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For an idea as to what I got up to last month, visit October's schedule >>> November Schedule—New Patrons, Start Here!

If you're a Deluxe patron or above, check out the list of Patreon Deluxe animations (there's over 20 since the last time I counted) >>> Patreon Deluxe master list

Here we are—the end of another year. And to make things worse, it's freezing (at least it is where I am). Big oof.

Oh, before I forget, here are the results of the DimMini #16 polls:

Conclusive, right? I'll begin work on Chel, after I've posted my Sketch Tier sketch from November.

The next set of animated pin-up polls are currently running. Once those have ended, I'll begin the final round of voting to decide which patron-suggested character gets an animation by yours truly.

Here's a rundown of my current schedule:

November Sketch Tier Sketch
DimMini #16—Chel (El Dorado)
Fawn's "Is This Yours?" Episode 6 Animated Pin-up (Normal + Deluxe animation)
Two Sketch Tier Sketches

I think that's about it for now. See you soon with a sketch!

- Dim

* Sketch Tier Sketch—Patreon Deluxe Clown Aftermath

* DimMini #16—Chel ( The Road to El Dorado ) Pregnancy Dance Animation

* And the winner of the animated pin-up poll was—

* Centorea Shianus ( Monster Musume ) Story Suggestion Post

* "Is This Yours?" Pregnancy Transfer Series Episode 6 [Exclusive Until Deluxe Is Finished]

* DimMini #17—Patron-Suggested Characters [All Pixel Tiers]

* DimMini #17—Patron-Suggested Characters [Suggestive Tiers & Up]

* DimMini #17—Patron-Suggested Characters [Triple Tiers & Up]

* DimMini #17—Patron-Suggested Characters [Quad Tiers & Up]

* Update—DimMini 17 Winner, Fawn Progress, other stuff

* DimMini #17—Lucoa ( Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ) Pregnancy Expansion

* DimMini #18—Patron-Suggested Characters

* Quickie Update [29/12/2023]

* Centorea Shianus ( Monster Musume ) Story Poll [All Tiers]

* Centorea Shianus ( Monster Musume ) Story Poll [Suggestive Tiers & Up]

* Centorea Shianus ( Monster Musume ) Story Poll [Triple Tiers & Up]

* Centorea Shianus ( Monster Musume ) Story Poll [Quad Tiers & Up]

* [WIP] Fawn "Is This Yours?" Episode 6 Deluxe [Full version will be completed early January!]

* End of Month / Year Update!




Are you going to make any birth videos anytime soon?


Impreg and birth videos