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Sophia is having some tea time with Sasha, Sophia wasn't expecting the tea would be anything related to sweet, but was a little surprised when she mentioned snacks, and even more surprised that she made them her self.

Could it be the fact that Sasha can make these, or is it the fact that Sasha took time to make these for her?

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A Red Mage Named Blue

Somebody needs to tell Sasha that everything is chemicals

JT Tom

Wow... Dried fruit. Definitely makes up for everything 😀


At least Sasha didn't try the "I snuck spinach into the cookies" thing. An honest healthy snack is better than a dishonest snack!!


Sasha doesn't see the need to do that~ she's the type "This is what it is, you will do it" XDD


Sophia was flabbergasted to even have heard it. XD


She's definitely aware, but she tries her best to pick the ones that have the minimum.😄