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 Hi, guys!

We've found it hard enough to delve in our character's past – sometimes very unexpected skeletons can be digged up. 

So we decided to take a little break and to make something light. Be true – have you missed Jack's workouts? Mr. Beef already creates something special and animated for you. But the sports trainings won't ended with the only exercise. What's your ideas for the special workout mode for Jack? 



Well, the titties got to come out and get guided with spirited groping.


It’s also time to get the corruption up for Bj, titty fucking with jack


Push ups, obviously. Jumping jacks as well. Rope climbing I guess.


Combine bdsm with resistance training to toughen mind and body


when jack do this movement,he hold her leg and put his dick between her thighs might be good?


and our jack is ready for blowjob maybe?


Hmm...nice thoughts, we should learn all of them.


Woo! I'm Patron #666 I love it!


Maybe train some martial arts like Judo or Thai chi, Some nice grapples wit Sam or high kicks would look nice :).


Some time ago you asked for some ideas of weapon. Maybe add this too. Jack tries to hit a puppet that looks like Sam with a hammer or a axe :P.


A little late. Maybe Jack tries yoga to be intune with her body and our invisible friend helps with tough poses.


It would be great if we could have permanently bigger tits


I think that might interfere with Jack's ability to pass himself off as a guy which I think is going to be important to the plot.


That would make it kinda awesome! Plus bigger tits


It would also be cool to see Jack get more slutty dressed in the stats stage


Make it more dynamic


The solution to every problem is: Bigger Tits


National debt? Bigger tits Writers block? Bigger tits Meaning of universe? Bigger tits


My own view is that it might be too early for that. In due time but right now it strikes me as too participatory for someone who thinks of themselves as a boy.


Im glad you came around


It takes a great man to admit his secret love of big tidies. 😉


How’s the release coming?


mr. Beef Drawing animations is a very laborious process, unfortunately. (the splines and most of the backgrounds are already done.) We're in a hurry, but there is still a lot of work to do. We promise that there will be many illustrations and adventures this time.

Robb Chase

small breasts are nice too, nicer in my opinion

Đăng Phan

Let me ask what is the current version and how much time do I expect the next one, I feel excited about this game.


The most recent version you'll see under the July 5, 2020 post - Bad Ending #1. "Crimson Curse." They're really bad [or very unlucky] when it comes to guesstimating when updates will be ready so it's hard to be sure when the next version will be.


I wonder what those little mushrooms are up to. They look quite interested in Jack's training