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Annie Valentine ( Patron OC ) Story Poll—Choose A Story For Her to Star In!

  • Bridesmaid to Mother 31
  • Birth Day 78
  • Annie Valentine vs Annie May 11
  • Desperate Times, Desperate Measures 43
  • Babysitter in Training 3: Anniesitter 52
  • Annie vs Annie: Tit for Teet 153
  • Spring Cleaning: Office Edition 6
  • Denialien 33
  • Secret heart of gold 10
  • A Long Overdue Holiday 31
  • Demonic Destiny 28
  • 2023-05-21
  • —2023-05-30
  • 476 votes
{'title': 'Annie Valentine ( Patron OC ) Story Poll—Choose A Story For Her to Star In!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bridesmaid to Mother', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Birth Day', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'Annie Valentine vs Annie May', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Desperate Times, Desperate Measures', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Babysitter in Training 3: Anniesitter', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Annie vs Annie: Tit for Teet', 'votes': 153}, {'text': 'Spring Cleaning: Office Edition', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Denialien', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Secret heart of gold', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'A Long Overdue Holiday', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Demonic Destiny', 'votes': 28}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 30, 22, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 21, 13, 29, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 476}


Which of these stories would you like to see the voluptuous cranky Annie Valentine star in? Read them all, then vote for your favourite! 

Most grammar errors / typos belong to the original submitter (unless I edited part of the story, then those faults are mine). Some stories have been edited either for clarity, to tone down certain elements (these are story "ideas", not erotic fiction novellas) or remove unnecessary descriptions of Deluxes. The overall concept remains the same (unless the concept itself is something I dislike, which would mean I would have rejected it before now).

Also note that some of these stories may feature things impossible to animate (ie "she impregnates a 100 people and all of them give birth"), so bear this in mind when voting. 

Additionally, I reserve the right to edit the winning story so it makes more sense and flows better as an animation. I will preserve the main concept of the story, but restructure it so I can actually make it in a reasonable timeframe XD

With those points in mind, read these ideas and vote! Patrons with extra votes, let me know where you want your votes to go in the comments section. $8-10 get one extra vote, $12-15 gets two and $16-20 gets three. (I can see what tier you're on, so I know how many extra votes you have)

Bridesmaiternity—Annie attends a shotgun/preg themed wedding where all the bridesmaids wear fake tums and her being part of the brides maids has to wear a tum too but unknown to her and everyone else only her fake tum is actually cursed and when she puts it on during the whole wedding ceremony the tum is making her feel uncomfortable and feel funny but she knows once its over she can go in the bathroom and remove it and enjoy the reception. But part of the brides plan was for her and all the brides maids to lift up their dress to see who was really pregnant and who wasn't, to no ones surprise the bride was pregnant but also no one was expecting Annie to be pregnant too, she looks down to see the tum has bonded to her and taken her skin tone with no sign of it ever looking like a fake. the deluxe could be her at the reception later stuck sitting at a table and people coming up to her and talking asking "who the father/dad" was but the words "father/dad" are a growth trigger that would grow/multiply the amount of babies...

Birth Day—While at a cafe, Annie makes fun of a friend for getting knocked up again so soon after her last pregnancy, saying women who don't want more kids can't complain if they don't take precautions. Nearby, a strange old woman who thinks Annie is being deadly serious, curses Annie with a peculiar curse—every day, she will wake up pregnant, and in labour. Until Annie apologises to her friend, she will relive the same day—and birth—over and over. But her friend is suddenly hard to find for some reason...

Annie Valentine vs Annie May—Annie Valentine earns employee of the month due to making record sales at DimCorp. This breaks the Annie Mays streak. The challenges I'm not sure of but it will end with both of them giving birth

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures—After the incident with Milk 2, the museum artifact and the ghostly tentacles and various other unspecified incidents, Annie decides she's finally had enouh of her hair's bullshit and goes to the barber's to get them chopped off. Desperate to save their own follicles, they present her with a box of extremely expensive high-end ultra sweet doughnuts. Annie is pleased, but her hair knows she eats donuts very quickly, so they don't have more than ten days before the doughnuts run out. With this deadline in mind, the hair gets to work lacing the donuts with anything they can get their hands on to try and stop Annie before time's up. Lactation inducers to busy her with her overfilled breasts, fertility boosters, curve enhancers, whatever it takes to delay their death. (Nevermind that they'll grow back immediately, this is a matter of principle)

Babysitter in Training 3: Anniesitter—I feel like that was a concept with a lot of potential for various characters to join.

