That would be nice - [Season 2 Finale] (Patreon)
An epilogue chapter for the final season, visiting Angelia, Molly, Lithana and Laylani after some time has passed.
Laylani practiced her shift shaping and mentioned their hometown, Dusmore.
Lithana saw how messy Rena's place and just couldn't leave it be! Basically, the COTM Rena piece, decided to have that in here XDD
Pacifica will start their test phase in the city as well~! And I think this the extra part is also a nice part to reveal Molly's mom. She's always been there whenever there's a scene in that room, but only part of the photo.
Back to the Sun Flower town house, Angelia and everyone just chilling. with Lili making a pee joke to end the series. XDD LOL
I didn't want to over think how I'll do the season ending chapter, because we'd be starting S3 soon, too~! (Probably one update break, and that's it.) XDDD