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Hello, dear patrons. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New year. 

Thank you for your kind words of support. In turn, we hope that you will be able to avoid this strange and terrible disease. After more than a half-moon of hell, we're fine, if that's what you can call it. 

Thoughts drift apart and barely focus on the script grid. Jump, silly cat, jump... The update build continues. There will be more news in the coming days.


morris ridgeway

Wishing you a great Happy New Year!


All the best to all of you and stay safe in upcoming 2021!


Good to hear that you lived. Don't rush your recovery and hurt yourself. You'll get that cat to jump yet!


Why does jack look asian now? Gotta say I like the earlier Western Jack..


I think that it's just the way that she's looking at Sam. Jack's eyes tend to narrow when she's concentrating or annoyed. I don't think that she entirely approves of Sam drinking in public like he is doing. [bottle in hand, Cupid manifested]


Paddy, look at november 21 pole dance. It’s like a metamorphosis took place


I think that Jack is just concentrating in the November 21 pole dance pic. Personally, I'm not seeing a significant difference between those and the July 28, May 29, and Feb 27 posts. My read is that Jack is just tired and annoyed here.


Anybody know what that friggin' key is for?

Brandon Salas

by when the new update


Looking forward to the next update - Its 6 months since the last so this update should really be a big one right :) PS. Any dates set for the update?


How's it coming along? Development updates?