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They have located Laylani.

Molly and Pirina exchanged glances, and immediately without asking questions, Molly gives the signal to take on Pirina, one of the reasons would be she's already mad at Pirina due to what she did at the diner, talking shit, yelling at Lithana and disrespecting her bots and not even saying a thank you, that they tried to get her out of trouble, and now this?

Her patience is limited, and she does not even respond to her, saying she's helping because she still has her doubts.

Angelia gives Pirina the benefit of the doubt because she thought she was just playing around at the diner and didn't see her as having ill intent.

And Erin...is nooot having a good time. XD ( Well, she insisted on coming along.)




Colored clears a lot of the doubts I had XD Sometimes sketches are very rough


In the seventh panel, Molly has glowing eyes just like Dream! This can only mean one thing! She must be a rob - "really good normal human girl" - ow, help! they got m.... "Please excuse the autocorrect errors in this comment"


I feel you, last week I spent a while trying to figure out why Lithanna's arm was yellow in the sketch (when reaching out to the ghost). I like comming up with redicuclous explainations for the confusing parts, so I decided her arm turned into a banana.


No no~ it's just the old fashion angry/serious anime glowing eyes XDDD Although....in her original origin (before the comic) while she's not a robot, she was created from a lab 👀


Hehe, reading the sketch and finished version can be 2 different experience XDDD (Though in some cases, it is and not just because of unclear sketch, since I would sometimes edit the script XDD