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Tonight, we dine at Aarrrrby's LOL

Little Pirate princess, Okra~! looks like she followed her mother's path and continue on to sail Ships 🤣

And ofc~ you can't be a pirate without a pigeon 😆

And of course, drawing Halloween witch Fiona is always one of my favorite theme to draw 😌👌

There's this hashtag going on twitter, #I字バランス部, where the character does this pose, so I wanted to draw it 😅

I tried to summon demon succubus Lili, I guess it worked 👈😏

She's trying to look scary with the "rawr" expression, but I think it's having an opposite effect 😌

Sasha was invited for a business Halloween party, which means she had to go, even she doesn't want to. 🤣

Bouncer: I'm sorry , but I was told that you must have a costume to get in.

Sasha: I have a mask, doesn't that count?

Bouncer: W-well...I have to ask....

Sasha: Listen, I was invited as VIP to this party, so, are you going  to let me in? Or do I have to make a phone call?

Bouncer: Y-yes ma'am right this way...

Hope you liked this month's pack, next poll will be up soon!



Ivan soper

Hello Fiona!


Awww pirate Okra warms my heart 🥰