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 Mr. Beef was a good creator this year, wasn’t he? Whatever, he got the new graphic tablet he dreamed a lot this December. He spent some days to get used to it, and now he promises more pictures for you in the furthers updates and hopes a lot to increase the creating speed.
What else except new art will follow? New update gonna be large enough, cause we are going to finish one of the side branch of the story. So, what will you find there:

- Hardcore and supernatural sex. This time husband won’t interrupt you (full sized pictures and animated scenes will follow).
- New story of Little Red Riding-Hood.
- Jack will discover dark side of the craft of the witch hunter (increasing of the corruption level will follow).

And now – pin in our asses – release date. We won’t call it now, cause we don’t know, and we really hate to move it. We have lot’s of things to do in our plan, and there are always some addition things we can’t wait to include. So, the only thing we can tell for now, it will definitely happen in winter. We will inform you later, in 10 days before release. Thank you for being with us and keep in touch. 





My minds a buzz with the corruption level increase. Though, the question is would there be new models depending on the corruption level just like in Witch Trainer? Anyway, can't wait for the next notes to drop, whenever that is.


But how does corruption impact the game? Do certain things not happen if the score is too low?


I would guess that Jack will only embark on certain adventures if she is feeling confident or adventurous enough. I think that they are using 'corruption' to measure that.


For the current stage of the game corruption level impacts on the possibility of some actions, like massage for example. Later it will be taken incount to take solutions which will influence the final of the game.