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Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dazgdim 

Password >>> suretookherawhiletorealise

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dazgdim?password=suretookherawhiletorealise 

YouTube >>> https://youtu.be/UMhVcumZ97M 

MEGA Large >>> https://mega.nz/file/ZRpSgboB#VHlJDgRlNj9CuA8ewJYxhBm05sAbTXwS6Lm2E64AGL0 

MEGA Smol >>> https://mega.nz/file/ABBVkAxI#IAoyPjHzhvN5yTYNjvFuK51StG4g7m_CF406INn594o 

She certainly lives up to her title of being "curious"...

The winner of the last DimMini poll by quite a margin was Azazel ( Helltaker )! The final results are attached to the post. 

I decided to keep this one super simple, primarily to make sure it was finished before the month ended and also couldn't think of anything that would have not added more days to the project. Plus, it helps that the Helltaker designs are quite simple, so this was a pain-free animation to make. Nice.

Okay, time for a little rest, then it's onto the Sketch Tier sketches. After that? Hmm, not sure... Anyway, enjoy, and TTFN!

- Dim


DimMini 13 Azazel Large


Mars Shadow

Two wins in a row. What strange luck.

Mars Shadow

Though shame there's no kicking.

Chris Wreker

Man I wanted my choice to win but I guess who can beat Azazel as HellTaker is such a cult classic.


I usually do kicking (because I really like it), but it didn't really work with her dress so I decided to forgo it this time. We'll just assume the baby was well behaved during this scene XD