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 Winter had passed through it’s middle, and the job is boiling. We are happy to inform you, that we’ve almost finished with elaboration of content, and ready to start the assembly. What can we say about this update for sure – it will be much bigger than previous one (especially if you consider about update’s size by counting full view pictures and animations) and it will be hot.

By the way, what do you think about not good, bad and even the worst ending for the protagonist? 




Bad endings can be fun as long as there's a good one that be hunted down.


awesome cant wait and see what is coming up next>> thank you


Agreed. You still want a good one around to work hard to get as well.

Nick Snow

im happy with multiple endings....makes you play the game more


multi endings is great.


I dont like the idea to think about the end so early


Jack as Little Red Riding Hood? https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GlitteringVacantGreendarnerdragonfly-size_restricted.gif


I think various options are plus points.


Just so I'm clear on this. When you mean 'bad endings' do you mean; a] bad endings that end the game, or b] results of decisions that the characters make that they consider bad but do not stop the game?


Same question as Paddy, is it an abrupt end for bad ends or you're talking about options that'll most likely lead to multiple endings. By the way, I do hope for some sexy action from Jack and we'll we be getting the wolf since its little red riding hood and all? Will Jack be riding the wolf or will the wolf rode Jack?


Here are a few ideas for not good ends. 1. Jack removes the "curse" and becomes a perfect gentleman 2. Jack gives up wanting to become a witch hunter and goes back home (London?) 3. Sam's alcohol addiction rubs off on Jack to the point where she gives up her education and how Penny works as an "actress" with additional income The background for me is that Jack stays alive but is neither happy nor do we as players feel that we have achieved something here.


Here are a few ideas for bad ends. 1. Jack succumbs to a real curse and becomes a werewolf, vampire or zombie and is either hunted and locked up by Sam or kills Sam 2. Sam gives up Jack's training and she takes on the only other witch hunter (van Hellsing) as a teacher. From there she is instructed in unclean business practices and becomes his successor. The background to this is that Jack is changing so that she is no longer herself but is still alive.


The worst ends for me would be everything where Jack dies or gets into a situation from which there is no rescue for her. I mean a game over screen. 1. She is killed by a monster while hunting instead of being sexually exploited. 2. Augustus / van Hellsing extends his business to human trafficking and Jack ends up in a harem or dungeon of a rich pervert. 3. Jack is captured by the circus (physically or mentally controlled) and misused in a performance. Of course, it always depends on how something is written or told and whether there are ways to change this fate (cure or break a curse) so that the boundaries between the different ends can be very fluid.


I guess my problem is that I"ve been thinking in terms of an Infinite Game instead of a Finite Game. A game where opponents and obstacles are defeated only to be replaced by new opponents or obstacles and the challenge is for our heroes to deal with these trials and tribulations without losing themselves. Obviously there would be losses and setbacks but ones that could be recouped from. But that's just me.


In this view I miss the ending. That is the way to an ending of good or bad :).


I'm Ok with, bad and not good end... or worse killing the 2 main caracters. But all of this must happen only at the end, and not during the game, because you d'ont have autosaves ;-). But yeah you can wrote all those idea on a paper and keep it for yourself for later. For now, there are other stuff to work on. Love to see that you are working also on monster with the little red girl :D. Good job guyz, i also prefer this kind of news. You don't give yourself pressure about a date, and you keeps us informed about advande of the game. Do you mind about giving a information to us at a specific date? Every month ? Every 2 weeks? Sometimes i'm feeling you gave up and abandonned us :-p... We all know you are humans who takes vacations, week-end and need some rest. We just care about beeing informed like 'customer' waiting for his package with a tracking number... xD Regards ;-)


I personally can live with one Report per month but I would not say no to more :).


Well, I mean the chain of choices which lead to logical dead end. So you may watch it and press 'load game' then. to tell the truth, there was one, when Sam went to find Fi-fi unprepeared - the hell hound had just teared him to pieces, but Mr. Beef said that it was too violent, and declined that scenario. So, something like that


So. Branches of the story that are game enders. It makes sense. There has to be some jeopardy.


I agree 100% on this. This is one of the reasons that I tend to use the Wile E Coyote metaphor. Bugs Bunny might be better. Sure he takes some lumps but he never starts the fight and he's always victorious in the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14KTu4i27j8


Oops. I think that I accidentally deleted my earlier post. Sometimes I think us old guys shouldn't be allowed near these new-fangled electro-typographers. To recap just so that we are on the same page. I suggested that it might be helpful to have common definitions of Dead Ends, Game Ends, Good Ends, and Bad Ends. I think that a Dead End is a story branch that just stops and the characters have to go back to progress further. I think that a Game End is a story branch that ends the game. I think that a Good End is a story branch that ends the game in a way that is good for the characters. I think that a Bad End is a story branch that ends the game in a way that is bad for the characters. All very obvious but I think that it helps with the discussion. As always, feel free to correct me if I have it wrong.


Good classification. I think we also have to add Final Ending, which will be the logical end of the whole story, which is still very far.


Could you give some hints, what you have in mind for the next updates? More corruption of Sam and Jack maybe? Or more adventures on the cemetry? Maybe some exploring of the villa in the woods?


Will we be following up on the Lucy story? More of the Vampire girl as well? More time in the mines? So many questions. So many possibilities. I'd better stop now before my momentum gets going.


Hi, when the update is going to be posted?


They've had some bad luck with posting dates so they tend to avoid it. Everything is going fine, they post a date, then something unexpected happens. https://media.giphy.com/media/xA2JymJXig9dS/giphy.gif


Hi! New patron here. My two cents about this outfit would be Jack wearing this in the mine and her uncle's friend taking advantage of her again. Of course she doesn't know it. He makes her think it's a blind cave worm again...


February has come and gone and still no news, and I already missing Jack. I hope we get an update within the month and maybe a art or two while waiting to keep my spirits up. I do hope that Jack will finally get her time to shine, I wouldn't mind if boris, swarhz or hellsing gets to her first.


Thanks for waiting and patience! We are going to finish assembly and make all tests within the month and hope the new update won't dissapoint you.