Annie vs Annie: Tit for Teet—Annie shows up to the office one day, quite large and pregnant, immediately drawing Janet’s attention she gives her a promotion which includes taking Annie mays office next to hers and giving it to Annie (along with a donut vending machine) much to Annie May’s ire. In retaliation, Annie gets herself pregnant and tries to get back into Janet's good graces. Thus ensues a war between the Annies, full of pranks and attempts to grow bigger than the other until even the office walls can't contain their growing dispute (and breasts...and tummies).

Spring Cleaning: Office Edition—After working diligently at work for some so long, making a name for herself, and accumulating a lot of clutter Annie decided to clean her office space (actual office or private cubical, both can be tight spaces). Though, with spring comes... you guessed it, allergies! And to celebrate spring, office workers bring some nice looking flowers and show them off at work. Annie can't help but take a break and go around smelling the various plants. Unfortunately, for Annie, there's an odd spring fever going around, causing some... problems; Swelling, to be exact, but it's mainly triggered each time the individual sneezes. Which, can vary from light sneezes to heavy ones. Annie always having the best tight, figure fitting, asset defining office attire; Buttons are sure to be flying. Hair does hair things, in hair places. Pulling Annie to different desks, causing her to sneeze more (Swelling ensues). And more plants keep arriving at the office, for some reason...

Denialien—After being abducted by "Mysterious Forces" Annie has blanks in her memories and the things gestating in her stomach are shorting her memory and keeping her unaware of their presence despite clearly getting larger, larger and even yet larger than a normal pregnancy. "It's just winter weight" she says and all the kicking and noises being nothing more than just "gas"she says and yet despite everyone else's protests and concerns she's obviously not pregnant, she can't be, the pregnancy tests don't register and her brain goes hazy at any attempts at stepping foot near a hospital but sooner or later whatever's lurking within is going to come out and then she give birth

Secret heart of gold—One of Annie's coworker's is having trouble conceiving and need the help of a surrogate but don't have enough money for the costs. Annie up front doesn't want to have anything to do with it as she is fed up with pregnancy. Her hair on the other hand has a different idea and have and secretly sign her up. Over the course of the surrogacy Annie learns that she really enjoys helping people. After giving birth Annie feels good about what she has done and her hair being overzealous as usual decide to sign her up for more and more pregnancies to surrogate for. Things go out of control as we see Annie through the years experiencing larger and more varied surrogacies.

A Long Overdue Holiday—Annie, overdue and on mandatory maternity leave, tries various summer activities to pass the time (volleyball, amusement parks, concerts, etc). She encounters numerous happenstances that could potentially send her into labour, but they always seem to be just short of doing the trick.

Demonic Destiny—Janet starts to get into the business of the supernatural. Annie is left in charge doing stocktake on all the new items but being the lazy individual she is, she lets her hair do all the work. Her hair sneakily uses the items to summon a demon, which lays a curse on her without her knowledge. Annie finishes up her work and goes home to sleep.

The next morning Annie awakes feeling heavy and bloated, getting up out of bed she is unaware that she is now very pregnant. Waddling her way into the bathroom she looks in the mirror, taking a few moments before realizing and screaming in shock, her belly groans, her breasts now leaking milk. Annie hurriedly fits into whatever clothing she can and tries to leave the apartment building, not getting very far down the corridor before bumping into Luna, who happens to live in the same complex.

Luna says she might be able to help, gesturing Annie into her apartment as she struggles to fit her pregnant body through the door. Luna's pet takes a liking to Annie and her hair as she sits down on the couch. Luna takes out some occult books and reads over them unable to find the information she is looking for, however, Annie's hair with the help of Luna's pet bringing them the right book find a tome that tells of a prophecy of a demon queen.

Annie's hair grabs some markers and proceeds to start drawing symbols on Annie's belly, once complete, the symbols vanish as Annie starts to swell, Luna doing her best to try help the situation as it gets quickly out of control.



All Denial


All in desprate times


All extra for, Annie v. Annie, please.

Chris Wreker

I given I have three 🗳 votes; I want to put one of each: Annie Valentine Vs Annie May, DeniAlien, and lastly Demonic Destiny.

draco flame

Throw my extras on heart of gold, tit for teet , and demonic destiny. Please and thank you.


Man, these are all really good.


all on annie vs annie

Joshua S

Fingers crossed for Babysitter!