterday), and I will make the animation the week after. So basically, every three weeks, you'll see a fresh DimMini posted. As always, I'll let you know when suggestion posts / character polls are open, so keep an eye out for notifications! It also means you have extra time to add your character to the suggestion post, so be quick!  

* The Valentine's Day poll indicates a moderate support for making a project, but I do think it might be too much of a schedule rupture to do a full animation / DimMini. So instead of an animation, I'll do a full colour illustration for Valentine's Day. An illustration should only take me a day or two to make, instead of 4-5 days for an animation, which seems like a good compromise to me.  I'll launch a poll to decide which of my OCs stars in the Valentine's Day illustration soonish!

That's about it outta me. Work has started on Saa's 1st Deluxe, and if all goes well, I can finish it before I begin making DimMini #3. If anything I've mentioned above is confusing / not clear, feel free to send me a question and I'll explain myself better >_>.



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