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Happy new summer, dear subscribers!

Summer has finally come to our region with all the attributes attached, such as suffocating heat and buzzing annoying gnus, which means that we are switching to summer mode of work and will spend more fruitful working hours in a cozy cool office. In this regard, we solemnly swear to please you with a new update before the end of this month.

By the end of this week you will see the promised art from Mr. Beef with the participation of Mina and Boris. What do you think these two might have in common?

Also in bold, we can even say Napoleonic plans, a special summer edition of our game and the release of a video guide on the passage.

Stay in touch!




Boris used to sell sweets in the Main Street so he might have met Mina there.


Awesome. Thanks for the update and stay cool in the hot weather.


You have problems with Gnus during the summer?


Absolutely. Today at lunch we went to the neighboring forest to plant trees and they just ate us there.


This is a Gnu, also known as a Wildebeest. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/Blue_Wildebeest%2C_Ngorongoro.jpg/1280px-Blue_Wildebeest%2C_Ngorongoro.jpg


You may be thinking 'bug' or perhaps 'mosquito'. This is an example of one of the servants of hell we call 'mosquitos'. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Mosquito_2007-2.jpg/1024px-Mosquito_2007-2.jpg


Or perhaps you meant Gnats. https://www.reconnectwithnature.org/getmedia/826fd1b8-4550-468c-9c1f-b54d10b8ba99/GnatSwarmShutterstock.jpg?width=1500&height=1001&ext=.jpg


in our forests there are quite a lot of small and not very buzzing creatures that bite painfully, suck blood and annoyingly flit around. We call them by the common word "moshka" or "gnus" without really going into the species. There are mosquitoes and small flies that bite especially painfully, and their bites itch a lot after.


I ran that through Google Translate and it came up with Midges. Biting Midges [Ceratopogonidae] are also called "no-see-ums", "punkies", or "sandflies" depending on where you are. They are a notorious pain in the ass. Tolkien includes them in The Lord of the Rings. I hate being the language police just wanted to be sure that you weren't being nibbled by swarms of Wildebeest.


getting close? <3