Weekly Borsch. (Patreon)
Hello, folks!
We sincerely apologize for the prolonged silence...one day we will definitely stop starting our news posts with this phrase (it will just flash between the lines somewhere in the middle)... we are happy to inform you that we have suffered another (it seems, the third in a row) covid — the disgusting weakness is receding, the world around us stinks habitually, and we are returning to an active life.
And although we have not made ourselves felt in any way over the past couple of weeks, work on the project has continued, albeit at a minimum. During this time, we discussed the script in detail, added some very juicy scenes, I even almost managed to defend the concept of a crystal coffin...
Anyway, there are many more interesting and unexpected things ahead. In addition, we decided to slightly shorten the dwarf acquaintance program and divide the surveys for the remaining six equally between Patreon and Boosty — so as not to stretch this pleasure indefinitely, and to protect ourselves from mutually exclusive perks, of course. Soon we will continue our close acquaintance with the dwarves, and for now — stay in touch and thank you for being with us!