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Hey gang. I'm drawing up a fat stack of exclusive comics for my new book. As patrons, you get exclusive access to them as well. All of the comics are "FEELINGS" themed, and they'll all have their own secret panels (the secretest of secret panels).

The Kickstarter page is finished and ready for launch next Tuesday. This link will go live in FOUR DAYS. You can select to be notified when shit pops off. We have so much fun, dumb stuff planned for this campaign. For example, this journal...

That's right, on top of a book, I put together a lovely little journal to record your feelings and even do a little doodlin'. This is but one of many things we have in store for you.

And I should take this time to thank you all for your continued support as a hammer away at this ridiculous endeavor. Having a big Kickstarter campaign is nice and all, but it's the day to day support that you all provide that enables me to take on projects like this in the first place. For that, I thank you with all my heart.

- JL




Serious question: will I be able to buy *just* the notebook? Not sure my financial situation is ready for another book purchase tbh or maybe I just wans extra notebooks 0.0


Yeah, it's an add-on so as long as you pledge at least one dollar you'll have access to all the merch.


"Feel Notes" like "Field Notes"? Idk if it was intentional but I freakin love it